
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Next Blocks

I didn't really have any stitching time yesterday. I focused on some more finishing. I like to stay on top of that! If I have too many things that need finishing, I find it overwhelming and don't know where to start so I try to finish as I complete the stitching on my projects.

One of the things I focused on completing yesterday was the Blackwork Cellphone Pouch. I assembled it and then hand-beaded around it with black 2-cut beads. Oh, it is so pretty! All that's left to do is to attach the chain and sew on the snap which I'll do today and then I should have a photo of the completed piece for you tomorrow.

I also sewed up the ornaments that I promised to Kim. Boy, she does some beautiful and perfect stitching! She's been my model stitcher for years and years and I don't know what I would do with out her!

I just have to stuff them and I'll do that today too!

All that's left for me to finish will then be my White Peacock Purse. That's on my schedule for next week. Of course by then, I'll have more things stitched that need finishing!

In the meantime, I have 2 blocks ready to stitch:

Painted Lady Pouch

I just love these little Victorian Lady images! I thought it would be fun to use one on a cellphone pouch. I'll probably do this one next so I have a couple of new things to take up to the shop in Richmond next week. Oh, and I am so excited! A couple of my Crayon Tinted Doorknockers have found their way into new homes!

Also on my schedule for this week:

Blackwork Purse

This is the Blackwork Purse. Or it will be when I stitch it! The fabrics are the same as what I used on the cellphone pouch. I've already been to Michaels today to pick up some more black Perle Cotton and some fancy beads for it. I found some gorgeous little Cloissene (I know I didn't spell that right) beads that I want to use on it and I bought another Fan button for it too! And a few other things because I have no self-control when it comes to beads and other do-dads to stitch with!

So stop by tomorrow if you have time to see what I accomplish today!

1 comment:

  1. You may not have any control (and I really can't relate to that - ha!), but you use the things you buy, so it's okay. =)

    I love the colors you put with your lady this time, too. Different, but still in the green family - my favorite. =) The bottom one looks really nice, too. I was looking at all kinds of browns yesterday, thinking about tree bark. I could see a variety of browns on this, too.

    I'm trying to decide on the best place to put some purple and white tatting. =) One piece might find it's way onto the turquoise block with that lady on it.


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