
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My Next Block

Strawberry Block
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Can anyone guess the theme for this one? I should have time to work on this later today.

I've sewn up the Garden Girls, made one of the pansy pieces into a doorknocker and am sewing the other two pansy pieces into handbags.
Photos coming very soon!

1 comment:

  1. This one's got me tossed, Pam. I have been sitting here trying to put myself in American 'shoes' so to speak - to see if I can visualise what is happening over there with your weather, festive seasons, etc. I know it's not Thanksgiving, May Day is past...could it just be a Summer theme? The strawberries have to be a clue to the theme, but the surrounding colours don't speak summer to me..


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