
Friday, November 17, 2006

Contest - One More Day

Oh, I can't believe how close some of you are! I really want someone to win one of these!!! It's so simple, when you find out what it's for, you're going to want to bonk your head on your monitor!!!

Girl With Kitten Purse

Look at it closely. I'll give you another hint, it is a sort of frame. It's for showcasing something very special such as in "old" or "vintage".

Ok, I'll give you all until tomorrow (Saturday) and then I'll reveal what it is. Please ladies, it's so easy! Think about the things we love to add to crazyquilts!!!

A quick note on the Etsy front, things seem to be calming down there a bit so I've been able to list my peacocks and a few other things. It's still a little slow at times but everything seems to be functioning now. If you're looking for some Mill Hill beads, vintage lace or my peacocks, click here.

And keep posting those guesses!!!! I had a ball reading them all!


  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

    how about a special button or piece of lace this is fun Julia

  2. I think you're going to put a cameo there.

  3. Anonymous10:21 AM


  4. Anonymous10:34 AM


  5. Anonymous11:58 AM

    how about a botton or perhaps a name tag from your favorite kitty.

    Robin in Washington

  6. Anonymous1:06 PM

    A vintage earring.


  7. My second guess is button too. One of those 'old' or 'vintage' ones with a long shank. This stops it rocking around.

  8. Is it the center-piece motif of a block?

  9. Okay, one more guess. A charm, maybe scissors or a heart.

  10. Anonymous5:17 PM

    A brooch.

  11. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Or a badge.

  12. How about a piece of shell? Maybe abalone? But I really think it will be a button. If it is: boo hoo, I'm too late.

  13. A bird...probably singing about being in such a beautiful place!

  14. A tassele, of either treads or beads.

  15. Silk Ribbon Roses.

  16. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Okay...I gotta jump in here one more time! You're makin' me nuts with this question! I should be sleeping... Okay, Linda S. and Gail kind of hit on one of YOUR favorite things to add in CQing---a bird, specifically a Peacock w/flowing tailfeathers? No? THen your little kitty hasn't shown up yet.... Well, I know it's some kind of baubally thing, doggone it! lol..... I'm going to sleep! I'll be back to see who guessed right! Great game..... Brenda L. Minor

  17. I vote for a little photo or siggie?Like you would have in a locket?
    (it reminds me of an inner my gran made for the huge locket she used to wear.)


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