
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Ocean Garden Cellphone Pouch - Stitching Complete!

Or maybe what I should say is, the embellishing is complete!

China Silk Seascape 1

The scanner made it look a bit washed out. When I get it sewn together, I'll share a photo from the camera.

Speaking of sewing this, I'm sure you're wondering how in the world I'm going to do that with all the seashells? Yes, it is quite do-able but there are some tricks and I will share those with you.

I also want to mention that there's no need to worry about using my purses or cellphone pouches. I've been told that they're too pretty to use, too decorative and rather fragile looking. There's nothing fragile about these. I use bead thread to attach beads, charms and buttons. The larger beads and embellishements are gone through twice with a double threaded needle. Once the stitching is complete on my seascapes, I use E6000 Jewelry Glue. The shells are sewn on with the bead thread and then I glue them together with the Jewelry Glue. These do-dads are on to stay!

I would like to say thank you to everyone who took the time to answer my questions yesterday, either in email or here in the comments section regarding my blog. It sounds like I have readers who do a wide variety of needlework techniques!

Apparently, everyone enjoys my daily Works In Progress photos. I can imagine how much fun it is for you to see one of my blocks develop day by day.

I was asked for more "how to's" esp. when it comes to piecing a block as well as finishing my cellphone pouches and purses. I guess I never thought too much of sharing that information with you. I just assumed that it was already available on the internet or that everyone already knew how to do that part. Not to worry though! Your wish is my command ladies! I will share that information here. I'll take photos when I get to my next sewing projects. Trust me, it's easier than you think!

Several of you also mentioned that you like my writing style. I had to laugh just a little bit because I write as if I'm actually talking to someone in person. I just don't know how to do this any other way. I've never been good at expressing myself verbally so I just write like I talk. Heaven help all of us, huh?!!!

So now, I'm sure you're wondering what my next project will be? Ok, I won't make you wait any longer:

Heart CQ

This is a 6 inch heart. I running over several different finishing ideas in my head but haven't decided on anything for sure yet. I'll wait until I complete the stitching and then decide. Does anyone want to guess the theme? I'll give you a hint: I'll be using one of my recent stash purchases!

More tomorrow....


  1. It's fixed!!!! Thank you! I can see your blog normally with Firefox browser now no more gap!
    Can't wait to see what you create I've tried to imagine what you would use those jewelery pieces for but can' I'm excited to see. I'd like to start incorporating things like that into my CQ too.

  2. I bet you are going to do a peacock on the new heart shape block. At leaset that is what I have pictured in my mind. LOL I love looking at all your stitching.


  3. Gotta agree with Robin - it'll be a peacock, and the doodad(s?) are those black bead earrings!

  4. The seascape looks wonderful, as they always do. You do such a great job on those. I love the heart colors. I've missed out on recent entries, so I don't know what you added to your stash. The colors tell me there must be some wisteria somewhere on here, though. Maybe in a trellis that curves over that peacock Robin mentioned. =)

    And I'm betting it's a sure thing there will be a feather stitch on there somewhere!

  5. Beautiful as always!
    As for the new piece, I agree with everyone else, I see one of those earrings becoming a peacocks tail. And a wisteria vine sounds good too.


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