
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Back from Galena

I'm back! And I wish I had a ton of nice pictures for you to see but unfortunately, the minute we got there, it started raining! And it rained all day on Saturday. Sunday was a little better because it was sunny but it was windy. Terribly cold wind. And then yesterday, it was cloudy and cold. We actually left a few hours earlier than planned because I got tired of being cold but we did stop to take a couple of photos of the countryside on the way back:

Galenas Rolling Hills 1

Galenas Rolling Hills 2

I wish there were something I could have done to these pictures in my graphic software to make them look a little better but I think you can certainly tell that it was a cloudy, dark day.

The scenery is actually breathtaking! And I think my camera takes panoramic photos but I can be a bit "technology challenged" at times and it didn't occur to me to figure out how to do that. Galena, Illinois actually looks like photos I've seen of Ireland. Just rolling hills as far as the eye can see!

Scott offered to take me back in December for my birthday but I'm not sure I can tolerate the cold then. I asked him if we could play that idea by ear.

BTW - if you're waiting on an email reply from me, I'll get those emails out as soon as I can. I'm having email issues due to a problem with my ISP. As soon as that problem is resolved I'll send out my replies.

1 comment:

  1. Even from these little photos, it's easy to see that it's gorgeous there. If you go in December, be sure you find a place to stay that has a fireplace in the room. I stayed in Clare, MI, in such a place. They also had a heated indoor pool, and I sat watching the snow come down outside, through the glass wall on one side! Who cares what the weather is like outside when the inside is warm. =)


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