
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Ginger's Diary

After watching The Aviator yesterday, a movie about the life of Howard Hughs and his role in bringing about commercial air travel, specifically the era of the 20's - late 40's, I decided today to watch Pearl Harbor again. I'm quite fond of that time frame as most of you know and I know many of you are too.

Maybe I chose to watch Pearl Harbor because my mom and I were talking about the 30's/40's era this morning. The quieter times and simpler lifestyles. The movie is still playing at the moment. I can hear it in here. This film reminds me that life was not always perfect in those days. The war years were a hard time for many.

I came in here to look up a website that I found several years back, hoping it was still on the web. It is so I'll post it here. I think you'll find interesting to read.

Ginger's Diary was written by a 17 year old girl living in Hawaii at Hickam Field at the time Pearl Harbor was bombed. I hope you find it as interesting to read and I did.


  1. Hi Pam, I just had a look at Ginger's Diary; well, not just had a look - spent the last half hour reading it all through, then reading all the comments! What a unique website - there is so much history being preserved on the Net now, isn't there. I haven't seen The Aviators yet, but I would like to. When I first saw Pearl Harbour at the movies, I cried nearly all through it. When Ken bought the DVD I swore I would never watch it, but I have, when he has put it on to show others, and I still cry.
    How do you feel about the making of movies about 9/11? I really do not want to see any of those. I will never forget that day, watching the events unfold live on Fox News, while Ken was in hospital in Intensive Care. Worst day of my life.

  2. Hi Gina, yes I thought Ginger's Diary was very interesting. I'm actually quite facinated with historical events although I'm not yet at all ready for a movie about 9/11. I saw it all happen live from the beginning on CNN. It's still too fresh in my mind for a movie.

  3. I left a comment on Ginger's Diary, and yesterday I received a lovely email from her, thanking me for my comment! I was amazed - she must be all of 70 years old now, and she sounds such nice lady.

  4. To everyone who has read the diary of the 17 year old who witnessed pearl Harbor. Elizabeth was my grandmother and I'd really live to be blessed to read her diary again. Since she passed in 2009 someone has removed her diary. I can no longer access the page. PLEASE help me find it! Thank you

    1. I am still looking to read my grandmother's diary. She not only witnessed this event, she later on became one of the first women in the Air Force... And a Capitan! She is such an inspiration to me.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. To the lady looking for Ginger's Diary, here is a Google Time Machine Link:

    You should be able to read the complete diary here.



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