
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Why I Accomplish So Much

First, I'm running a bit late again. That's because I usually go grocery shopping on Thursday mornings. It was slow start today as I had to force myself to venture out. When I left, the temp was -3 degrees. And ya'll know how I feel about that!

I'll start off with my completed Cherub Pouch:

Cherubs Cellphone Pouch

I really didn't have much stitching left on it. I tried it keep it very pastel, almost washed out looking. I like it, but I'm glad to be moving onto something with more color in it.

Like this one:

Watermelon Cellphone Pouch

Betcha can't guess the theme is for this! Ha, ha, ha!! Yes, it's a bit out there. But that's what I like about crazyquilting. It can be traditional or contemporary, Victorian or funky! In this case, it's quite wild & funky! But I like it. A nice change from what I've been doing.

This will be a gift for Scott's step-mom. We'll be seeing her next weekend and I want to take a little something for her. I don't think she reads my blog. Anyway, I have a beaded watermelon pin that I made a few years back and never wear so I thought I'd use that in the center. I'll be starting on this a little later this afternoon. I'm quite excited about seeing where the stitching goes on this!

I want to answer a few questions that I received in yesterdays comments. The first was from Patternnut. She would like to know where to find my new leaflets that I posted about yesterday.

Those should be available in all specialty needlework shops but if you don't have one near by, you can try Joann at 123stitch. Click here for the link.

Gail then asked me how I manage to get so much done. Well, my husband works near the city and is gone from 6 in the morning until 6 at night. We don't have children so it's just us and our 4 little cats.

I'm not one to cook much. Actually, I don't cook at all. Anything that requires the oven or the grill is my husband's job. Ha, ha, ha!!! Honestly, we eat alot of salad and fruit and that doesn't require much preparation, nor alot of clean up. We don't eat sugar so I don't bake. Other than taking care of my cats, the house and laundry, all I really have to do (this time of year) is design cross stitch, do my CQ's and sew. Once Spring comes, I'll be outside working in the yard here and there and although I like a bit of gardening, it's not what I live for so I keep it nice, I keep it weeded and watered, but I don't go insane over it.

I guess that's how I get so much done. I've always been good at setting goals and sticking to them and that probably helps too.

1 comment:

  1. The cherubs turned out wonderful, of course! The new block looks very interesting. I can hardly wait to see what you do with it.


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