
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 22

Motif Violets
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
As promised, I've worked up a cross stitch violet motif for your crazy quilt projects. Use DMC 6-strand embroidery floss and either 14 count waste canvas to stitch directly to your crazyquilt or stitch on cross stitch fabric and work into your foundation piecing.

I was asked about my copyright concerns regarding my patterns and what "personal use" means.

Ok, you can print up and stitch any of my designs as many times as you wish. You can stitch my patterns and sell as many of your stitched pieces as you wish. If you stitch my designs and wish to post photos of your stitched pieces on the internet, that's just fine with me.

What I do not wish to see is my charted patterns published anywhere else on the internet. This has been a big problem for designers over the past few years and the reason I removed most of my complimentary designs from my website. Sadly, alot of people think if it's on the internet, it's public domain. Not true.

I'm thrilled to be able to share my needlework and designing skills with other stitchers and I just love the 100 Details In 100 Days project that Sharon started. The reason I jumped on the band wagon, is for the purpose of sharing my knowledge and abilities with other stitchers and to help create more interest in crazyquilting.

Designing and charting can be time consuming. Not the borders so much but the cross stitch patterns are, not to mention the time it takes to work up the graphics so the charts are printable on 1 sheet of paper as well as easily readable.

Please, use these patterns, enjoy them and show me photos of your stitched pieces. But please, do not republish them.

One more quick note, I'll be purchasing a 1 year subscription to Flickr so that I can store as many photos as I wish and so that I can have more than just 2 "sets". I'll then reload my Cortecelli Booklet in it's own set and I'll put the cross stitch motifs in it's own set and then have the seam treatment borders in it's own set.

Did that make sense? I'll let you know when I have everything posted and organized on my Flickr site.


  1. Love the violets and have them printed out in my waiting to so pile- all from you!
    Pleased to hear you will be a flickr pro - I am thinking of doing the same thing but find it hard to justify as I have room on my website hosting package. I like the social aspects of flickr

  2. Thank you Pam...
    Love the Violets!.
    This is very appreciated..
    Flickr Pro is can put so much more on in sets, and keep track of.

  3. Thank you for your continued generosity. I've loved your patterns as a xstitcher and am loving them even more as a CQer.


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