
Friday, March 30, 2007

Dragonfly Purse Continued

I don't have alot to show on this today. I did get some stitching time in yesterday but I was rather restless and couldn't sit still for very long. Some days are like that. But I did manage to bead the Fan Stitches that run along the edges of the ribbon:

Dragonfly Purse

I'll have time to work on this later today. I just returned from taking Nightmare & Simba to the vet for their shots and now I have to run to Richmond to pay my rent for my showcase for the month of April. When I get back, I'll stitch and do laundry. I've scheduled some serious sewing time for next week and am so looking forward to that!

More tomorrow.....

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Beaded Leaf Vine

I'm running a bit late today as today was my grocery shopping day.

Here is an update on my Dragonfly Purse:

Dragonfly Purse

As you can see, I did a beaded vine on the left. This was a bit time consuming but it's so pretty and quite 3 dimensional! The leaves actually dangle!

I've worked up a diagram pattern for you in case you would like to recreate these leaves on your own projects. You'll need size 11 seed beads and size 6 seed beads:

Beaded Leaf

Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can download a larger version of the diagram.

These are actually quite easy to do. Work your beaded vine first and then go back and add the leaves. You can also make flower petals with this pattern.

If you do try this and have a blog or Flickr site, let me know and I'll post the link so everyone can see your work!

NOTE: I had about 5 phone calls while writing the directions so this is a quick edit!!!

When you get back to the size 6 seed bead, run your needle through that, then the remaining 3 size 11 seed beads at the top and then put your needle back down into the fabric.

I hope no one is confused. Feel free to email me if you are.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Dragonfly Purse

I started on this project yesterday afternoon:

Dragonfly Purse

Ok, I know what you're thinking. "Why is she using blue on this?" Well, there's a method to my madness! I decided to use this dragonfly as a focal point:


He looked great on this block so I decided to embellish with blues in order to bring it all together. I'll hand-paint the lace applique when I finish up my design work for the day. I also have some other cool embellishment ideas for this including some beaded leaves. Yeah! Stop by tomorrow to see that!

It's funny but yesterday, I had no clue where this one was going but today, I can already see it completed! I have some blue Silk Ribbon from Pat Winter that I want to use on here and I just received some beautiful silver butterflies from my friend Bennie. I will be using one of those on here too!

I'll be finishing this into a purse. Yes, you know me, I love making purses!

If anyone is interested in my dragonflies, there's a few left in my Etsy shop.

Ok, for now, I have to finish up a design project and then I can stitch the rest of the day!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A New Project

The sponge painting in my Living Room is complete! And am I ever thankful for Advil! Sponge painting walls isn't hard work, but there is a lot of stretching involved and a lot of getting on and off a chair to reach near the ceiling. I finished up around 6:00 last night which, after clean up time, didn't leave me with stitching time. But I'm happy to have this project out of the way.

There's still some small things to do. We still have to pick up the Crown trim, prime & paint that and hang it, still have to paint the interior door and I have to sand, prime, paint and sponge paint the risers on the steps going upstairs. I was into "country primitive" when we bought the house and the risers still reflect that being currently painted in barn red and stenciled with primitive white doves. Hmmm.....what was I thinking! My current tastes lean towards "cottage victorian", light and airy!

My husband rehung my quilt shelf when he came home last night so I'm ready to hang this:

Lucky Quilt

If you're new to my blog, I made this quilt 2 years ago. It's currently rolled in a blanket and stored safely at my mom's house.

It's a whole cloth quilt measuring 29 inches square. It was stitching entirely in hand (no hoop). The cat is appliqued, and then hand-colored with oil pastels. The facial features are hand-embroidered. I designed the cat myself based on one of my charted designs. This quilt was 4 months in the making is titled, "Lucky".

At the moment, it looks my sewing time won't come until next week. But I will have stitching time! You may remember this piece from a few weeks back:

Pink And Green Block

I will be starting on this today. I have no theme in mind as of yet and no clue where it's going so it'll be fun to see what develops!

BTW - if like Jo in NZ, you're looking for my signature cat on my Seascape pouch, you're not going crazy! He isn't there. I was so caught up in getting some things completed in the Living room that I completely forgot to add him! Thank you Jo for reminding me! That piece is still in the hoop and I think there's just enough room at the top to squeeze him in! He'll be there when I assemble it and share another photo.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Seascape Completed!

I mentioned yesterday that I was going to start the sponge painting in my Living Room. And I did that! I'm 1/2 done with it! Today, I will complete that task.

I also had time to complete the stitching on this little Seascape:

Seascape Cellphone Pouch

I added some more beads as well as the fish charms. I'll finish this into a cellphone pouch and add it to either my Etsy shop or my showcase at the brick & mortar store.

As for my next stitching project, I haven't decided yet. I have several blocks all sewn up and other things ready to stitch on. I may just reach into the drawer, close my eyes and pull out the first thing I touch. I plan to have "fun sewing" time this week too. Fun as in, foundation piecing which I so much enjoy doing!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

TAST Couching

I've been needing to do some regular stitching lately, despite wanting to make more dragonflies! I wasn't sure what to start on. I have so many blocks sewn up and of course, I want to sew more blocks. I love the foundation piecing process!

I decided to just open the drawer in my Hoosier cabinet where I store my "ready to stitch" blocks and there, right on top was another intended seascape piece:

Another Seascape Cellphone Pouch

This is simply a painted dryer sheet fused to the foundation with Heat & Bond. I do this on the seascape pouches because they're so small, any crazy piecing will most likely be lost due to my embellishments. Instead, I focus on the stitching and the do-dads. The painted dryer sheets are perfect for this type of design.

The next thing I did was to add some Angelina Fibers. If you've never heard of these, I will discuss them in more detail at a later date and on a larger project. They are basically, loose fibers which bond to themselves with the application of heat creating a sheer and shimmery fabric which I then pressed onto my block.

Once that was done, I did some couching. What a wonderful technique this is! I use it quite often, esp. on these seascapes. I took some fancy yarn, and kind of just dropped it onto the block. I couched it down where it landed. For the pink yarn, I gave it some movement and couched that down. Basically, I just tacked it in place with sewing thread:

Another Seascape Cellphone Pouch 2

The aqua blue threads to the left is DMC metallic floss. I had planned to use some on here but wasn't sure what to do with it. I find it terribly challenging to work it. When I cut a piece from the skein, I saw that the strands separated on the cut end. It looked kind of whispy to me, like tree branches or sea things (you can laugh, it's ok) so again, I started couching pieces on, deliberately getting those strands to separate even more. This would be perfect if you ever want to do a tree!

Once I had that on, I added the Feather stitch with the detached chain stitch, beaded that and then added a bit of vintage tatting, added beads to that and then the seashells went on and so forth. This is how it looks at the moment:

Another Seascape Cellphone Pouch 3

I expect to complete this later today. I have some orders to package up this morning and then I plan to sponge the wall in my living room where my DVD cupboard goes. Then I can put the cupboard back in place and put my DVD's back in there. I can't however, find my giant sea sponge so it appears as if I might have to run to either Michaels or the hardware store. Since I have no control whatsoever in Michaels, it may be best if I go to the hardware store instead!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Dragonflies Are Now Available

I could just make millions of these little dragonflies! They're so pretty!


I've added these to my Etsy shop.

You can sew them on to a crazy quilt or other fiber art project. Of if you would like to wear one as a pin, I would be glad to glue one onto the back.

I'm feeling the need to do some regular stitching now. I have so many things I would like to do. Stop by tomorrow to see what I decide on. Maybe something with one of my bugs!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Scarf It Up Blog

My friend Louise has started a new blog. I'm not sure if you remember this beautiful knitted purse that I purchased from her Etsy shop last Summer:

Custom for Kittyandme

Louise makes the most gorgeous knitted purses, scarfs and artwork too! I want to order another purse from her very soon!

Anyway, Louise has started blogging so please hop over to her Scarf It Up blog and say hello!

Completed Cellphone Pouches

As promised, I have photos for you today of my completed cellphone pouches.

First is the Breast Cancer Awareness pouch:

Breast Cancer Pouch 2

This pouch is already spoken for. I will donate $25.00 from the sale of this cellphone pouch to The Susan G. Komen Foundation.

The beaded crocheted edging was made by my mom.

Next is the Autism Awareness pouch:

Autism Pouch 1

I designed the charted puzzle piece specifically for this pouch. I will make it available as a charity design soon.

This pouch is now available in my Etsy shop. I will donate $25.00 from the sale of this pouch to Our Children's Circle Autism Awareness group.

Next is my Pets In Need pouch:

Pets In Need Cellphone Pouch

Again, I will donate $25.00 from the sale of this pouch to Pet's In Need, my local no-kill animal shelter. I've decided to take this one up to my showcase in Richmond, Illinois. I thought it might be nice to offer it there since Pet's In Need is a local shelter.

The crocheted beaded edging on this one was also made by my mom.

Last but not least, my Basket Of Violets cellphone pouch:

Basket Of Violets Pouch 1

Does this one scream Victorian or what?!!! I just love it but I can't keep everything I make so I've added this one to my Etsy shop as well. Again, the crocheted edging was made by my mom.

So those are my most recent finishes! I did 2 more dragonflies last night and plan on a few more today. I really enjoy making them and want to use some on my crazy quilt projects. I'll also add a few to my shop possibly over the weekend.

I do plan to get back to some regular stitching soon. I have a few design projects to finish up over the weekend. And I want to start the sponge painting in my living room next week. I'll be getting the glaze tomorrow!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Cross Stitcher magazine April 2007

Just kind of a quick post for today everyone, I have some design work that I need to do.

The April 2007 issue of The Cross Stitcher magazine has been released. 2 of my designs appear in this issue, one being the sassy little bunny design on the cover. The 2nd is a beautiful marriage sampler with a butterfly:


I did complete all 4 of the cellphone pouches yesterday but I don't have time today to photograph them or edit the pictures. I will post those photos for you tomorrow. I also made several more dragonflies and hope to have time later today to make at least one more.

I was asked if I would share the dragonfly pattern here. I wish I could but it's not my pattern to share so instead, I'll work up a few extra and add them to my Etsy shop as soon as I have them ready.

Until tomorrow everyone, have a great day!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dragonflies & Peacocks

Did you ever have a day where you were amazed at how much you were able to accomplish? That's how yesterday went for me. I did so much and had a great time doing it! Well, I didn't enjoy doing the Tax stuff but I enjoyed everything else!

I did the machine-finishing on my 4 latest cellphone pouches. I'll be working on the hand-finishing today. I also did the machine-finishing on my Blackwork Peacock purse as well as the hand-finishing:

Pams Blackwork Peacock Purse

All I have left to do on this is to sew the giant snap on.

I had black vinyl handles for this purse which have to be sewn in. I don't recommend using the sew-in type of handles. It is very challenging to turn your piece right-side-out with the handles in there. Esp. if you go insane with the embellishments like I do. If you do choose to use this type of handle, the trick is to get the handles out first. Try not to drag them against your stitching and embellishments. Once the handles are out, it's easier to turn your piece. Also, be sure to leave your opening large enough. Mine is was about 7 inches.

The easiest handles to use are the ones that you attach after the finishing is done. They just slip into the tabs which are sewn in during the finishing process.

I also made 2 more Beaded Dragonflies:


And I still want to make more! Tomorrow when I go into town, I'm going to get some narrow ribbon and make some smaller ones. These will work great on 9 inch blocks but they're a little big for cellphone pouches.

The only thing I didn't get to yesterday was sewing up some new blocks. But I'll focus instead on how much I did get done!

Stop by tomorrow to check up on what I accomplish today!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Beaded Dragonfly

Yesterday, I set my sights on making a beaded dragonfly as an embellishment for my crazy quilts. I didn't have much in the way of wired ribbon so I made a special trip up to Michaels Craft Store. When I returned home, I made this:


Isn't he just too cool? I of course, want to make a million more now! And I do hope to have time later today to work up another one.

For the moment, I'm just itching to run my sewing machine! With the floor installation out of my way, I plan to start the machine finishing on my charity cellphone pouches as well as my Blackwork Peacock purse. I also want to sew up some new blocks. One thing I can never be accused of is "lack of ambition"! I have way more ambition and energy than I do time!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Basket Of Violets Cellphone Pouch

Back to stitching now, I completed the Basket Of Violets cellphone pouch the other day:

Basket Of Violets Cellphone Pouch

My plan for this week, now that my flooring is done, is to get my stitched pieces assembled and completed.

I have some chores and errands to run but I haven't decided what to stitch on next. Stop by tomorrow to see what I decide to do!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Lovely Day In Galena Illinois

As Sharon would say, grab a cuppa and relax while I share my St. Patrick's Day with you!

Yesterday morning, at 7 am, Scott and I hopped in our truck and drove 2 1/2 hours west to our favorite little get-away, Galena, Illinois.

It was a gorgeous, sunny day and the drive as usual, was scenic and breathtaking!

Once in town, it looks like a little village under a Christmas tree:

This of course, is not quite what it looks like at the moment. The trees are still bare but this photo will give you a good idea of the beauty and charm that we enjoy so much.

Galena was once the home to U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant:

You may remember this photo of me taken in September when we were there, standing in front of Grant's house.

Pam Grants 4

Galena's architecture is amazing.

Beautifully restored Victorians greet visitors as they drive through town to Historic Main St.

Main Street in Galena is one mile long. The historical buildings are now filled with the most quaint little shops. Everything from unique craft stores to boutiques, eateries, home decor, gifts and specialty shops.

The first thing we always do is when we arrive is just walk Main Street from one end to the other and back again. We do get a lot of exercise when we go!

Galena Illinois has also had some very famous visitors!

Abraham Lincoln gave a speech from the balcony of this hotel:

The Desoto House Hotel opened it doors in 1855 and was beautifully restored in the late 1980's.
This is where Scott and I enjoyed a wonderful lunch yesterday. Grilled Chicken & Strawberry salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing!

So are you wondering what goodies I found? Well, I really didn't go with intention of buying much of anything other than a few beads at the Galena Bead Bar. We really just needed a break from our living room project and some fresh air and sunshine. I did buy a few beads but nothing terribly exciting.

What we did find was peacocks! Scott bought me these peacock salt & pepper shakers which will be for looking at and not using. I fell in love with the soft pastel colors!

Peacock 3

And then I found this:

Peacock 1

Peacock 2

I couldn't quite get his little head to sit up nicely but I think these photos will give you a good idea of my "prize turkey" so to speak!

They have a wonderful teddy bear and stuff animal store in Galena. We always go in because we enjoy seeing the unusual stuffed toys that they carry.

He's actually a puppet but I'll find some place to display him.

I'm not one to have too much in the way of do-dads sitting around. I'd rather be stitching or sewing than having to take the time to move a bunch of things in order to dust my furniture. But when I saw him, I just had have him. Isn't he gorgeous?!!!

And of course, I always feel sad when the time comes to leave this beautiful and peaceful place. We are though, planning a weekend trip for when it gets a bit warmer outside and I'm so looking forward that.

I hope you enjoyed today's post. If you live anywhere near Galena but have never been there, I'd like to encourage you pay that little historical town a visit. It is a visual feast and will most certainly become one of your favorite places to visit too!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

If you been reading my blog for awhile, you probably know that I just love St. Patrick's Day. Don't ask me why. I really have no clue. I just do. Maybe I associate it with the beginning of Spring which is my favorite season!

Scott and I are going to drive up to Galena Illinois for the day. It's one of our favorite places to go. We enjoy seeing the beautiful restored Victorian houses and the gorgeous countryside, not to mention all the wonderful and unique shops on Main Street. I of course, just love that Bead shop!

It's a 2 1/2 hour drive so we'll be leaving in the hour or so.

Anyway, to celebrate St. Patrick's Day (and yes, I'm still celebrating the return of the robins), I worked up a cute little cross stitch pattern for you to use on your crazyquilts:

Motif Good Luck Robin

Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can download a larger version of the pattern. You can stitch this on your crazyquilt using 14 count waste canvas or stitch it on cross stitch fabric and sew it into your foundation.

I completed the Basket Of Violets pouch last night but I'll save sharing a photo of it for tomorrow.

In the meantime, have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day and enjoy this little project.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Basket Of Violets Cellphone Pouch

I'm sure some of you are eagerly awaiting to see what I used in the center of the black cellphone pouch. Well, here you go:

Black Cellphone Pouch

A little basket of violets! This was a Mill Hill beaded pin kit from a few years back. I made dozens and dozens of these little kits. I've given many of them as gifts but kept a few for myself which I never wore so I've decided to work them into my CQ's. I took the pin off of the back and then sewed it down onto the block using bead thread. Isn't this too cute? I have a few chores left to do but then I can get back to some stitching on this.

Be sure to stop by tomorrow for a St. Patrick's Day gift!

Cross Stitch & Needlework May 2007 Issue

Just released:

Cross Stitch And Needlework May 2007

If you collect my designs, you can find one of my hummingbirds in this issue:

Cross Stitch And Needlework May 2007 Hummingbird

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Finally, Some Stitching Time!

I'm running late as usual for a Thursday. I picked up groceries this morning and the things I needed from WalMart. I also stopped at Michaels and the Post Office. Whew! Unfortunately, I still have some chores to do but then I can sit down and stitch.

I finished painting the last of the walls in the Living Room yesterday and then had some much needed stitching time. I decided to do another little cellphone pouch. They go fast and I felt like I needed some "instant gratification"!

Here's what it looked like before I started on it:

Black Cellphone Pouch

I've never done one with all black fabrics and I thought it would be fun. In fact, I pieced a 9 inch purse block with the same fabrics. In the meantime, this is what it looks like now:

Black Cellphone Pouch 2

I have something really cool for a focal point in the center. Stop by tomorrow to see what it is! I expect to attach it later today.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The First Robin Of Spring!

Ya'll know that I have been eagerly (and impatiently) awaiting the return of the Robins. They usually arrive back here in late February but Winter didn't want to leave so the Robins remained where it was warm. I can't say that I blame them in the least!

It was 70 degrees here yesterday, a lovely sunny day and I had so hoped I would see or hear one but no such luck. I kept thinking to myself, "where are they?" Yes, it's the little things for me!

This morning, I went out on my front porch for a bit of fresh air and there they were! Silhouetted against the daybreak, proudly singing their beautiful song atop the roof of my neighbors garage. Two big fat Robins, announcing their arrival! Spring is finally here!

I worked late again yesterday and unfortunately, did not get in any stitching time. I'm having withdrawals. Big time! But I did finish up my design work and my paperwork for the week so I'm free to move on to other things. I will be finishing the painting in my living room on the last 2 1/2 walls today. That should only take a few hours and hopefully will leave me with some much needed stitching time.

To celebrate the return of the Robin birds, I worked up a little counted cross stitch motif for you to use on your crazy quilt projects:

Motif Sampler Robin

Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can download a larger version of the pattern. You can stitch this directly on your crazy quilt block using 14 count waste canvas or, you can stitch it on cross stitch fabric and then sew it into your foundation. I hope you enjoy it!

If you're in need of eye candy, hop over to Sharon's In A Minute Ago blog and check out her stitching. Oh my! She does such lovely work!!!

I'm off to finish straightening up my house and then I can paint and then I can stitch!!!

Happy Spring everyone!

More tomorrow.....

New Counted Cross Stitch Designs

Just released by Imaginating, Inc.:

Autumn Quilt Design

Winter Quilt Design

These are my newest design leaflets and are the 3rd & 4th in the series of Seasonal Quilts With Black Cats.

You can find these designs at your local needlework shop. If you don't have access to one, try contacting my LNS, Welcome Stitchery. They carry my designs and are more than happy to ship.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Scalloped Fan Seam Treatment

I don't have any stitching to share with you today. I worked late yesterday on my current design project and didn't have the energy afterwards to even think about stitching. Ok, I thought about it but didn't have the energy to do anything about it!

So, for today, I worked up a charted seam treatment for you to use on your crazyquilt projects:

Scalloped Fan

Don't you just love the Fan Stitch? Next to the Feather Stitch, it is one of my top favorites!

Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can download a large version of the pattern.

On the TAST front, I didn't get around to trying last weeks stitch, the Barred Chain. To be honest, I don't care for the way it looks. It really looks messy to me so I probably won't do anything with it.

As for this weeks stitch, the Up & Down Buttonhole, I'm not sure I care for this one much either. I'll have to head over to Sharon's Stitch Dictionary and see how it's done and then I'll decide whether or not to try it.

Before I get to my design work for today, I want to share a tip with you that Allison suggested to me. Try using Gel Pens to mark your seams. They work on any fabric and they come in a million different colors! Plus, they have fine tips so your stitches will cover the marks.

Have a great day everyone! See ya tomorrow!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Peacock Lamp

I apologize for not posting yesterday. I started painting the living room on Saturday and worked on it some more yesterday. I still have a few more hours of painting to go. I hope to have some time to finish that up tomorrow.

In the meantime, I would like to thank Michele for reminding me about sharing a photo of my peacock lamp. Here it is:

Peacock Lamp

Is it just too pretty or what! I haven't quite decided where I'll put it yet where it'll be safe from my cats. I'll try it in a few different places and see where it looks best.

In the meantime, I have some design work to do so I'd better get at it.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Blackwork Peacock - Stitching Complete

So, what do you think?

Pams Blackwork Peacock Purse

Yes, I do have a tendency to love glittery things. I use alot of sequins and sparkly beads and I love metallic threads! Where else but a crazyquilt would these things look so good? I just can't wait to get this assembled and wear it with the Victorian style blouse that I bought! Actually, this blouse is Edwardian, circa 1911 - 1917.

I've always needed a lot of light. On dark, cloudy days, I have every light on in the house. As we've replaced the windows in this house, we've put in larger ones than what was here. In our living room, we added two extra windows. Darkness makes me feel tired. Light gives me energy.

In all honesty, I like classic style clothing, nothing trendy. Things that are feminine and like that blouse, maybe a bit extreme for our time. But always classic and tasteful.

For decorating, I like the cottage look with a bit of Victorian. Soft pastel colors like pink, light blue and soft green. Flowers, fruit, cats, peacocks and lots of quilts. Nothing extreme there!

I guess I feel I can go all out with my crazyquilting and do what I want. The more glitter and sparkle, the better. When I complete the stitching on one, my husband always asks me if it meets the weight requirement! Ha, ha, ha!! Yes, they are quite heavy when I'm done with them.

Speaking of peacocks, Scott bought me the most beautiful leaded glass peacock lamp last week for our living room! He was in Lowe's home improvement store and he saw it and knew how much I would love it. I'll try to remember to share a photo of that with you tomorrow.

The body is (I think) cast iron. The tail is done in the leaded glass and sits behind the body with the light in back shining through the leaded glass tail. Oh, it's gorgeous and it looks so antique and Victorian!

Someone, send me an email and remind to blog a photo of that tomorrow!

I have a tendency to forget things!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Almost Complete!

I didn't complete this last night, but for me, crazyquilting is about the journey and not the destination!

Pams Blackwork Peacock Purse

It doesn't quite fit on the scanner so when I do complete the stitching, I'll post a photo from the camera.

I added the spiderweb to the top right-hand corner using 1 strand of DMC floss. I did the vine first using #5 Perle Cotton, then did the web and then added the beads.

The rose pin in the top left corner is vintage. I found it down in Peoria Illinois when we were with Scott's dad. It's in perfect mint condition so I pinned it to the block and then did some whip stitches around the pin and into the foundation fabric. When it comes to vintage jewelry for using on my crazyquilts, I usually look for pieces where the pinback is broken. That way I don't feel guily for cutting it off! But when I find something that I really like and it's in mint condition, I try not to alter it.

The next step is to add my signature cat and some buttons.

I'm very happy to say that our floor is almost done. Scott was able to get a few more boards in last night and there's probably only about a dozen more to go! There is a light now at the end of the tunnel!

It's also 50 degrees here and sunny today! The snow is melting and I can see that my daffodils have popped out near my house. I was watching for robin birds when I went to WalMart this morning but so far, I haven't seen any. I'm sure they'll be back any day now and I'm so looking forward to seeing them again!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

More Beading On The Blackwork Peacock Purse

I can't imagine what life would be like without stitching! It seems to be the only thing getting me through this floor installation. Scott is down to just a few rows by the wall. Because he's so close to the wall now, he can't use the super-duper, heavy-duty floor stapler. He's having to use the finishing nailer but he's having trouble getting the nails to sink into the sub-flooring. Old subflooring is hard as a rock! The nails keep folding up. I know he's doing the best he can but I'm starting to wonder if this floor will ever be done! So I focus on stitching which does help.

I did alot of beading on this yesterday:

Pams Blackwork Peacock Purse

As you can see, the tail is completely attached now. I bought some 6 MM AB Swarovski crystals to use as the "eyes" in the tail. They really add alot of sparkle!

Later today, I'll be adding my little cat to the bottom right-hand corner. I plan to add a spiderweb to the top right-hand corner but I think I'm going try something a little different than what I usually do.

I also have a gorgeous vintage rose pin which I plan to put in the top left-hand corner. I already have some buttons picked out and I bought another fan button for this.

Stop by tomorrow. I may have it completed!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Update On Blackwork Peacock Purse

I'm running late today. My routine is all messed up due to the "construction zone". The floor is almost done. But next we have to paint. I can hardly think straight with everything out of order. I'm very organized and have a set routine but at the moment, with my furniture all over the house and tools all over the place, my head is as chaotic as my surroundings.

I can't get to my sewing machine yet so my Charity Cellphone Pouches are still on hold. Hopefully, I can complete them next week.

Stitching seems to be the only I can concentrate on so here's an update on my Blackwork Peacock Purse:

Pams Blackwork Peacock Purse

I stitched quite a bit on this yesterday afternoon and little bit again this morning. I'll work on it again this afternoon.

Hang in here with me everyone! Hopefully, my house and my head will be normal again in a few days.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Blackwork Peacock Purse Continued

Well, he looks like he's leaning a bit forward here:

Pams Blackwork Peacock Purse

Part of that is because he is and part of it is because I didn't have it straight on the scanner. I think I can balance it out a bit when I add do-dads to the branch.

I won't trim the tail until all the stitching is complete. I'll be adding sequins and beads to the tail later on and I'll be twisting it a bit at the bottom and tacking it in place. I don't want the tail to completely hide my Feather Stitch. In the meantime, I'll just pin it so it's out of my way while I work on other areas.

Unfortunately, I have to keep my post short today as I'm off to pick up more stuff for the Living Room project.

More tomorrow....

Monday, March 05, 2007

Another Blackwork Peacock Purse!

I had a bit of time yesterday to work on this in between helping Scott with install hardwood flooring in our living room:

Pams Blackwork Peacock Purse

It didn't scan very well and it doesn't quite fit on the scanner but it's enough for you to see at the moment.

I have all the seams covered now and will start on the peacock later today. I used some vintage black velvet ribbon on this one and then added some of that vintage gold trim that I used on the Red Hat Lady purse. I also did some fan stitches along the edges using waste canvas which I lined up with the ribbon.

I do expect to have an update for you tomorrow....

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Pet's In Need Charity Pouch Stitching Complete!

I completed the stitching on this pouch yesterday afternoon. It looks kind of dark here. I used the scanner instead of the camera:

Pets In Need Cellphone Pouch

Once I get it assembled, I'll post another photo of it.

I'll do the finishing during the week on my latest projects.

I've decided that it's time to make another purse for myself. I think the last one I made for myself was back in November! I'll be starting on this today:

Pams Blackwork Peacock Purse

This will be a Blackwork Peacock purse, the same style as the Red Hat Lady. I found some vintage black velvet ribbon in an antique shop a few weeks back when we were at Scott's dad's house so I'll be using some of that on it.

As I type, Scott is installing our new floor in the Living Room. Actually, I was helping him with it all morning but I needed a break. The noise from the compresser and the nailer gets on my nerves so I came in here for a bit. It's going pretty quickly and looks very nice! And I love the fact that it's prefinished and won't require sanding in my house like the other hardwood floors that we put in.

Frankly, I don't think any aspect of this project has been nearly as bad as when we ripped the drop ceilings down! What came out and off of that ceiling was awful! Remember, this house is 70 years old!

I'll leave you with a kind of cute story. Once we had the old ceilings down and everything was open, a mouse had gotten in. Poor little thing fell to the floor and was running back and forth along the wall looking for his way out. While he was doing this, he had an audience of 4 cats, sitting there, watching him. Because my cats are indoor cats, they had no clue what to do! They just sat there, watching this poor little mouse run back and forth! It was quite comical!

Now we don't like killing things, so Scott caught him in a waste basket and took him outside to release him. And he found where the mouse got in and closed it so we didn't have to worry about that anymore!

Have a nice day everyone! See you tomorrow!