
Friday, March 24, 2006

Valentine Ornament 4 With Embroidery

Well, I finished my peacock quilt. The embroidery and embellishing portion of it anyway. I haven't taken it off the frame yet but when I do, I'll scan parts of it and share it here.

Since I can't get to my sewing machine at the moment, due to the construction zone, I decided to work on the rest of the Valentine blocks that I started back in January. This is #4. As you can see, I added some lace and then I started to cover the seams.

I struggle a bit with these tiny little blocks. They're 5 X 5 and I feel much more comfortable and confident when stitching on 9 inch blocks. These littles one feel too compact to me. Still, they are fun to do and after working on the peacock for so long, it'll be nice to see some instant gratification.

The Living room is still moving forward. I just put a coat of paint on 1/2 of the floor out there. I thought I would stitch for an hour and then I hope it'll be ready for a second coat. Tomorrow, I'll do the other side. I sure will be glad when we're done with this!

As I mentioned earlier, we'll be putting hardwood flooring in eventually but for now, we have to live with the subfloor. We felt a nice coat of white paint would make it feel more comfortable for the time being.

1 comment:

  1. Your latest CQ is lovely as always, Pam! Are you taking before/during/after photos of your living room? I did that with our yard, and I am so pleased, because now that we have a nice back yard, I have already forgotten how awful it looked before!


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