
Friday, March 31, 2006

The Moonlit Peacock Quilt

As I mentioned last week, the peacock quilt is complete with the exception of the finishing. I took it off the frame the other day and just scanned a few sections of it to share here.

Large Peacock Quilt 4

This is the center portion where the peacock is.

Large Peacock Quilt 5

This section is the bottom left.

Large Peacock Quilt 6

And this one is the bottom right.

I didn't scan the top corners. My signature sits at the top left. As soon as I have the time and motivation to transfer photos from the digi to a CD, I'll share a picture of the entire piece.

It's brighter in person than is shows here and very sparkly! If you would like to see larger versions of these photos, just click on the images and they will take you to my Flickr page.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Doorknocker Tutorial

I didn't get to do any stitching over the weekend. We ripped up the carpet in the short side of the living room and then last night, tore out that part of the ceiling. We might be able to hang a piece or 2 of drywall later today.

In the meantime, my friend Chris was kind enough to add my "Doorknocker Tutorial" to my website for me. For those of you who missed it before the post became lost in cyberspace, click here to find it on my website.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Valentine Ornament 4 Completed

I had a little bit of free time yesterday afternoon so I was able to complete this piece.

As you can see, I did some button clusters. It's been awhile since I've used buttons on any of my blocks. I've been watching Linda's current block and was inspired by her work. I have more buttons than I know what to do with so I kind of thought I'd better start using them.

I really love how this one came out. I hope to have time to start on Valentine Block #5 later today. I still have to take the peacock piece off of the frame, I just haven't made a point of doing it yet.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Valentine Ornament 4 With Embroidery Day 2

I was able to do some beading on this yesterday. I added quite a few beads as you can see.

I'm painting the other half of the floor today so I should be able to work on it in between coats. I expect to complete it and will share another photo tomorrow if I do.

In answer to Gina's question about taking before/during/after photos of the living room, yes. I believe Scott has been taking photos of the progress. When I have time to transfer the photos from the digi to a CD, I'll share some here.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Valentine Ornament 4 With Embroidery

Well, I finished my peacock quilt. The embroidery and embellishing portion of it anyway. I haven't taken it off the frame yet but when I do, I'll scan parts of it and share it here.

Since I can't get to my sewing machine at the moment, due to the construction zone, I decided to work on the rest of the Valentine blocks that I started back in January. This is #4. As you can see, I added some lace and then I started to cover the seams.

I struggle a bit with these tiny little blocks. They're 5 X 5 and I feel much more comfortable and confident when stitching on 9 inch blocks. These littles one feel too compact to me. Still, they are fun to do and after working on the peacock for so long, it'll be nice to see some instant gratification.

The Living room is still moving forward. I just put a coat of paint on 1/2 of the floor out there. I thought I would stitch for an hour and then I hope it'll be ready for a second coat. Tomorrow, I'll do the other side. I sure will be glad when we're done with this!

As I mentioned earlier, we'll be putting hardwood flooring in eventually but for now, we have to live with the subfloor. We felt a nice coat of white paint would make it feel more comfortable for the time being.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

More Embellishing on the Peacock Quilt

Large Peacock Quilt 3
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I haven't had alot of time to work on this. We've really progressed on the living room remodel project although we do still have a long way to go.

You may remember that my my living room is "L" shaped. We moved all the furniture to the short side of the living room and we've been working on the long side.

The drywall is up on the ceiling in that part, the plastering is done and there is only a little bit of sanding left in 2 corners. I have primer on the majority of that ceiling now. We just have a little bit to finish up and that phase of the ceiling project is done.

Since we have that part of the LR is sectioned off with plastic sheeting, we decided to rip up the carpeting on that side. We knew there would dust with carpet removal so it made sense to do it now.

That was fun! Once we got the carpeting up, we literally had to scrape the padding off. Under the padding, was the ugliest lanolium I've ever seen! So we ripped that stuff up and under the lanolium were a couple sheets of newspaper dated 1962.

We're finally down to the subfloor which is in really great shape considering that this house was built in 1937!

It's going to be awhile yet before we can install the hardwood flooring so we've decided to put a coat or two of paint on the subfloor to make it feel a little more comfortable. It won't cost much and it shouldn't take long to do that.

So that's where we're at with the remodel project.

As for my peacock quilt, I made a change in the rick/rack strip on the bottom left. I had 2 pieces woven together and decided to take it off and put only one piece there. Then I beaded it. I also beaded the flower lace to the right of this scan. Last but not least, I did a silk ribbon sunflower next to the peacock so it looks like he's sitting on a sunflower which you and I both know won't work because peacocks are big birds but I thought my little bit of creative license would be a fun thing to do.

I'd like to add a bunch or two of grapes in the blue patch to the left. Maybe worked with white pearl beads. Hopefully I'll have some time to add that later today.

I'm actually pretty close to completing this quilt. I still need to decide on what to do with with the seam under the peacocks tail.

More tomorrow, hopefully!

Friday, March 17, 2006

15 Inch Peacock Quilt Corner

Large Peacock Quilt 2
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
It's been really frustrating for me not to be able to scan my stitching everyday. I really enjoy blogging and sharing my work with you, my readers.

So, I decided to try to get a corner of this quilt on the scanner without having to take it off the frame. I guess I did ok, but as you can see, the scan is a little dark. The quilt is much brighter than it looks here but at least I can show you something!

I'm thinking that I don't care for the rick/rack trim on that bottom left seam. I'm going to take that off and see what else I have. Or I might untwist it and use only a single row of the rick/rack and then embellish that with embroidery and beads.

When I complete this one, I'm going to go back to doing 9 inch quilts. At least I'll do a couple of them. I really love this frame that Scott made for me but I feel like I've been stitching on this forever! And with the Living Room project feeling like that's going on forever, I think I need some instant gratification soon!

Hopefully I'll have more to share with you tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Trip Around The Blogs

Most of you know, I like to read my favorite blogs each morning while I drink my coffee. What a treat I had today! There's eyecandy everywhere!

First, you must visit Linda's Chloe's Place to see her latest block with a sewing theme. Wow! Linda is taking Sharon B's Crazy Quilt class over at so this is Linda's class block. It's so beautiful!

And speaking of Sharon B, she too is working on a new block. Another beauty here! Be sure to visit Sharon's In A Minute Ago blog for her latest piece. And be sure to scroll down just a bit to read her interesting post on "Evenweave Embroidery Techniques" where she talks about using waste canvas on Crazy Quilts.

And then, there's Pat's Gatherings blog. Pat has shared a beautiful Crazy Quilted vest today along with a purse that I have no words to describe. All I can think of is "breathtaking"!

For those of you who love to see vintage embroidered linens, take a peep at Patra's Place where Gina shares some of the latest additions to her incredible collection.

Last but not least, stop and visit Vicki's Turkey Feathers blog to see some of the cutest Easter/Spring towels I've ever seen! If you like vintage transfer designs, you'll love these. Now to find some of those pretty towels to embroider on!

St. Patrick's Day Image To Use On Cards Or Whatever

I feel bad that I can't share any stitching right now. I've been working on my 15 inch Peacock quilt and it is coming along nicely. I've decided though, that when I complete this one, I'm going to go back to 9 inch blocks for while. Not only because they work up a bit faster, but because they also fit on the scanner!

So today, I'll share a pretty little Shamrock graphic that I did this morning to use for St. Patrick's Day cards. Maybe you can use it too:

Shamrock And Rose

Click on the photo and that will take you to my Flickr album where you can download it.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

15 Inch Peacock Quilt

Large Peacock Quilt
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I had to take this off the beautiful quilting frame that Scott made for me to tighten it up so I thought, while it was free as a bird (yes, the pun was intended) that I would scan the focal point for you.

I handpainted the peacock applique and as you can see, am in the process of beading it. I left the tail feathers unattached for the time being until I decide what I want to do with the seam beneath it.

I feel like I'm moving in slow motion on this quilt probably because I'm a bit distracted by the construction zone that I'm living in. I do try to get a few hours in every late afternoon so it does move along.

As you know, I like to repeat my fabrics and I think you can see everything I used in this scan. That small floral print throws me a bit. Not everything shows up well against it.

Time now to put it back on the quilt frame. It's a cloudy, dreary, foggy day here and I would love nothing more than to take today off and just stitch and watch movies. But I have deadlines for my x stitch design work so I'll be a good little girl and wait to work on this until later today.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Really Fun Blog!

Doing what I usually do every morning, reading my email and my favorite blogs, I came across another fun site! Kim at Dogquilters blog is a multi talented crafter/quilter/mixed media artist and she has a wonderful sense of humor! Be sure to pay her site a visit and wait for her photos to load! Yes, there's a bit of crazy quilting there too! And don't miss the darling little puppies!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A Peacock Feather To Embroider

Peacock Feather
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I've mentioned before that I'm working on another peacock quilt. This one is 15 inches and won't fit on the scanner. I just drew up my feather again (I seem to like this on every peacock block I make) and it occured to me that my readers who do CQ's might enjoy this design as well. You should be able to click on the photo and that will take you to my Flickr album. I believe you can print it out from there.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Shamrock Heart And Other Stuff

Shamrock Heart
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Well, we're just about ready for the drywall on our ceiling in the main part of the living room. We just came back from picking up 6 sheets of drywall so first thing in the morning, we'll be starting to hang it. I hope it goes well. The smell of the old wood just gags me. It's a smell I will not miss!

On the stitching front, this is a pretty little St. Patrick's Day design by Sekas & Co. My aunt is so amused by my love of St. Patrick's Day, she sends me a nice little gift for the occasion every year and I really love that she does that for me. I still need to do the finishing on it. I picked up some twisted cording yesterday in a dark green and hopefully I'll have time to put it together this week. Yes, it'll be another doorknocker!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Kim's "Glad Shamrocks" Bellpull

March, is one of my favorite months of the year. I love St. Patrick's Day! I think it's because to me, it marks the beginning of Spring.

Last year, I did a counted cross stitch mystery project for the girls at my Chat Board titled "Glad Shamrocks". My model stitcher Kim, just finished hers and I asked if I could blog about it because it just came out so nice!

The verse, "May Your Thoughts Be As Glad As Shamrocks" came from an antique sampler and I always liked it. If anyone is interested, this design is still available on my website.

I thought this beautiful piece would make a nice post for today. Thanks Kim, for allowing me to share your stitched piece with my readers!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Simply Quilts On HGTV

It's come to my attention, that Alex Anderson's "Simply Quilts" show on HGTV in the US has been cancelled. I'm heartbroken! I've learned so many wonderful techniques from watching that show!

There's a petition available online in hopes of keeping it up and running. Here's the link in case anyone would like to sign it:

Save Simply Quilts Petition

Another Transfer and Other Stuff

Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
The living room project is progressing. Not fast enough for my tastes but I understand that it only goes so fast.

The wiring for the new ceiling fan is in now. The drywall on the walls doesn't go up to where the new drywall ceiling will be. So, Scott is filling in the gaps every evening when he gets home.

On the Crazy Quilt front, be sure to visit Allison's Works In Progress Blog to see a gorgeous Breast Cancer quilt. This is simply stunning!

My offering today is another of my older "dot" type transfer patterns. I didn't quite get it on the scanner straight but I'm sure you can work with it if you want to. Just click on the photo and that will take you to my Flickr album where you can view a larger version.

I need to get back to my design work. But I'd rather be stitching! Oh, BTW - I've been stitching on my 15 inch peacock quilt and it's coming along nicely. There isn't much I can help Scott with right now so I have some stitching time. Yeah!