
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Crazyquilt Purses

I did alot of stitching yesterday and finished up my Pansy Purse:

Pansy Purse

The bee is a vintage pin that I found at a flea market last Summer. I've been saving it for just the right project! This is one of my rare pieces that didn't start with a focal point!

Although I feel quite a bit better today, my husband asked me to promise him that I would take it easy again today and just sit and stitch. Ow, ow! Oooh, twist my arm!!! Ok, so that's the plan for today.

Thank goodness I keep a few extra blocks all sewn up and tucked away just for situations like this!

I pulled out this piece and have already tacked it to my frame. Yes, it's another purse:

Green Purse

I haven't decide on a theme yet and don't know if I'll use a focal point or not. I'll have to dig through my bits of junk and do-dads to see what I have. I do think this one would pretty with yellow embellishments and maybe a twinge of some pink.

Stop by tomorrow to see where this one goes!

1 comment:

  1. Hee hee, I recognize that green brocade! Love how you have used it...


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