
Monday, July 31, 2006

Halloween Doorknocker 1

Halloween 1
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I have all the seams covered on this now so I can start adding beads and other do-dads. That's my favorite part!

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 41

Motif Peacock
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I'm a little late in my post today but I think you'll find it worth the wait.

Today's crazyquilt detail is another peacock. This one is charted for cross stitch. I suggest that you stitch this on cross stitch fabric and then work it into your foundation piecing.

Feel free to change the colors or to add beads to this design. Lots of room here for embellishing!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Halloween Blocks

Halloween 1
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
This will be next little crazyquilt project. I decided to do a few Halloween and Thanksgiving doorknockers for my Etsy shop. I did 3 of each.

Unfortunately, I had only 2 pieces left to sew onto the last block and my sewing machine decided to have an attitude problem. I'm a bit devasted at the moment because it's now with the repairman! But at least I have enough things ready to stitch on so this will be my next piece. It's a 5 inch block. And hopefully, my machine will be back here very soon!

Working With Color Completed

1930 Crazy Quilt Block
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I think you can see now where the logic is to my style of craziness. I balance my blocks by repeating my fabrics and my colors and working in opposites or across from each other.

For those of you who have followed this quick little lesson in how I work, Mad Stitcher was correct when she guessed that I would use yellow in the top right-hand corner. It balances with the yellow flowers in the applique.

Those yellow flowers by the way, are not the cast-on stitch that Sharon has shown us. I tried and tried but had a terrible time working directly on the fabric. Once I reached the point of giving up on that idea, I pulled out my handy-dandy tatting needle and worked my cast-on stitch flowers off site. Then I just sewed them onto my block.

For adding beads, the process is the same. As you can see, I added some red flower beads to the blue lace on the right. That balances with the red buttonhole flowers on the top left.

I used red buttons for the centers of the yellow flowers in the applique along with few red bugle beads. Again, this balances with the fabric on the top right.

Button clusters work the same way. I like to pick a "focal point" button and then add smaller buttons around it in similiar colors to the quilt. The big red button is the focal point. Once the focal point is established, the eye can move around to see what else is there. Without a focal point, the eye doesn't know where to start looking.

Lastly, I added just a few beads to the flowers in the hankie print. Without the beads, it looked like I forgot something! I also added the gold dragonfly charm. This definately gives the eye a place to start!

The block is complete now. I hope this quick tutorial helps you to understand how I work with color. I use the same process when I design my charted patterns as well.

Again, there is no right or wrong with crazyquilting. This is just my way of doing it. If you're seriously considering a good lesson in crazyquilting, I strongly suggest watching for Sharon's next class over at Sharon is a master crazyquilter and she is truly the one to learn from. I had so much wanted to take her last class but my work schedule didn't permit it.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 40

Motif Peacock Feather
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I can't believe we're up to day 40 already! I've enjoyed this project so much!

Today's detail is sort of a repeat. I've shared this pattern before but since we're in "peacock mode" and for those of you who are new to following my blog, I thought I'd make it today's motif.

I use this feather on every peacock themed quilt I do. Sometimes it has to be adjusted a little bit to fit the space and you can certainly use whatever colors you want to for this.

I trace the design onto tissue paper and then pin it to my quilt and stitch it use 2 strands of DMC floss. I do the fill in satin stitching after I tear the tissue paper away. Yes, that part can be tedious and time consuming as well as a bit frustrating but it works well and the results are worth it.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 39

Ginas Peacock 2
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Another gorgeous peacock design from Gina's collection. This is on a WW2 postcard.

This design will require working from both the pattern and the photo. The feathers overlap so to keep the pattern readable, I did not overlap the stitches. I had a terrible time tracing this one too but I hope it's enough for you to work from. Even stitched the way I drew it out, it should make for a lovely peacock pattern.

I'd like to publically say thank you to Gina for allowing me to create patterns from her gorgeous peacock pieces.

Friday, July 28, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 38

I have a real treat for you today! Gina from Patra's Place blog has graciously granted me permission to create a pattern from several of her vintage embroidered peacock pieces. The peacock she posted the other day is gorgeous! If you download the pattern, please take a moment to hop over to Gina's blog and leave a thank you comment for her.

Ginas Peacock

I'm not great at cleaning up a hand-drawn pattern on the computer but I'm sure this is enough for you to work with. I use a light box to trace my designs onto fabric but you can tape it to a window too. Use light pencil marks or a quilter's washout blue pen to trace. Refer to the photo for floss colors and stitches used.

Again, please take the time to say thank you to Gina.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Recent Finishes

I've completed a few more projects so I thought I would share photos with you.

First, is my Bonnet Lady handbag. I just love the colors in this. It has a bit of crayon tinting in the design and some beads for sparkle.

Bonnet Lady Bag Front

Next is my Victorian Butterfly handbag. The lace is vintage and I brought the embellishments down a bit from the block in into the lace by using a large Mother Of Pearl button and some beads.

Butterfly Bag Front

The last of my finishes is my Strawberry Fields quilt. Again, I brought the embellishments out from the block by adding some handpainted lace butterflies to the border. I also added sequins and beads to them for sparkle.

Strawberry Quilt Front

Last but not least, not one of my finishes but rather something my mom made, a cute little crocheted strawberry cellphone pouch. She embellished this with some felt strawberries which are hand appliqued on and then a few felt flowers. This little bag is also lined!

Strawberry Cellphone Pouch 1

I've added these items to my Etsy shop.

See, I told you I had alot to share today! I'm off to stitch and relax now.

Working With Color - Continued

Continuing on with how I balance my blocks using color, if you look closely at the lace applique, it has a bit of a curve to it. This automatically adds some movement to the piece and minimizes the harsh lines of the piecing.

As I mentioned in my last post on this, opposites attract or in the case of crazyquilting, opposites are attractive. To further balance the block and add even more movement to it, I added some curly vines directly opposite of the applique above the tulip hankie.

In the top left corner, I did another vine with red buttonhole flowers. In the bottom right-hand corner, I did a feather stitch with yellow flowers on one side and red flowers on the other.

Last but not least, directly oppostie of the blue lace, I did some blue lazy daisy flowers. Do you see the method to my craziness?

I left one seam unstitched. I'd like to use some buttons there but that's usually one of the last things I add.

Now, based on what I've done so far and what I've explained as far as how opposites are attractive goes, can anyone tell me what color flowers I'll be using on the curly vine at the top? Look at the block, and let me know if it's obvious to you.

The next step in the layer process are beads and sequins. First I'd like to recommend that you use only bead thread and not sewing thread. Sewing thread will loosen up in time. Beading thread is available in Walmart, Michael,s, Hobby Lobby and JoAnn's. If you use beading thread, your beads, buttons and charms will stay put.

Tomorrow I'll explain how I work with beads and other embellishments to further balance a design.

If anyone has any questions so far, please don't hesitate to leave a message for me here at the blog, on my Flickr site or send an email. I'm happy to answer any and all questions.

Crayon Fruit Completed

Crayon Fruit
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I completed this little project last night.

I'll have more posts for you later today so please stop back.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 37

Motif Basket 2
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
As promised, here's another little basket motif for your crazyquilt projects.
Try adding a little satin ribbon bow to the handle. You could try replacing the sold purple flowers with a varigated thread. That would look great too!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Quick Update

For those you waiting for my next "Working With Color" post, I haven't had much stitchig time in the past 2 days. I hope to get some time in later today. If I do, I'll post another entry on it tomorrow.

Also, I'll have photos of my most recent finishes tomorrow so please stop by to see them!

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 36

Motif Basket 1
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Baskets of flowers were popular motifs on crazyquilts and I know alot of crazyquilters still use them. So I thought for a few days, I would focus on baskets.

You can stitch this project as I designed it or you can do just the basket and fill it with SRE flowers or those little satin roses or whatever you choose.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 35

Motif Sunflower
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I'm running a bit late today due to a tight deadline. But better late than never!

Today's crazy quilt motif is a sunflower with a blackwork center.

Happy Stitching!

Monday, July 24, 2006

1930 Crazy Quilt Block Step 2

Yesterday, I decided to help teach begining crazyquilters how to use color and embellishments to balance a block.

Chosing your focal point is the first step as this will lay the path for your color choices. Working with a focal point helps to take the guess-work out of your piece. This way, you won't be sitting around wondering where to start or what to do. You can be stitching instead!

Anything can be used as a focal point such as a piece of jewelry, a cross stitch motif like the ones I've been doing for the 100 Details In 100 Days project, a SRE motif...the possibilities are endless.

Choose your focal point and then pick your fabrics based on those colors. In this case, my fabrics are based on the vintage hankie print. Red, pink, yellow and blue are the main colors.

Once you have your fabrics ready, you can begin your foundation piecing. I'm not going to spend any time on that step as there are several different ways to do foundation piecing and there are many resources already available for that information.

An excellent book for crazypatch instruction is "The Magic Of Crazy Quilting" by J. Marsha Michler. A good online resource for piecing instructions can be found at Annie Whitsed's website.

As you can see, my piece is ready for stitching. I explained yesterday how I placed my fabric colors so please refer back to that post.

I like to work in what I call layers. Once the foundation piecing is complete the stitching and embellishing is layered onto the block. I start with my lace, my appliques and my fancy trims. In the case of this piece, I chose one Venise lace applique which I used on the left to "frame" that side of the hankie print. To balance the block out on the opposite side, I added piece of straight, flat lace.

As you all know, opposites attract. Or in this case, opposites are attractive. That's the key to balancing a block.

I painted my lace to again, bring the colors out of the hankie print. Do you see how the yellow flowers in the applique brings the yellow flowers out in the hankie print? Can you see the triangle of yellow? Step back from your monitor and you should be able to see the balance. The yellow gingham at the top left, again to the right of the block and then the yellow flowers in the applique to the bottom of the hankie. This is what makes the eye move around the focal point. By creating a "triangle" of color.

More tomorrow....

Crayon Tinted Fruit Embroidery Almost Complete

Crayon Fruit
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I stitched on this for quite awhile yesterday and only the leaves and curly q's left to do. I'll probably complete it later today. I'll make it into a little doorknocker. Doesn't the crayon tinting make for an interesting look?

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 34

Motif Forgetmenot Spray
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Today's detail is for simple little Forgetmenots. The Victorians used flowers to symbolize their emotions and Forgetmenots were one of the most popular flower used in Victorian needlework.

Click on the photo to go to my Flickr page to download a larger version of the pattern.

Again, please respect my copyrights.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

1930 Crazy Quilt Block

1930 Crazy Quilt Block
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Another project that I plan to start on later today. For quite awhile, I've been wanting to do a crazyquilt block with a 1930's feel. The floral print in the center is from a vintage hankie. The hankie was not in the greatest shape but the corners were pretty good and I just loved the bright cheerful pattern. This is a perfect way to use damaged vintage textiles.

What I would like to try to do with this block, is to teach beginners how to balance a crazyquilt design using color and embellishments. I'm not even sure this is the right piece for teaching but hey, I'm up for a good challenge!

For a beginner, I definately recommend working with a focal point. In this block, the focal point is the print in the center of the design. As you can see, I used more simple fabrics around the outside of it. The focal point will draw the eye to the center first and then it can move around the outside of the block. A good trick too when working with a focal point, is to place it a bit off center. Honestly, I'm not sure why this is but visually, it just looks better.

A good way to begin balancing a block is to repeat your fabrics. Many of the books I have recommend using 1 fabric for every 1 inch of your block. So, if your block is 9 inches square, they recommend that you use 9 different fabrics. Well, that's not what I recommend. I cut that theory in 1/2 and use only 4 or 5 different fabrics repeating some of them.

As you can see, the red dot fabric is at the top right and again, at the bottom left. The yellow gingham is at the top left and again to the right of the print. Same with the white and blue dot fabric. The pink 1930's repro print was only used one. I wanted to bring some of the pinks out of the flowers and down a little bit.

You can see that the fabrics I chose, match the colors in the hankie.

Remember though, there is no right or wrong with crazyquilting. It's about what's pleasing to the stitcher and her eye! Keep in the mind, this just how I work!

Tomorrow, I'll explain how to start using color and embroidery to balance a block.

Crayon Tinted Fruit

Crayon Fruit
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Every now and then, I love to do simple outline embroidery using my extensive collection of vintage iron-on transfers. I plan to start on this later today.

Gina asked me what a "Doorknocker" is. For those of you who don't understand what they are, basically, they're small pillows with ribbons or ties sewn into the top. They can be hung on doorknobs or hooks and they just add a nice homey touch to a room. Since they're small, they're easy to store and can be changed with the holidays and seasons. Heaven knows, we can't frame everything we stitch so this is a nice way to display small stitched pieces. They're easy to finish too!

If you'd like to know how to make one, visit my Kitty & Me website and click on "Tutorials".

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 33

Motif Bumblebee
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Continuing on with the "Bug Theme", I've worked up a very popular crazy quilt motif for you, the Bumblebee.

The nice thing about this little design, is that you can turn him in whatever direction you want him, depending on where you place your waste canvas. If you stitch him on fabric, you can do the same thing when you do your foundation piecing.


Saturday, July 22, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 32

Motif Dragonfly
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
As you can see, I'm trying to do motifs that you would find on traditional Victorian Crazyquilts. The Victorians loved their bugs so continuing on with that theme, today's offering is a dragonfly.

I've never been a huge fan of dragonflies and not sure why. They don't bother me when I see them outside. I think I'm just always attracted to the butterflies forgetting about how pretty some of the dragonflies really are.

Again, I hope that you'll add your own ideas to this design. Change the floss colors to suit your liking or your project. Try metallic thread for the wings. The wings do not have to be done in black. Make then any color you like and have fun with it!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Posting Comments

I finally figured out why some of you have trouble posting comments to my blog. Thanks to Oda, I realized that my settings would only accept comments from registered Blogspot users! Sometimes I think someone should hit me over the head and say, "Hello, McFly!" Ha, ha, ha!

Anyway, I changed the settings so now you should all be able to post comments directly to my blog. I still have the Word Verification on to prevent spam.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 31

Motif Butterfly
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Today's detail is a simple butterfly motif. Feel free to change the colors to suit your project and try replacing the black spots on the butterfly wings with seed beads for some sparkle.

Click on the photo to go to my Flickr site where you can download a larger version of the pattern.

Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Rose Garden Handbag - Stitching Complete

Pink Hankie CQ
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I finished this little piece last night. I see I didn't quite get it straight on the scanner but that's ok. It's enough for you to see.

I really love the colors in this and I thought the diagonal piecing would make for an interesting project which it did.

I was at a loss for what to put in the pink patch at the top. I had already used the bee charms, that tiny little ladybug charm and a butterfly. So I dug into my button box and found that vintage black rhinestone button.

Sure wish the scanner would pick up the dimension and sparkle of my pieces.

I've completed alot of finishing and will share photos next week. The Strawberry Fields quilt is done, the Bonnet Lady handbag is done as is the Butterfly Handbag. I just need to get photos which I'll do over the weekend.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 30

Motif Ladybug
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Today's chart is for a ladybug. The Victorians loved their bugs! Don't ask me why. But this little one is harmless!

I would use this design as a focal point on a floral crazyquilt, stitching it on x stitch fabric and sewing into my foundation.

The floss is DMC brand.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 29

Motif Autumn Leaves
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
As you can see, I took yesterday's Ivy motif, and turned it into an Autumn Leaf branch.

Again, try adding some red beads for berries. All of my charts use DMC 6 strand embroidery floss.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Rose Garden Handbag Continued

Pink Hankie CQ
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Just a quick little update on this piece. I embellished my signature cat with a variety of beads. There was a little too much plain white fabric to the right of the roses so I added a little stem branch and some forgetmenot beads. I also filled the centers of the roses with yellow pearls.

The diagonal piecing makes for an interesting block, don't you think?

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 28

Motif Ivy
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Today's pattern is for an Ivy vine. Try embellishing with some red or purple beads for berries.

Tomorrow, I'll take this same design and turn it into Autumn leaves!

Monday, July 17, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 27

I've been rather obsessed with grapes lately. Ever since Sharon's Day 24 post where she shared a "caston" stitch technique for doing Wisteria. They're gorgeous as Wisteria but every time I look at them, I see grapes! I'm just itching to do some but I don't think they'll fit on my current Rose Garden project so I guess I'll have to plan on them for my next one.

Grapes have always been a symbol of properity so today, I'm giving you a small counted cross stitch motif for pink and purple grapes.

Again, work on 14 count cross stitch fabric and sew into your foundation or stitch directly on your crazy quilt using 14 count waste canvas. The floss is DMC brand.

Motif Grapes

Click on the photo to go to my Flickr site where you can download a larger version to stitch from.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 26

Motif Spiderweb
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Another popular crazyquilt motif in the Victorian days was the spiderweb. The Victorians believed that having a spider in their house was good luck. I don't share the same sentiment!

Spiderwebs can be challenging to stitch, esp. if a stitcher doesn't know how to do couching. Here a simple charted version of a spiderweb. Use whatever threads you have, I like to do mine with metallic thread, usually a Kreinik #4 or #8 Braid but you can use what you have on hand.

If you use 14 count waste canvas, I would use 3 strands of DMC floss or 1 strand of #8 Perle Cotton or 1 strand of Kreinik #4 Braid.

If using a larger waste canvas such as 10 or 8.5 count, use 6 strands of DMC floss or #5 Perle cotton or Kreinik #8 Braid.

I make my spiders using a large round bead for the body and then a medium round bead for the head. I make the legs using 3 strands of DMC floss and straight stitches.


Saturday, July 15, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 25

Motif Blackwork Shamrock
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
The Victorians were huge on symbols of "Good Luck". Shamrocks, spiders and webs, horseshoes and other tokens of health and prosperity were often worked into their crazyquilts.

Years back, I wrote a poem for one of my published counted cross stitch designs which included a shamrock with roses and lavender, titled "In An Emerald Wood":

Somewhere deep in an Emerald Wood,
a tiny shamrock grows
fragranced by the lovely scent
of a wild Irish rose.

If I should find this clover,
I'll pluck it from it's place
and send it off to you my friend
wrapped in lavender and lace.

The point of this little design is to give you a foundation for embellishing. I see SRE, silk rosebuds, glass leaves and beads. Stitch this little blackwork shamrock, think of my poem and embellish like crazy!

Friday, July 14, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 24

Motif Blackwork Butterfly
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
First, I'd like to thank everyone who has left comments here at my blog, on my Flickr site and in emails regarding how much they are enjoying these small borders and motifs. I'm enjoying them as much as you are. Just like in building a crazquilt, one idea feeds off the previous design and I know I won't have any trouble keeping everyone stitching for 100 days or more!

Today's motif is another blackwork design. This little butterfly can be worked with whatever colors you want to use or whatever will coordination with your project.

If using DMC floss, I suggest 2 strands for the cross stitch body, 2 strands for the outlines of the wings and 1 strand for the blackwork.

If you prefer Perle Cotton, try #5 for the outline and cross stitches in the body and then #8 for the blackwork.

Again, there are alot of possibilities here. You could work the entire butterfly in black on white fabric or in white on black fabric. You could add seed beads or try using a metallic thread such as Kreinik #4 Braid.

Add your own ideas to it and enjoy!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 23

Motif Blackwork Strawberry
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I've always loved combining Blackwork with counted cross stitch. It really makes for an interesting design!

Today's 100 Details In 100 Days chart is a Blackwork Strawberry combined with a bit of realistic cross stitch.

There are lots of things you could do with this chart. Stitch it the way I designed it on white fabric or try working the strawberry with white thread on red fabric or even black fabric. You could substitute light yellow sead beads for the yellow DMC thread. It could be stitched on pink or pastel yellow fabric instead of white.

Lots of options here with this design!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rose Garden Handbag - A Bit Of Beading

Pink Hankie CQ
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Just a quick update on my Rose Garden project. I added some beads to the feather stitch border on the bottom left and then some beads and vintage sequins to the fan border.

Isn't it surprising how much stitching will fit on a 6 X 8 inch block? I expect to have extra stitching time later today so I'll have another update for you tomorrow.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 22

Motif Violets
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
As promised, I've worked up a cross stitch violet motif for your crazy quilt projects. Use DMC 6-strand embroidery floss and either 14 count waste canvas to stitch directly to your crazyquilt or stitch on cross stitch fabric and work into your foundation piecing.

I was asked about my copyright concerns regarding my patterns and what "personal use" means.

Ok, you can print up and stitch any of my designs as many times as you wish. You can stitch my patterns and sell as many of your stitched pieces as you wish. If you stitch my designs and wish to post photos of your stitched pieces on the internet, that's just fine with me.

What I do not wish to see is my charted patterns published anywhere else on the internet. This has been a big problem for designers over the past few years and the reason I removed most of my complimentary designs from my website. Sadly, alot of people think if it's on the internet, it's public domain. Not true.

I'm thrilled to be able to share my needlework and designing skills with other stitchers and I just love the 100 Details In 100 Days project that Sharon started. The reason I jumped on the band wagon, is for the purpose of sharing my knowledge and abilities with other stitchers and to help create more interest in crazyquilting.

Designing and charting can be time consuming. Not the borders so much but the cross stitch patterns are, not to mention the time it takes to work up the graphics so the charts are printable on 1 sheet of paper as well as easily readable.

Please, use these patterns, enjoy them and show me photos of your stitched pieces. But please, do not republish them.

One more quick note, I'll be purchasing a 1 year subscription to Flickr so that I can store as many photos as I wish and so that I can have more than just 2 "sets". I'll then reload my Cortecelli Booklet in it's own set and I'll put the cross stitch motifs in it's own set and then have the seam treatment borders in it's own set.

Did that make sense? I'll let you know when I have everything posted and organized on my Flickr site.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Rose Garden Handbag Continued

Pink Hankie CQ
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I had a few hours to stitch on this yesterday afternoon. I added my signature cat, did the vine and silk ribbon rosebuds, added some beads to the lace and then did the little scallop at the top right. Those are fly stitches done on 8.5 count waste canvas. I really like the way it looks and have a lot of ideas for embellishing that. I just have to pick one of those ideas!

You probably can tell that I really only use a small variety of stitches on my crazyquilts. Every now and then I do something new and I've certainly gained alot of ideas from Sharon's 100 Details in 100 Days posts not to mention my own series of charted borders. But the point I'm making is that new crazyquilters shouldn't be intimidated by lack of stitch knowledge. If all you know how to do is the feather stitch, then by all means, cover every seam with feather stitches. Each one can be worked in a different thread color and embellished a variety of ways.

I do however encourage stitchers to try new things and Sharon's blog is a source for embellishing ideas!

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 21

Motif Rosebud
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Here's another little cross stitch motif for you to use on your crazyquilts. The floss #'s represent DMC 6-strand embroidery floss.

Coming tomorrow - violets!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Rose Garden Handbag

Pink Hankie CQ
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
This is my latest crazquilt project. I started on it yesterday. I love the hankies that have the rayon machine embroidery on them. They make a lovely focal point on crazyquilts.

I find them at flea markets and antique shops for only $1! Yesterday, I found 8 new ones! All with the original tags still on them!

Anyway, this will be a handbag. It's 6 inches wide by 8 inches high and I'm trying to give it a rose theme. The lace to the right is a piece I found yesterday. Yards and yards of it for only $3.00. I handpainted a small piece of it for this project.

More tomorrow....

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 20

Motif Pansy
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
We all know that there is more to crazyquilting than just covering the seams. I decided to do a few small cross stitch motifs for you to use on your crazyquilt projects.

I recommend 14 count waste canvas for these and DMC 6 strand embroidery floss. Use 3 strands for cross stitches and 1 strand for backstitching.

You can also stitch them on Aida or Evenweave and then sew them onto your foundation fabric. If you stitch these on 14 count cross stitch fabric, you'll only need 2 strands of floss for the cross stitches.

Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can download a larger version.

Please respect my copyright on these patterns.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 19

I'm a little late in my post today. I ran up to a flea market this morning and found some great old patterns, some vintage lace and other little vintage do-dad's for my crazyquilt obsession! I'll share some of those things later this week. In the meantime, here are today's offerings for the 100 Details In 100 Days project. As promised, these are based on Redwork but you can of course, do them in any color that you wish:

Redwork 1

1 5/8 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Redwork 2

1 1/8 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Redwork 3

1 1/2 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Saturday, July 08, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 18

Today's offerings for the 100 Details In 100 Days Project are several more Blackwork designs. These are more elaborate than what I've shared previously. Try working them over a plain patch, repeating as far as necessary. Or, make then the focal point of your crazyquilt by stitching them on cross stitch fabric and then sewing them into your block. The possibilities for these designs are endless!

Blackwork 7

1 1/2 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Blackwork 8

2 inches wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Blackwork 9

1 7/8 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Be sure to visit Sharon's In A Minute Ago blog for her lastest 100 Details In 100 Days post. Sharon has also posted some interesting ideas for using buttons in various projects.

Coming tomorrow: Redwork borders!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Butterfly Block Complete

Did you ever solve a crazyquilt embellishment problem and then find yourself eager to use it again on something else? That's what happened last night with this 6 inch block:

Lace Butterfly Block

I needed something at the top of the feather stitch. I tried several things but nothing worked. I still had my Mother Of Pearl buttons out from doing the little button and bead cluster to the right. Suddenly, I just knew what to do! Those 4 little MOP buttons remind me of a spray of Lily Of The Valley. This block is complete now and I'll be sewing it into a little handbag.

This one will be my next block. I believe it's 6 inches by 8 inches and will be another little handbag. The floral spray is from a vintage hankie.

Pink Hankie CQ

I'm working on the finishing of my Strawberry block today. I have the borders and the lace on so now to layer it and bind it. I do plan on starting the Pink Hankie Block later today.

Coming tomorrow: 3 more Blackwork designs!

100 Details in 100 Days - Day 17

Continuing on with seam treatments, I've charted several more blackwork designs for you. Try these in metallic gold or white on black. That would certainly be a stunning accent to your crazyquilt projects!

Blackwork 4

1 1/4 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Blackwork 5

1 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Blackwork 6

3/4 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

A NOTE ON COPYRIGHT - please remember that I own the copyright on these designs. You may print them up and recreate them in stitches for your own personal use and enjoyment and stitchers are always welcome to post photos of their stitched pieces using my designs on the internet or whereever they wish, however, my patterns are not to be republished in any form whatsoever.