
Friday, June 17, 2005

Pansy Block Is Complete!

Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I completed this block last night. As you can see, I added alot of beads! I started with some beadwork in the centers of the pansies to make them pop out more. I also added some beads to the seam embroidery.

I had planned on using some Mother Of Pearl buttons on this block but for some reason, they just didn't work. That kind of surprised me because they've worked on every other CQ piece I've done. I have tons of Mother Of Pearl buttons, in all different colors, but the white ones didn't look white on this block. They looked creamy colored and just didn't look right.

I kept looking at the block and my eye was being drawn away from the pansies and over to the ribbon motif on the right. I decided it needed something to pull the eye up from the ribbon motif so the eye would then move around the pansies.

I know the yellow rhinestone button is quite unexpected but it seemed to to be the best option. I tried some blue and some purple buttons and they just didn't work.

I also added on a pewter basket charm. I wasn't sure it showed up enough against the moss green fabric but now that it's daylight outside, I'm quite pleased with it and am sure I made the right choice.

CQ'ing isn't as spontaneous or random as one would think. I did alot of ripping on this block. I started embroidering seams only to find that the thread color didn't show up or the stitch was too small or too big. I sewed some do-dads on and ended up taking them off because they weren't complimentary.

I don't usually have a lot of trouble with my blocks. But this one was rather challenging.

This block is a gift for my mother. I will sew it into a doorknocker (pillow that hangs on a doorknob) for her sitting room. I need to pick up some twisted corded edging over the weekend. I hope to find some in purple but not sure they carry it. I might have to go with the moss green.


  1. I just love it Pam! such creativity!

  2. Goregous, Pam. I am so inspired by your creativity!


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