
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The First Robin Of Spring!

Ya'll know that I have been eagerly (and impatiently) awaiting the return of the Robins. They usually arrive back here in late February but Winter didn't want to leave so the Robins remained where it was warm. I can't say that I blame them in the least!

It was 70 degrees here yesterday, a lovely sunny day and I had so hoped I would see or hear one but no such luck. I kept thinking to myself, "where are they?" Yes, it's the little things for me!

This morning, I went out on my front porch for a bit of fresh air and there they were! Silhouetted against the daybreak, proudly singing their beautiful song atop the roof of my neighbors garage. Two big fat Robins, announcing their arrival! Spring is finally here!

I worked late again yesterday and unfortunately, did not get in any stitching time. I'm having withdrawals. Big time! But I did finish up my design work and my paperwork for the week so I'm free to move on to other things. I will be finishing the painting in my living room on the last 2 1/2 walls today. That should only take a few hours and hopefully will leave me with some much needed stitching time.

To celebrate the return of the Robin birds, I worked up a little counted cross stitch motif for you to use on your crazy quilt projects:

Motif Sampler Robin

Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can download a larger version of the pattern. You can stitch this directly on your crazy quilt block using 14 count waste canvas or, you can stitch it on cross stitch fabric and then sew it into your foundation. I hope you enjoy it!

If you're in need of eye candy, hop over to Sharon's In A Minute Ago blog and check out her stitching. Oh my! She does such lovely work!!!

I'm off to finish straightening up my house and then I can paint and then I can stitch!!!

Happy Spring everyone!

More tomorrow.....


  1. I just love robins too~
    We have had our first warm spell so far and lots of melting so we may just get a peek at them soon! We were lucky one year when they nested just under our bedroom window. Saw them as eggs, hatchlings and then one day- gone! The mother and father were even starting to get comfortable with us watching as long as we didn't move.

  2. whoops I forgot the most impt part! Thank you for the lovely pattern!

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  4. Here in the UK, we have robins year round and they are very welcome visitors to our garden in the winter. I put out mealworms for them each morning. They have to get to them before the blackbirds or they will miss out, but I whistle to let them know when I have put them out. Usually, by the time I am back indoors they are enjoying their breakfast and I watch them whilst I eat mine (breakfast that is, not mealworms)


  5. Anonymous2:46 PM


    Robins winter over here in Texas. I had a hard time getting used to seeing them in winter, when I was used to seeing them in early spring when I lived further north.


    Thanks for another cute, little design! I've added it to my growing collection. Now to ever find the time to stitch them all! :)



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