
Friday, August 30, 2013

Christmas Stitching

I finished up this Crazy Quilt Christmas Block this morning:

Not a great photo but I'll post another one next week once I get this sewn together.

Also, if anyone out there likes Pinterest, be sure to follow me there!  I know, Pinterest is addictive but I pin a little everyday and mom likes to pin too (on my account) so be sure to see all the pretty things we find!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Christmas Crazy Quilting

Did you ever feel like all you ever do is clean your house and run errands?  I think I have 6 days a week like that!  LOL!!!  Well, I'll focus on some news for now.

First, I have an update on my Christmas Crazy Quilt Pillow:

Be sure to look closely at the borders.  I used a combination of my Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments as well as Sharon B's templates.  I have some more stitching to do on this.

And here is a new photo of Wrigley:

He's a beauty, isn't he?  And so soft and mushy!  He's very playful and sweet and a thief too!  He steals my pony tail holders right out of my hand.  And my pens while I'm trying to write.  He just walks up to me, grabs it and runs! 

In other news, my sweet blog friend Freda is have a blog drawing.  Be sure to hop over to Sew Whats New blog and leave a comment!

Finally for today, Favequilts has featured my Embroidery Peacock Tutorial!  How cool is that?!!!  Hop over to the website and click on "Art Quilts" and then "Page 2".  There's lots to see on this site so be sure to take the time to look around!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Coming Soon Lesson 8

I just finished typing up Lesson 8 of my Crazy Quilt Color and Composition Course so I thought for today, I'd share a little sneak peek:

In this lesson, we'll be covering Stumpwork Embroidery with thread wrapped beads.

Jason will have this Lesson ready to order in about a week so please keep your eye on my blog.  I'll let you know when it's ready.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Christmas Block

Here's the latest on my Crazy Quilt Christmas Block:

I used a combination of my waste canvas technique along with Sharon B's stencils to work my borders.  I'll start adding some beads later today.

For now, I'm working on typing up Lesson 8 of my online crazy quilt class.  We'll have it ready shortly. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Antique Embroidery Books

First, I have a quick update on my Christmas Crazy Quilt Block:

I pulled some lace and trim for this block and sewed those pieces down so next, I can start stitching.  Which I'll do when I get offline.  It's very hot today so I don't plan to sit on my deck until this evening when it cools off.

In other news, to satisfy my insatiable appetite for embroidery techniques and information, I came across a site that is loaded with old embroidery books, all available to read online.  As I go through these antique embroidery books, I'll embed the links here so you can enjoy them too.  This one is called Wallachian Embroidery.  I haven't read through it all yet but I think crazy quilters may find this book useful for new ideas:

If I added the link correctly, you should be able to read this book right here on my blog.

If you look closely at the photos and read through the first page, you'll see that it's nothing more than the Buttonhole stitch.  But how it's worked produces some very lovely effects and the photos might give you some fun ideas to try with your crazy quilt projects.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Crazy Quilt Christmas Pillow

I'm pleased to say that I've completed the model for Lesson 8 of my Online Crazy Quilt Class.  Now that it's ready, I just have to type up the instructions and send it off to Jason who will put it together into a beautiful booklet.  I think ya'll will enjoy this one!  We're going to cover some new techniques! 

So now that I have that ready, I'm going to stitch on this Crazy Quilt Christmas Pillow:

The poinsettia is from a vintage hankie that I bought at a flea market earlier this Summer.  Be sure to follow my progress and see how this turns out! 

I have a new photo of my little Cotton for you:

I think his eyes are very sensitive because he always blinks when I use the flash.  He's 4 months old now and sweet as can be!  I tried to get a photo of Wrigley but he's always in motion so I'll keep trying!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Cottage Chic Crazy Quilt Pillows

Looks like my mom has caught the Crazy Quilt bug again!  She's made several Cottage Chic Crazy Quilt Pillows:

I've mentioned this before but if you don't know, my mom is legally blind.  She has a very small amount of vision and therefore, can't do some of the extensive embroidery that I do.  But she certainly makes a good effort doesn't she?  These are absolutely beautiful and you would never know to look at mom's work that she really doesn't see well!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Crazy Quilt Finishes

It's been a busy week.  I feel like all I've done is run around here and run around there.  Appointments, having to pick up things at the grocery store and then cleaning and laundry.  But somehow I managed to finish up a few of the projects that I was working on.  First is my Victorian Crazy Quilt Handbag:

I had crocheted some pink trim for the bottom but when I put it this purse together, it just didn't seem to work.  So I went a more simple finish for the bottom.  I think it came out nicely!

Next is my Snowman Pillow:

If you don't remember, I made this piece for my aunt for her birthday which is in October.  My aunt loves snowmen so I think she'll enjoy having this!

Finally, I finished up this Crazy Quilt Teddy Bear Doll:

This is a gift for a friend.  I want to get this in the mail either tomorrow or Saturday.

For those of you taking my Crazy Quilt Online Course, I'm working on Lesson 8 right now.  I thought I'd have it done by now but again, I feel like I've done nothing but run around all week!  We'll have it ready soon!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Crazy Quilt Gatherings Magazine Autumn Issue 2013

The Autumn 2013 issue of Pat Winter's Crazy Quilt Gatherings Magazine is out!

The magazine is available at Magcloud.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Victorian Rose Purse

I have a couple of projects in the works.  As always!  But I did finish this block up this morning:

The part with the roses was a tablemat that I found at a flea market.  Kind of a doily but not made of lace.  Anyway, I cut it in half and gave the other half to mom.  Not sure what she'll do with it but this is what I did with it!  I'll make this into a purse when I have some time to do the finishing.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Crazy Quilt Snowman

I finished stitching up this Crazy Quilt Snowman the other day:

I did the little cross stitch snowman quite awhile back and thought he would look cute on a Christmas Crazy Quilt pillow.  As soon as I get this sewn together, I'll post another photo.  This is a gift for my aunt for her birthday the end of October.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Student Crazy Quilt Blocks

I have some pretty completed blocks to share today.  The first is Kathy's completed Lesson 4 - Flight Of The Bumblebee:

Kathy did a wonderful job with Lesson 4.  A nice variety of stitches, I see some pretty floral vines, a few extra bumblebees - Kathy are those little ones embroidered?  Kathy did a wonderful job filling the negative space without covering up the entire block.  Notice how your eye moves around the block.  There's a nice flow to this block.  And a lovely combination of colors.

Next, I have Maria's block from Lesson 7 - Proud As A Peacock:

Maria's peacock is gorgeous!  This lesson required that all seams be stitched with the Feather stitch.  Maria has several variations of it on her block.  Notice the cast-on stitch to the left.  Lovely!!!!  I also see the buttonhole stitch used on the leaves of the branch and some pretty yo-yo flowers at the top.  Again, Maria did a wonderful job creating movement.  All the required elements are here and the colors in this block are just beautiful!

Finally, I have Karin's Lesson 7 block:

All I can say is, beautiful!  That peacock is just stunning!  Karin outdid herself on this block.  The feather stitch is used on several seams, the long and short stitch on the peacock's upper body is perfect and the white flowers create a wonderful balance with the white peacock.  I see the ribbon and yarn vines at the top some pretty satin stitched leaves on the branch.  Karin, is that a vintage brooch on the peacock tail?

I have to say, I'm blown away by the beautiful work that is coming from my students.   I'm seeing an awesome amount of creativity added to the requirements for each block.  Excellent execution of the requirements, and very good balance.

Thank you Ladies!  Ya'll did a wonderful job on these blocks!

Lesson 8 will be available soon.  If anyone is interested in taking my Crazy Quilt Color & Composition Classes, you can start anytime.  Feel free to join in the fun!  And be sure to email photos to me of your finished blocks!

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Crazy Quilt Snowman Pillow

I have some things to share today, all in various stages of progress.  First, is my pink cellphone pouch:

This is completely finished now and ready to go to it's new owner!

Next, is my little green Crazy Quilt teddy bear:

It doesn't look like much now but it will when I get it sewn up next week.

Last but not least, my newest project.  A Crazy Quilt Snowman pillow:

I did the little cross stitch snowman a few years ago.  Finally decided to sew it into a pillow.  I just started on this piece this morning.  I'm done with chores for the day so I can go stitch on it some more now!

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Victorian Style Crazy Quilt Pillows

Well, I hope you're not all sitting here clicking the reload button over and over!  I know I left ya'll hanging on what I was going to sew the old world santa and the lady in the hat into.  Okay, I know this isn't Ebay so no need to think that anyone is sitting on the edge of their seat here!  LOL!!!  I made them into Victorian Style Pillows.  Are ya'll surprised?

And here is the Old World Santa Pillow:

I don't know which one I like more!  The santa is a bit unusual for me since I like to work with a more colorful palette but I do think this is stunning! 

So for my next projects, I have to finish up my little green teddy bear doll, I need to work up the model for Lesson 8 of my Crazy Quilt Class and I have a pile of other things that I can't wait to stitch on.  I guess I should get off the computer now and get to my stitching!

Monday, August 05, 2013

Crazy Quilt Teddy Bear

Well, I finally decided what to sew my 2 stitched pieces that I shared yesterday into.  Hmmmm.....should I spill the beans?  or wait?  I think I'll tease ya'll and wait!  Both are sewn so I just have to do the hand finishing.  If all goes well, I'll post photos tomorrow.  You'll definitely want to see these so do stop back!

A friend of mine asked me for one of my Crazy Quilt Teddy Bears in green so I started stitching on it this morning:

I would have been further along on this but my little baby kitty Cotton decided that he wanted to stitch too.  I told him that he was too young to play scissors and needles!  LOL!!!  I put it down to play with him and some of his toys.

While digging around in my stash for the something the other day, I found a few packages of vintage satin blanket seam binding:

I opened the satin binding up and ironed it flat.  Vintage anything is such high quality compared to most of what's available now.  I'm going to use it to make a few yo-yo's.  There's miles yardage here so I'll either make a lot of yo-yo's or I'll save some for future crazy quilt projects!

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Christmas Crazy Quilt Block

Been on the go these past few days so this is the first chance I've had to update my blog.  I do have some stitching to share.  First is the Lady In the Hat block that I started the other day.  It's done now and ready to sew into something:

Next, I started on this block yesterday and finished it this morning:

I still haven't decided what I'll sew these into but my day is free tomorrow so hopefully, I'll figure it out by then!  LOL!!!

I'll leave you with a new photo of Cotton and Wrigley:

They were curled up together in my computer chair.  I almost thought I'd have to pull the laptop out!  Heaven knows I won't disturb the kitties when they're sleeping!