
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Crazy Quilt Eye Candy

I thought you might enjoy seeing some gorgeous Crazy Quilting! I could stare at these pieces all day and never get anything done around here!

Pat Winter

Lilla Le Vine

I must warn you though, if you're on dial-up, you'll want to go get a snack and something to drink. Both sites take about 3 or 4 minutes to load on dial-up but I promise you, these are well worth the wait!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, oh, DOUBLE wow...I could just drown in those! Of the two, I have a preference for Pat Winters; I love her choice of colours, and the way she incorporates the old fashioned ladies into the designs. Robyn S (Daily Parcels Tied Up In String) would appreciate these, I am sure. Sorry I don't know how to create a link when I am putting a message on someobody else's blog!


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