
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Advertising Space Is Now Available

Advertising spaces are now available in for the Spring 2015 issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine:

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Painting Has Begun!

Okay, I finally made myself start the process of painting my computer room.  I don't think the word "hate" is a strong enough word for how I feel about painting walls and trim.  But, I told myself if I want it pink, I have to do it so I went to the hardware store and picked up everything I needed to get started.  Here are a couple of the before photos:

It was a pretty sponge painted sage green with white trim and Wisteria stenciled here and there.  Very garden feeling but I've been looking at it for over 10 years and I'm tired of it.  So at the moment, it's all white.  It took 3 coats of white to cover up that green!

On either Friday or Saturday, I'll start sponge painting the pink on.  I bought 1 quart of the pink paint and 1 quart of the glaze.  I just have to mix them together.  So when I have the sponge painting done, I'll post another photo.

I also pulled out a stencil with roses on it that I bought awhile back so I'll be stenciling roses in here once the pink glaze cures.

I found a white corner desk in a catalog so I'll order that tomorrow and next week, I'll get my new computer ordered from Dell, if I can figure out their website and all the options.  One step at a time, right?

Meanwhile, I finished up my little pink purse.  Well, the stitching is done.  I just have it pinned in place so you can get the gist of what it will look like when it's finished:
And I started a 3rd purse in the same style:

I have a little more to do on the computer and then I'm going to go stitch for awhile.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

November 1st Deadline

I've been stitching on some small Crazy Quilt purses and making progress on my 2nd in this set:

Notice the little tatted flowers on the right.  I made those yesterday morning!  The center flower is from a vintage hankie.  I really need to use some of my collection before I start buying more!  I love vintage hankies!

JUST A REMINDER:  The deadline for projects, tutorials, eye candy and Ad Copy for the Spring 2015 issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine is November 1st.  I know it's a little tight for everyone right now with Pat working on her last issue and me working on my first but I need to have all my ducks in a row so to speak, well in advance.  If you have anything you want me to include in the Spring issue or if you want to place an Ad, please email me asap!

Also, I'm looking for an Easter themed Crazy Quilt project.  It doesn't have to be a big project, just something small for eye candy!!!  Please let me know if you have something you want to share!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Getting Ready To Paint

Well, I have everything I need to get my room painted pink!  The white base coat paint and the glaze and the pale pink paint for sponge painting.  Still waiting for DH to fix the drywall crack under the window though.  I took my Marie Antoinette quilt down.  I have to clean that and I took the valance down and will wash that tomorrow.  I will use that valance again because I like it.  I'll take before and after photos so you can see the change.  This room is very pretty now.  It's sponge painted a soft sage green and I have purple Wisteria stenciled in here. But it's been this way for well over 12 years and I'm tired of it.  So soon it will be pink!

Once I get the painting done, I'll be stenciling roses in here.  I already pulled out my stencil and just have to run to Michaels to get the stencil paint.  I can do that as I feel like it though.

I've been working out the details of my new Dell computer too.  My dad has been helping me.  Our next step is to pick out a monitor.  Don't know why I can't figure all this out on my own but it's sort of overwhelming.  The computer I have now is about 15 years old and everything has changed so much over the years that I just feel better having my dad help me.

I found a white corner desk in a catalog so I need to get that ordered.

In the meantime, I've been putting pages together for my first issue of the magazine.  The cover is done and I have about 15 other pages all done and ready to go.  So far, I'm very pleased with it.  I hope everyone else is too.

For now, I finished stitching up a little purse:

This isn't sewn together yet.  I just kind of have it all pinned into shape.

I started another one of the same style:

I have a 3rd one to stitch as well. Once they're all stitched, I'll put them together.

I guess that's my news for today.  It's time for me to get off the computer and go fold some laundry!

Thursday, October 09, 2014

A Few Things Finished

I spent most of the day yesterday finishing up projects.  First is this pretty Purple Crazy Quilt Pillow:

I also finished up on this little Cellphone Pouch which was a custom order:

And finally, this pillow with the vintage Rose perfume label:

Mom has finishes too!  She made these sweet little Felt Christmas Tree Ornaments for our Etsy shop:

So, now that I have everything finished and I'm all caught up on things, I started on some new little purses.  I'll have some photos over the weekend!

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Christmas Door Hangers

Well, I finally got my yard all cut back.  And we put in about 60 tulip bulbs on Sunday so I'll have some new pretties come Spring.  I may pick up some more tulip bulbs for the back yard this weekend since Scott was willing to help me plant them.  With his help, we had it done in no time!

For now, I have a couple of Christmas door hangers that my mom made:

These are so sweet!

Tomorrow is a "finishing" day for me.  I have 2 pillows and cellphone pouch to put together so when those are done, I'll have more photos to share!

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Is It Really October Now?

Where did the Summer go?  It's so hard to believe that pretty soon, it'll be too cold to sit out on my deck.  Yes, that Seasonal Affective Disorder has already set in.  Actually, it set in at the end of August.  The thought of not being able to go out on my deck saddens me greatly.  I just love it out there.  I'll try to remember to take some photos of it next time I post. 

For now, I finally have all of the Rose Of Sharon trees trimmed.  All that's left are 2 lilac bushes and the side garden but my neighbors pumpkin patch (will have to get photos of that too) has taken over my garden so I can't cut that back yet.

For now, I finished up the purple crazy quilt block that I was working on:

I'll have to sew this up next week and then I'll post another picture. 

My next project is a little special order cellphone pouch.  I plan to start on that this evening.