
Friday, June 10, 2005


Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
This is facinating reading isn't it?

For a readable version, please click here.


  1. It certainly is fascinating, Pam. I have a couple of very old books too, and love to browse through them. I have just posted a message in response to your comments on one of the other threads here, and I would like to comment here as well. While all these instructions seem very lengthy and unnecessary to us these days, a needlewoman who plans to teach her craft properly would find every little piece of information invaluable, as things like our posture when we sit to stitch, is very important indeed, for all the reasons given in your booklet. Sadly today, so much of it is disregarded, in our rush to get something finished, rather than take the time to enjoy the 'gentle art' of plying needle and thread to create something beautiful. Oh dear, I think I was born in the wrong century...:(

  2. Gina, I agree with you completely. This booklet was written in the days when women didn't have to work. Because of that, they had the extra leisure time to enjoy stitching properly.

    I too unfortunately fall into the "limited time so make the most of it" frame of mind. It's not that I rush to complete my projects. I only rush to get to my stitching time.

    And you're not alone, I was born in the worng century too!


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