
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Red Hat Lady Purse Continued

I spent most of yesterday working on this project:

Red Hat Society Lady Purse

I moved the vintage trim down just a little bit. This adds some space between that and the feather stitch. Visually, it's more pleasing to the eye. I then beaded it with some glass flower and leaf beads.

Up at the top, I did some SRE, creating a Wisteria vine. At least that's what it's supposed to be! Notice the "movement" now around the image. I love it when I manage to accomplish that. There's a flow to this piece. The eye starts in the center with the focal point and then gently moves around that image. I accomplish this with my use of color.

Vines are an excellent way to bring movement into a crazyquilt project. You've probably noticed that I use alot of vines on my crazyquilts. It takes the "stiffness" out. You can use a vine to soften a hard edge. I usually start with some stem stitching, then decide if I want to use embroidered flowers, beads or SRE. I'll add that and then some leaves. In this case, I used some detach chain stitches for leaves, filled in with some seed beads and then added some leaf sequins.

My next step will be to finish up that spider web and then add my cat which will be in the bottom right-hand corner. Then onto the larger embellishments like buttons and charms. I have a hummingbird charm that I would like to use on this and if they work, I would like to add some buttons too.

More tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:01 PM

    This one should be a classroom example of "movement"! The eye just swooshes around from the bottom center, over the top, and to the end of the wisteria. (And it IS wisteria, BTW, I recognized it immediately. And I KNOW wisteria, lol! Stuff's a weed around here - which doesn't stop it from being utterly beautiful, of course.)

    It looks to me like you changed the angle just a teeny bit, as well, on the piece of lace you moved, which divorces it even more from the feather stitching.

    It looks like this one is going to be one of those "all-time greats", Pam. It's wonderful!


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