
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I'm back

I had wanted to post yesterday but after 4 days of non-stop holiday action, I was rather tired and didn't accomplish much.

I had a lovely birthday (yes, I'm a Christmas Eve baby) and a very nice Christmas. Scott took me to see King Kong on my birthday. Wow! I loved all 3 hours and 7 minutes of it! Then he took me into town and let me pick out a new pair of earrings. We went to my parent's house in the evening where we visited with them and exchanged gifts with my aunt and uncle and my cousin.

Christmas Day, we went back to my parent's house for a few hours and then came home. I received some lovely gifts, including a box full of crazy quilt goodies for my birthday from my parents and a beautiful new 30's style quilt for our bed that my mom made for me. I've already taken some photos but still have to transfer the pics to a CD. I'll post them as soon as I can get those photos transferred.

In the meantime, I thought I would share several of the CQ blocks that I made as gifts and couldn't post until now.

Hummingbird CQ


If you still need more Crazy Quilt eye candy, be sure to visit Chloe's Place to see Linda's Peacock Quilt! Wow! It's gorgeous!

I don't have much new added to the Valentine block but if my energy remains constant, I might do some stitching on it later and then I'll post an update tomorrow.


  1. Delayed congratulations on your birthday.Happy birthday to you

    I long for flowers as we have a white cold winter.Your blocks encourage me very much and the flowers you have made in embroidery and as embelishments are so beautiful.Very beautiful design.
    ulla in snowy north of Sweden

  2. I hope the recipients of your gift CQs appreciate them as much as your blog readers would! I had a quilt made for me by an MSN craft group that I belong to, and I was nearly in tears when I received it out of the blue one day. All that work, just as a gift for me. I really treasure it, and show it to everyone who visits our home. I am always tickled pink when friends exclaim in delight over a cross stitch project I have made for them, but the work in those is nowhere near what you put into your CQs!


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