
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Fractal 31
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Before the doorbell starts ringing, I thought I'd say Happy Halloween to everyone and give you something for your projects.

Click on the photo to go to my Flickr site where you can download a large version of the design.

Print this on an inkjet fabric sheet and use in your crazyquilts, fabric postcards, scrapbooking projects, ATC's or print on paper and use as a greeting card.

I can't say that I love Halloween, but I do love all the happy little pumpkin faces and I love seeing the little kids in their costumes.

Have a great and spooky evening everyone! I'm off to stitch before the Trick Or Treaters start gathering their goodies!

Update on Mom's Block and Cross-stitch Stitchable Grab Bag

I made some more progress on my mom's Christmas gift yesterday. I did some more beading and I added some silk ribbon spider web roses to the circles on the right:

Moms Block

This is really looking nice now, very antique although extremely embellished with do-dads which was not the norm for traditional Victorian crazyquilts.

I want to finish this into a pillow with more of the dark brown velvet around the outside with possibly some vintage lace. I hope my WalMart still has some of the brown velvet or I'll be driving up to the fabric store in the next town for it!

Anyway, today I want to hand-paint a small lace butterfly for it and I'll see what else I have to fill those spaces to the right of the photo. I'll have to take it out of the hoop soon so I can embellish the corners and add my cat. I don't know why I made this a 10 inch block. I usually do 9 inch blocks so the whole piece fits in this hoop. I really don't care for having to stitch "in hand". But it's only the corners so I'll deal with it!

On another note, I went through some of my cross-stitch things. Geez, I have more cross-stitch fabric in my personal stash than I know what to do with! But I have a cool idea for some of it which I will reveal when I have things ready!

In the meantime, I've put together a nice goodie grab-bag and listed it in my shop. There's alot of stuff here to stitch on:


The description is below. If anyone can use this stuff, click here to order it.

A grab bag full of great stitchables for counted cross stitch! I had some good intentions for alot of projects that I never got around to doing.

This lot consists of:

*** 4 pieces of 28 count linen and evenweaves. About 26 inches X 18 inches.

*** 3 pieces of 14 count Aida Damask in pastel colors. They're about 9 inches X 11 inches.

*** 30 pieces of hand-dyed fabrics in various counts. They're about 6 inches X 4 inches. Only big enough for small ornaments or maybe fabric postcards. These were a sample pack that I got from a company that has since gone out of business.

*** 5 brass bookmarks & 10 brass ornaments. Again, items that I received as samples several years back for a design project that I did. I will never use these and it's a shame for them to just sit here. They're 14 count and require 3 strands of floss for cross stitch.

This lot is rather heavy so it's probably more economical to put them in a Flat Rate Priority Mail envelope and ship them that way rather than shipping 1st Class.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Current Project & More Fractal Sheets

I did tons of stitching on this project yesterday and finally, it's starting to look the way I want it to:

Moms Block

I put it on the scanner today since I focused mainly on the left-hand side of it.

I was replying to a comment that Susan left for me and I realized that part of my problem with this piece is that I don't have alot of antique looking beads and do-dads. When I buy stash, I always seem to go for the bright pastels! I'll have to keep that in mind the next I'm out and about feeding my obsession! Well, that one anyway! Ha, ha, ha!!

I also wanted to mention, for those of you who wanted a fractal sheet, I added 3 more to the shop today. They're the same ones that I had in there over the weekend. I plan to work up some new fractals when I have a little extra time to sit here and play with my fractal software.

Jo in NZ suggested to me that these fractals would make a great foundation for fabric postcards. Yes, they would!! Thank you Jo for the great idea and for adding one more thing to my list of "I wanna do's"!!!

Also, I'll be adding some more counted cross stitch goodies later this week!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

CQ Progress & Time Change

Ok, I do wish they would leave the clocks alone! I get up early to begin with, but today, I was wide awake at 3:00 am! Honestly, I like the early morning hours, before the dogs start barking, before the kids start screaming and running up and down the street and before the motor tools start running but 3:00 is a bit early.

The good thing about it, is that I did alot of stitching already today! And as you can see, I made some serious changes to this project. I took the ribbon off and moved the necklace. Visually, this looks much better to me. I also re-dyed the lace appliques. I made them darker and gave them a brownish-yellow tint which makes them look vintage and more suitable to this design.

Moms Block

Speaking of dyeing textiles, I'm always floored when I read how-to books and magazines where they suggest actually using tea and coffee to dye fabric, lace and other items.

Tea & coffee have acid in them!!!! I cannot stress this enough, please do not use tea or coffee for dyeing anything!

RIT makes a color called "Tea Dye". I strongly recommend that product as a safe alternative. There are also other fabric dyes and paints that will give you the same look and without the acid which will eventually cause your fabrics and laces to deteriorate!

Ok, I'm off to switch loads in the washer and dryer and then I'm back to stitching!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Fractal Fabric Sheets For Sale

I took Susan's suggestion and printed up several fabric sheets of my fractal designs. One sheet has all new designs on it and the other 2 are designs that you've seen here.

They're nice and bright, just like they looked here on my blog, photography is just not my medium:

Fractal Fabric Sheet 1

Fractal Fabric Sheet 2 All New

Fractal Fabric Sheet 3

These are printed on commercial inkjet fabric sheets (cotton). They're ready to cut apart and use in your crazyquilts, altered art, scrapbooking and other mixed media projects. If you're interested in them, you can find them in my Etsy Shop.

Also, if you're looking for beautiful hand-dyed ribbons to use in your projects, hop over to Pat Winters Etsy shop and take a peek at the pretties that she has to offer.

Mom's Block

Well, I feel like I'm moving in slow motion on this block:

Moms Block

I've done alot of ripping out on this one. I know it's the necklace that's throwing me but it has to be on here so I'm just taking my time and trying to be sure of what I'm doing before I do it.

I think I'm going to get my fabric dyes out and give that 5 rose applique a bit more of an antique look. I think that's looking little too bright to me.

I hope to have another update on this tomorrow.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Midnight Peacock Handbag

I've had so much trouble posting to my blog! Yesterday, Blogger was down for maintenance but today, I just couldn't get it to load in Mozilla no matter what! So I'm trying in Explorer! I hope this works because I really enjoy blogging!

Ok, enough whining for now! I'm sure my readers who have been with me for awhile remember this peacock design:

Blue Peacock Handbag 1

Well, I decided to finish it into a handbag so this is what it looks like now:

Blue Peacock Handbag 2

I'm not sure why, but this took me hours and hours to do the finishing on. I guess I always choose to do things that require alot of handwork. The handle is wire which I wrapped in braided metallic cord (yes, I did the braiding) and then I felt it needed beads so I hand-strung the beads and wrapped them and then I added some twisted cording just because I liked the way it looked.

The fuzzy yarn is hand-worked too. I can only do very simple crochet but couldn't figure out how to crochet with this stuff at all! So, I hand-sewed some braided gimp around the crazyquilt piece, then I attached the fuzzy yarn by weaving it in and out of the loops on the gimp. It took a long time but I love the way it looks! It's so pretty and very sparkly!

I've listed this in my shop. I know many of you liked this piece so maybe someone would like to have it.

I plan to do the finishing on the Rose Garden Peacock and the Autumn Peacock next week sometime.

For this afternoon though, I think I'll go park myself in the middle of my sofa and stitch on my mom's Christmas gift. I did work on it a bit last night but didn't get very far. Had to stop several times for laundry and dinner. Too bad we have to eat! I'd always rather be stitching!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Cross Stitch Booklets For Sale

Been cleaning out some things again and decided that I've probably stitched everything out of these pattern books that I ever will, so I've packed them up and listed them in my Etsy shop:

Cross Stitch Booklets

Here's a huge lot of cross stitch booklets, a couple of kits, and a few leaflets. There are 27 booklets, 2 small kits, a couple of chartpacks and a few small pattern cards. Also, a hard covered book titled, "Gifts Of Good Taste" published by Leisure Arts.

Most of the booklets are by Sam Hawkins but there are a few others in here as well including a Stoney Creek. There are 2 Valerie Pfeiffer chartpacks, a Lizzie Kate leaflet, a Mill Hill Bead kit and a few cards by The Sweetheart Tree.

Lots of stuff here to keep you stitching for months on end!

I think I can ship this Media Mail for about $5.00. If you'd prefer Priority Mail, just let me know.

I'm hoping maybe one of my cross stitch readers can use these. I do accept PayPal too.

Update On Moms Christmas Gift

I spent a good few hours stitching yesterday and made some progress on this block:

Moms Block

Remember, photography is not my medium! Ha, ha, ha! Anyway, you can see the necklace now that I have to work into this. It belonged to my grandmother. It's not tacked down yet as I'm not sure this is where it will stay. I've just kind of been playing with it in different areas trying to figure out where it will work best. The appliques aren't tacked down yet either for the same reason.

I'll be working on this some more later so I should have another update for you tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Crazyquilt Christmas Ornaments

I spent the morning doing the finishing on these ornaments that I made last week:

Blue Christmas Ornament 2

Santa Christmas Ornament 2

Tree Ornament 2

I've added these to my Etsy shop in case anyone would like to have one. The blue santa ornament is sold the but the other 2 are still available.

Back from Galena

I'm back! And I wish I had a ton of nice pictures for you to see but unfortunately, the minute we got there, it started raining! And it rained all day on Saturday. Sunday was a little better because it was sunny but it was windy. Terribly cold wind. And then yesterday, it was cloudy and cold. We actually left a few hours earlier than planned because I got tired of being cold but we did stop to take a couple of photos of the countryside on the way back:

Galenas Rolling Hills 1

Galenas Rolling Hills 2

I wish there were something I could have done to these pictures in my graphic software to make them look a little better but I think you can certainly tell that it was a cloudy, dark day.

The scenery is actually breathtaking! And I think my camera takes panoramic photos but I can be a bit "technology challenged" at times and it didn't occur to me to figure out how to do that. Galena, Illinois actually looks like photos I've seen of Ireland. Just rolling hills as far as the eye can see!

Scott offered to take me back in December for my birthday but I'm not sure I can tolerate the cold then. I asked him if we could play that idea by ear.

BTW - if you're waiting on an email reply from me, I'll get those emails out as soon as I can. I'm having email issues due to a problem with my ISP. As soon as that problem is resolved I'll send out my replies.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Berlin Work Patterns

I'll be away from my computer for the next couple of days. Scott and I are heading out first thing in the morning for another long weekend up in Galena, Illinois. I'll be back to blogging on Tuesday.

In the meantime, I thought I would share something really special with you. Does anyone know what wonderful thing happened in the needlework world in 1804? A publisher in Berlin by the name of Phillison created the very first charted pattern! A design created on a grid where each square represented a stitch.

The patterns were drawn by hand and then transferred to copper plates for printing and then handpainted. These designs were used for petit point, cross stitch and half stitch (needlepoint). Eventually, this type of embroidery became known as Berlin Work.

Shortly thereafter, many publishing houses in Germany began to produce these patterns and Berlin Work became the most popular form of needlework during that time.

Several years ago, I was poking around some old papers in an antique shop when I found 3 original Berlin Work patterns. I knew right away what they were but felt my heart move into my throat just before I turned them over to see the price. I had no clue at that time what they were worth (and to be honest, I still don't know) but I expected them to be beyond my means. Imagine my surprise when I saw that they were marked only $1.00 each! I'm sure they're worth more than that!

Anyway, I thought you would enjoy seeing them:

Handpainted Needlework Chart 1

Handpainted Needlework Chart 2

Handpainted Needlework Chart 3

I scanned these at 300 DPI in case anyone wants to attempt to stitch from them. I'm sure that's large enough to stitch from but you'll have to carefully chose your own colors. Click on any of the images to go to my Flickr site where you can download the large versions.

If anyone is interested in more information on Berlin Work, the only book I have on the subject is called Embroideries and patterns from 19th Century Vienna and it's by Raffaella Serena. My edition is copyrighted 1998.

Enjoy these everyone! I'll be back with more Galena photos on Tuesday!

Even More Crazyquilting

First, I would like to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who sends me emails and leaves comments for me here & on my Flickr site. I'm very happy to know that I have so many readers who enjoy my blog, my patterns and my photos everyday! Posting to my blog is almost like writing a little magazine article on a daily basis. I enjoy thinking about what to share each day and it's become an important part of my daily routine.

I completed the green santa ornament yesterday. It just needed a few more do-dads:

Christmas 3

I really just added a few snowflakes in the corners and that completed it. I'll be sewing the ornaments up next week.

Once the santa was completed, I started on this pillow for my mom. It's a 10 inch block and doesn't quite fit on the scanner so I'll do the next update with the camera. In the meantime, here's the photo of what I've done so far:

Moms Block

Ok, I didn't get very far on it! I actually had another seam covered but decided I didn't like the way it looked so I pulled it out. And as you can see, the lace piece that I was playing with yesterday has been changed. It didn't quite work with my grandmothers necklace which I have to somehow incorporate into this so I went with rose appliques instead.

You'll get to see the necklace next week sometime. I haven't quite decided on where to put it yet but I think I'll have to somehow weave it in with some silk ribbon embroidery which most of you know by now, is not my favorite needlework technique to do but I love the way it looks.

I find SRE to be rather fussy. It's not supposed to be that way. It's supposed to be a very forgiving technique. Maybe I'm too picky about how mine comes out and I've found that a Laying Tool helps when working with it.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

More Crazyquilting

As you can see, I made alot of progress on this project yesterday. At first, I was a bit sorry that I covered all the seams with red but once I started adding beads and sequins I was quite pleased with the results:

Christmas Ornament 3

Just a few more do-dads and this one will be complete. I'll sew all 3 of these Crazyquilt Christmas Ornaments up next week.

My next project will be a Christmas gift for my mom. She doesn't read my blog so I don't have to worry about spoiling any surprises:

Moms Block

The little boy in the photo is my grandfather. I never met him because he passed away when my mom was quite young. Mom's been telling me all my life that I look just like him and that my mannerisms are much like his. She also told that he had the same inability to sit still that I have!

My grandfather was Irish and that too could be where my love of shamrocks and anything Irish came from!

I'll make this into a pillow when it's complete. The photo was traditional black/white so I gave it a sepia tone on my computer before printing it up on commercial inkjet fabric. I plan to use lots of the dusty colors on it and I have a necklace that mom gave me over a year ago that belonged to my grandmother. She asked that I work it into something for her but she doesn't want me to cut the chain or alter it in anyway. This will be a challenge but I do plan on working it into this piece.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Thanksgiving Ornaments (Doorknockers)

I did the finishing on these over the weekend and just listed them in my Etsy shop in case anyone is interested in having one.

Thanksgiving Pilgrim 1

Thanksgiving Turkey 1

Thanksgiving Pumpkin 1

I wish the scanner and camera could pick up the sparkle and dimension on these. They are just so pretty in person!

Christmas Blocks

I had lots of stitching time yesterday afternoon and evening so I managed to complete this one:

Christmas 2

I don't have a lot of Christmas do-dad's so I was at a bit of a loss as to what to put in the corners. I have some brass snowflake charms but they didn't show up well so I went with a few white snowflake buttons.

This will be the 3rd and last of the Christmas Doorknockers which can also be used as Christmas Tree Ornaments. They're only 5 inch blocks so they should work wonderfully on a tree!

Christmas 3

I plan to start on this one as soon as I get my paperwork for the week done.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Christmas Doorknocker 2

Christmas 2
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Just a quick update on this project for now. I have some deadline work that I'm trying to complete today but I started on this last night and I wanted you to see my progress. I have all the seams covered and started to embellish it. Look closely at the Christmas tree. Bugle beads make great candles!

Monday, October 16, 2006

New Cross Stitch Designs

The new Special Holiday Issue of The Cross Stitcher magazine is now available!

The Cross Stitcher Cover

Several of my Christmas designs are in this issue including, this beautiful Rose and Grapes Stocking design:

Pams Rose Stocking

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Christmas Ornament 1 Day 2

I had quite a bit of time yesterday to work on this. I ran into town for my flu shot and when I got back, I parked myself on my sofa and stitched on this for the rest of the day:

Christmas 1

I've always had a little trouble with Winter themed blocks. I'm not very creative when it comes to Winter, probably because I really can't stand the season. Snow, cold, wind and freezing rain are not my idea of a good time. Previous Winter themed blocks have come out looking like a blizzard due to the addition of too many snowflake buttons so I'm trying to avoid that on this one. I will add a few snowflake buttons. I have some really pretty ones. But I'll wait until everything else done and then just add a one here and there.

Just for fun, here's a photo of my black cat Nightmare.


He has his name for a reason! I took this early this morning. It's one of the rare moments that he's not bouncing off my walls! He likes to lay on a pillow under my stitching lamp. My cats aren't spoiled or anything, are they?!!!

Ok, I'm off to sew up my Thanksgiving Doorknockers and a maybe a few other things as well!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Christmas Ornament 1

Christmas 1
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I started on this last night but didn't have as much stitching time as I would have liked. I'll be working on it some more later. In the meantime, I have a closet to clean out. Must make room for more stash!

Susan suggested to me that I print up several of my fractal designs on inkjet fabric sheets and offer them in my Etsy shop. Would anyone be interested in this? If you so, would you want 2 fractals on one sheet or 4?

Please let me know. Also, I'll be running my sewing machine tomorrow. Would anyone be interested in a few more "Ready To Stitch Crazy Quilt Blocks". Please let me know.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Get A Cup Of Tea......

because I have alot to share with you today! Oh, and not only was there frost on the pumpkins this morning, here in northern Illinois but now there's snow on the pumpkins too! Ewwww....What's up with that?

Anyway, I want to share with you first, the last of my Thanksgiving Doorknocker designs. I completed this last night and plan to sew all 3 of them up over the weekend:

Thanksgiving 3 Complete

My next small projects will be a set of 3 Christmas Doorknockers. I'll start working on this one later today:

Christmas Doorhanger 1

After working with Autumn colors for the past week, I'm thrilled to be able to work with blue now!

I mentioned yesterday that I made another handbag over this past weekend. Well, here it is:

New Handbag

The actual bag is one of those plain wicker handbags. I bought it on sale at WalMart a few weeks back for only $3.00! I knew I would never carry it the way it was so I bought some fancy fabrics and some tassle fringe and set out first thing Saturday morning to turn it into a one-of-a-kind eye-catching handbag!

The first thing I did was make a sleeve out of muslin so I had a foundation to work with. I ruffled the layers and sewed them onto the sleeve. Then I sewed the tassle fringe to the bottom edge of the sleeve. Once that was complete, I hand-sewed the sleeve onto the top edge of the bag. I took what was left of the fabric and made gathered flowers and leaves, sewed them on, added some big pearl beads for flower centers, added the cording and strung some smaller pearl beads and I have a really cool new handbag! I told you I like the Victorian Gypsy look! I did add just a bit of fabric glue behind the flowers to keep them in place. It's decorated the same on both sides.

While I was taking photos this morning, I remembered that I never showed you the beautiful beaded purse that I bought back when we were in Galena over Labor Day weekend. Here it is:

Galena Purse

This is so beautiful! It's very heavy from the weight of all the beads and it works with almost every outfit I have!

You're probably wondering what I do with these beautiful purses. I use them. I use a different purse everyday and I don't care what anyone thinks! I am well beyond caring what anyone thinks about me. Quite honestly, where I live, it is not the fashion mecca of the US! But I love beautiful clothes and purses and I feel great when I use them so I do.

Last but not least, this little beauty is now available for purchase in my Etsy shop:

Pink Purse Complete

So those are today's photos! I have to work now. I'd rather be stitching but the sooner I get my work completed, the sooner I can start on that Christmas Doorknocker!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Peacock Handbag

Peacock Handbag
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Ok, so photography is not my medium! But I think this is enough for you to see, finally! I know Gina's been waiting on this photo.

I just love this handbag! It's hard to see but I used fuzzy, sparkly, black trim around the outside of the peacock and on top of that, some black gimp which I also used around the edge of the bag. Also on the edge, some beaded fringe.

Most of the trim was sewn on by hand so this one took me hours to finish but I just love it so much! It has "gypsy" look. Yes, I do love the Victorian gypsy look!

Stop by again tomorrow to see the handbag that I made this past weekend!

If you like the peacock design and would like to have the pattern to stitch, click here.

Thanksgiving Doorknocker 3

Thanksgiving 3
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I always do these little holiday doorknockers in groups of 3! This is the 3rd in my Thanksgiving series. I stitched on this quite a bit yesterday and plan to complete it later today. As you can see, I got a little creative with that blanket stitch! The next thing I'll add is some buttons and then I'll finish off the beading. I'll do the finishing on these over the weekend and add them to my Etsy shop next week.

My next project will be a set of 3 Christmas doorknockers. Then I'd better do my mother's Christmas gift.

Our New Truck

Our Truck
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Well, I added some USB thingy's to my big computer here so now I can transfer photos directly to this computer without pulling out my laptop! Yeah!!!

I had to try it out so I thought I'd share a photo of our new truck. Scott and I bought this just 2 weeks ago. It's the first brand new, "no one else ever owned it" vehicle that either one of us has ever had!

Isn't it gorgeous! And I love riding it. It's so comfy. It's a 2006 Ford F150. Scott is a Ford mechanic so we bought it from the dealership that he works for. I haven't driven it yet. It's much bigger than my Towncar but I plan to take it out and drive it this weekend.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Thanksgiving Doorknocker 2 Complete

Thanksgiving 2
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I finished this little doorknocker yesterday and started on the 3rd one. I didn't get very far on it so I'll scan my progress tomorrow.

I'll admit, stitching with these Autumn colors is a little boring! I'll be glad to get back to working with purple, pink and blue!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Blackwork Acorn Pattern

Motif Blackwork Acorn
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
It's a lovely Autumn day here in Northern Illinois. Sunny, and relatively warm outside! The orange and yellow leaves are falling off the trees now and it's time to cut my garden back. I'll be doing that this weekend.

I haven't yet completed my Thanksgiving 2 doorknocker so I thought for today, my readers might enjoy motif that can be used on crazyquilts.

This blackwork acorn can be stitched directly on your quilt using waste canvas or stitch it on cross stitch fabric and sew it into your foundation.

You can stitch this with whatever thread colors you like. I would probably use a dark brown for the top and a light brown for bottom. I would do the outline with 2 strands of embroidery floss and then the fill-in blackwork with 1 strand.

The design is 32 stitches wide by 38 stitch high. 14 count = 2 1/4 X 2 5/8 inches.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Withdrawals

I woke up this morning, kind of missing Sharon's 100 Details In 100 Days project. Apparently, I'm not alone. I read Sharon's In A Minute Ago blog every day and she too is missing it. So, I decided, for fun, to give you another Fractal design today. This one is the last from my "archives". Print it on a commercial inkjet fabric sheet and work into your crazyquilts, altered-art and other mixed-media projects. Or print it on paper and use for greeting cards! You can find all of the fractal designs that I've offered here in a "set" on my Flickr site. Click on the fractal to check them out.

Fractal 21

I started on this Thanksgiving doorknocker yesterday afternoon and will most likely complete it later today:

Thanksgiving 2

I was asked where I get the wonderful vintage images that I use in my crazyquilt projects. Well, I have a nice collection of Dover Publication books containing these Victorian Vignettes. Click here for a direct link to the books that I use.

After choosing the images that I want to use, I scan them into my computer and print them on commercial inkject fabric sheets. I can usually get 6 images on 1 sheet. That makes them small enough for my 5 inch doorhangers.

I have a few chores to complete today and then I plan to sew up 3 Christmas CQ's for doorhangers. I also need to start working on my mother's Christmas gift. Wait until you see what I'm doing for her!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Another Finish and 5 Weird Things

Thanksgiving 1
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
First, I completed the stitching on this Thanksgiving Ornament yesterday afternoon. I love the blue grapes! And again, my cat is a bit obscure. Can you find him? I'll probably start on the next one later today. But duty calls first so I have to run into town for some groceries before I can play!

I was tagged by both Pat Winters of Gatherings blog and LinMoon although I cannot for the life of me remember which blog she runs.

Anyway, I have to list 5 weird things about myself. Where do I start?!!! Ha, ha, ha!!!

1. I cannot sit still. I know that probably surprises alot of my readers considering how much I work and stitch but it's true. I just can't sit still. I have to get up and move around every ten minutes. The reason I get so much done is that when I am sitting still, I still can't be still. I have to be doing something.

2. I go to bed between 8 and 9 PM and I get up between 4 and 5 AM. Even on weekends, holidays and vacations, I can't sleep past 5.

3. I have anxiety about riding in the car and due to motion sickness when I was little, I can't stitch or read in the car. The anxiety probably comes from not being able to sit still for very long. So I have a DVD Player that I plug in and I listen to my movies. That helps to distract me and gives me something to do.

4. You know how many women like shoes? Well, I like them too, I just don't like them on my feet. Shoes are confining to me. I walk around barefoot in the house all the time. Even in Winter. And I don't like socks on either!

5. I hate noise! Barking dogs, lawn mowers, motorcycles, screaming kids...noise goes through me like finger nails on a chalkboard! And yet, I have to have the TV or radio on all the time. Not very loud, just barely audible for a bit of background sound. We sleep with the TV on! If the electricity goes out, I am an absolute basket case. As much as I hate noise, I can't stand dead silence either.

So those are my 5 weird things! I could have done more! LOL!!!

So now, I tag Gina at Patra's Place, and Angie at Norththreads and Linda at Chloes Place. Although Linda is quite busy right now and she may not have time for this but I'm hoping she does!