
Friday, January 05, 2007

TAST - More On The Herringbone Stitch

Thank you to everyone who commented on their color likes and dislikes! While stitching yesterday I thought about why I never cared for the color yellow. To me, it's one of those "in your face" colors! It occured to me that orange and red are "in your face" colors too.

I looked around my house and realized that I usually go for the cool colors. I thought about the clothes in my closet and again, mostly soft pastel colors like pink, blue and green.

I guess the cool colors are soothing on my nerves. I only use warm colors as accents.

I'm not one to make New Year's Resolutions but I'm thinking this might be a good year to work more with the colors that I don't like and see where that road takes me. Orange would be a good challenge wouldn't it?

Ok, so on to my stitching:

Green Purse

It doesn't look like I accomplished much on this yesterday but really, I did! If you look at the vine to the left, I added some flowers to that.

The real treat is at the top! If you look closely, I have a metallic gold ribbon there. The ribbon is 1/2 inch wide. It came on a gift that I received for Christmas! Yes, I save everything that can be used with my stitching!

Ok, I was feeling sorry for the poor little Herringbone stitch! I knew I wanted to embroider over that ribbon and decided it was a good time to give the Herringbone a second chance! I lined up some 8.5 count waste canvas over the ribbon, pinned it on and did the Herringbone with 1 strand of Watercolors from The Caron Collection. After that, I used DMC #8 Perle cotton in white and did some of my favorite fan stitches! Click on the image to see a larger version over at my Flickr site.

I must say, this is quite lovely! I started beading it and will add more beads when I sit down later today.

If anyone would like to try this variation, here is the pattern:

Herringbone And Fan Stitches 2

Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can download the larger version. And on 8.5 count waste canvas, it is 1/2 inch wide. My software won't calculate for fractions of an inch.

I was asked it if was ok to use my charted patterns for personal stitching use. Oh yes, please do! That's why I'm offering them here. I want other stitchers to be able to use them on their crazyquilts and other projects. Enjoy and have fun with them!


  1. This is a gorgeous block, and I like all the yellow on the green.

    I just love that seam you did with the gold thread and trim on the white. I like the fact that you used the ruffley lace under it.

  2. I was asked it if was ok to use my charted patterns for personal stitching use. Oh yes, please do!

    I sent you an email awhile back about your blog being the dessert of my blog reading...leaving the best for last.

    This is to tell you that I love your generous spirit.

    Yellow? Look at all shades of yellow. You will find one that make your heart sing!

  3. Oh, Pam!

    You are inspiring me to jump in on the TAST! I wasn't going to because of my other commitments, but now I'm so tempted! It's because I like the grid ... I need the grid ... and you give it to me.

    I'm in a group that stitches for charity. One of the challenges is to stitch a bookmark per month. I can easily see how using your wonderful charted seam treatments can be translated into bookmarks. You've really got my juices flowing!

    I'll let you -- and Sharon -- know if I follow through.

  4. este punto me gusta mas que el anterior...


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