
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fish Under The Sea 2 Purse Completed

This is one weighty purse! DH took it off the frame for me last night and told me that it exceeds the weight limit! Honestly, it's not that heavy considering all the seashells and other do-dads that I have on it:

Fish Under The Sea 2

I added a few sequins for bubbles, did a ton of french knots at the bottom with some tan crochet cotton to simulate sand and then I added a few tiny star sequins for a bit more sparkle. I plan to assemble it later this week.

I think unless someone emails me and tells me that they want it, I'll probably keep it for myself. I'm assuming now that I'm one of the few women out there who would carry a purse like this, esp. during the day.

To me, a purse like this is what a beautiful hat was to a women in the early part of the 20th century. I feel great carrying these gorgeous purses. And since I don't go out much at night, I use them during the day. And yes, where I live (not the fashion capital of the US), I get weird looks. But I don't care. I feel really great using these so that's what I do.

Before I start on another larger project, I decided to start another fabric postcard:

Tatted Tree Fabric Postcard

I worked up a little red tatted Christmas tree yesterday afternoon and this morning, took a piece of 28 count linen, tore one of my Fiber Sheets and ironed it onto the linen using some Heat & Bond. I want to do some eyelet snowflakes and then bead the tree. I'm sure this one will be done later today.

First, I need to run to Michael's and WalMart for a few things!


  1. Lovely sea project, and sweet Christmas tree!

  2. I love all your work, but this undersea piece is a stand-out. Those bubbles at the top just get me, they are so right. It's all good and believable...not always the case with underwater CQ....did you drill holes in those shells, by the way?
    How large is this?
    It's great!!!

  3. Anonymous10:44 PM


    This one is absolutely gorgeous!!! And, it must weigh a ton! I hope that you're able to sell this one.


  4. Just worked up a little tatted Christmas tree. Just like that. =) It's darling and I look forward to seeing the finished card.

    The Under the Sea project really turned out great. Weight limit for what? =)

  5. Thats beautiful! I've always wanted to make something like that, and when I have all my current projects out of the way I may give it a shot!

  6. I would love to see you swanning down the main street in your town, swinging one of your beautiful purses. If you get looks from girls, it would only be because they are envious! I think most girls like items that are unique, and stand out in a crowd. I'd be afraid to put it down somewhere in case it got stolen!

  7. If you ever want to tat some fishes, seahorses, crabs, lobsters etc - even a mermaid - then do feel free to visit my web site for patterns for those.
    janeeborall at


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