
Monday, February 19, 2007

American Bald Eagles

First, I want to share with you my completed Spring Chick pouch:

Spring Chick Cellphone Pouch

I completed the stitching Friday evening just before my husband and I went out to dinner. If I can stay on schedule, I'll assemble it later this week along with the Red Hat Lady purse.

On Saturday morning, we drove down to Peoria, Illinois where my in-laws live to spend the weekend with them. It's about 3 1/2 hours south of were we live. I'm really excited about sharing the following photos with you! The Illinois River is open in some areas down there so the Bald Eagles spend the Winter on the river! This is a site that I can't even begin to describe! They just sit in the trees along the river, hundreds of them! We probably saw 100 eagles yesterday!

Eagle 1

Eagle 2

Eagle 3

Eagle 4

Eagle 5

All of these photos were taken from our truck. If you get out of your vehicle, it frightens them and they fly away, which is also an amazing site!

We saw one tree that had 8 eagles in it! For those of you who live outside the US, these are huge birds! Beautiful and majestic! To see so many in one place is just breathtaking.

I have some design work to do so I'll end here. If you would like to see larger versions of my eagle photos, just click on one to go to my Flickr site.


  1. Pam, what an amazing experience. Thankyou for sharing your pictures with us.

  2. Anonymous1:25 PM


    What great pictures! You are very fortunate to see so many in one place!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Pam,

    Great images and fantastic to see these beautiful creatures making a come back!

    Oh, also, I've just launched a Vogart Pattern Gallery, url at my blog.


  4. We have Bald Eagles around here too, and they are something to see. I have never seen that many at once, until we moved here I had not seen one in person. We also got very close to a Golden Eagle...huge bird. They are wonderful creatures. I can just imagine your excitment.

  5. The pictures of the eagles are beautiful! I can't imagine seeing so many in one place!

  6. Beautiful...awesome!

  7. Wow, what a thrilling experience. A couple of years ago, in Northern Spain, we drove to a valley renowned for Golden Eagles. We spent a couple of hours watching dozens of these awesome birds circling in the early morning sun. Unfortunately, my photographs are either too far away or blurred where they flew over so quickly but I will never forget that day.


  8. Great photos, Pam! What a buzz to see so many of those magnificent birds all in one place!

  9. Wow, I'm so envious of your photos and experience. That's fabulous! Thanks for sharing these.

  10. Anonymous3:00 PM

    wow -- what cool pictures!! I've only seen eagles that were in captivity - how awesome to see them out in the wild!


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