
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

More Little Cat Dolls

I like to stitch these little Crazy Quilt cat dolls in between larger projects.  Here are my 2 newest along with closeups of my embroidered seams:

It was a very windy day here yesterday so I did a lot of stitching!  The only good thing I can say about Winter is that I have a lot more stitching time than I do in the Summer!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Crazy Quilt Gatherings Volume #4 Winter 2011 Issue

If you're a crazy quilter, you don't want to miss out on ordering the latest issue of Pat Winter's Crazy Quilt Gatherings Magazine.
This issue is loaded with beautiful crazy quilt photos, tutorials and articles!  You won't be able to put this down!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Kathi's Gingerbread Muffin Recipe

After braving a trip to WalMart yesterday to pick up a few things, I decided to bake some muffins.  This is Kathi's recipe for Gingerbread Muffins.  It's the first time I made these and I must say, they are good!

Twice Ginger Gingerbread Muffins
Prep: 20 minutes
Cook: 19 Minutes
Makes 18

2 1/4 cups flour
2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground Clove
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 1/2 sticks (3/4 cup) unsalted butter at room temperature
3/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
2 large eggs
3/4 cup unsulfered molasses
1 cup boiling water
1/3 cup coarsely chopped crystallized ginger

1) Sift together flour, ginger, baking soda, cinnamon, salt, cloves & 
nutmeg into a bowl.  Mix the butter and brown sugar together in another 
bowl with an electric mixer on medium-high speed until well blended and 
smooth, about 3 minutes.  Add Eggs one at a time and blend after each.  
Reduce speed to low; beat in dry ingredients.  Add the molasses; beat 
several seconds until blended.  Add the water; beat a few seconds until 
2) fill two standard-size muffin tins, coated with nonstick spray, about 
3/4 full.  Bake until tops are set but mixture beneath is jiggly,  10 
minutes.  Remove pans from oven; sprinkle muffins with crystallized 
ginger.  Return to oven; bake until a tester inserted into the center 
comes out clean, 9-10 minutes.  Cool muffins in tins, 15 minutes.  Serve 
warm or at room temperature.

I've never been huge on Crystallized Ginger but 
it's a nice added touch and I really like this recipe! 
Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Large Crazy Quilt Cat Dolls

I finished up the large versions of my Crazy Quilt Dolls:

I love them all but as you know, I'm quite partial to pink!  Anyway, these are available at our Boutique and as well as our Etsy shop.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Blue Crazy Quilt Cat Doll

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  Ours was very nice.  A traditional turkey dinner at mom's with my aunt and uncle.  Good food (mom is an awesome cook) and quiet conversation.

I'm almost done with the stitching on this crazy quilt cat doll:

I just need to add a few little do-dads.  Perhaps a butterfly or 2.

And here is the seam embroidery:

I'll be sewing these up and finishing them today so stop back to see photos over the weekend.

Don't forget, we're offering 10% off at both Kitty And Me Designs website and Kitty And Me Designs on Etsy.  Use coupon code:  BlackFriday.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing all my blog friends a very Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Holiday!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Crazy Quilt Cellphone Pouches

I finally finished up my little Crazy Quilt Cellphone Pouches:

I love making these little pouches.  Well, except for sewing the snaps on!  LOL!!!  I think I'll sew up a few more the next time I have a sewing machine day. 

Today I'll be heading over to my mom's house to help her with Thanksgiving for tomorrow.  First, I have to run to WalMart for a few things.  I want to get there early before everyone else does!

A quick update on my dad.  It wasn't a kidney stone.  Surgery is scheduled for the first week in December.  May I say that I absolutely hate the "C" word!!!!!  I think everything will be okay.  I hope so anyway.  It hasn't completely sunk into my crazy ADD brain yet.  Please keep him in your thoughts for me.

On a final note, we offering 10% off at our Boutiques now through Sunday, November 27th.  Use Coupon Code:  BlackFriday at Kitty and Me Designs & Kitty and Me on Etsy.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Large Pink Cat Doll

Yesterday, at 2 am, I somehow managed to bump my electric wax tart melter that I keep on my stove.  I keep it there so it's away from the cats and I can't burn candles because I forget to put them out.  What can I say?  ADD. So I use a little wax tart melter and Yankee tarts to make my house smell like I'm always baking.  Well, I bumped it while making coffee so I had wax all over my stove and all over the wall behind my stove.  It took me over an hour to clean it all up!

After all that, I said AMEN!  I'm stitching!!!  And I did.  I finished up my Pink Cat Doll:

If you look closely at the photo at the top, you can see his little ears!  I have one more large cat doll to stitch up.  That one is blue.  I'll start on it later today.

In the meantime, here is the seam embroidery from the Pink Cat Doll:

I also finally got my little cellphone pouches all sewn up.  All I have left to do on those is to sew on the trim and the little snaps.  I plan to get that done today.

My dad has a Dr.'s appt. today for that final test.  The others all came back normal.  Mom and I are thinking he passed a kidney stone.  I'll be going with him today in case he needs me to drive home.  I suggested that he just let me drive my Towncar because I'm more comfortable driving my own vehicle but that was a "no go".  Men!  They're so stubborn!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Large Crazy Quilt Cat Dolls and Seam Embroidery

Here I am at 3 am.  Blogging and getting ready to stitch.  Is it Spring yet?  I sleep better in the Spring and Summer than I do this time of year.

My insomnia does pay off at times.  I finished up the stitching on my Purple Cat Doll yesterday:

If you look closely, especially at the top where the dark purple fabric is, you can see the outline of the cat.

And here are the seam embroidery closeup photos:

I'm keeping a Crazy Quilt Seam Treatment Inspiration Gallery page (at the top of my blog).  It's a quick reference for seam treatment ideas.  I was adding the newest photos to the bottom of the page but I've decided to add the new ones at the top.  That way, for anyone who follows my seam treatments, you don't have to keep scrolling down to the bottom to see what's new. 

I didn't get my cell phone pouches sewn up but I did pull the fabrics out for finishing them.  I'd like to get them sewn today.

And I did do a little straightening up in my room and I made a double batch of Pumpkin Muffins and a double batch of Banana Muffins.  I got the laundry done and I started stitching on this Pink and Green Cat Doll:

I'll be working on that momentarily.

The one other thing I did yesterday was to switch out my stitching thread basket.  I had a small one that I kept my threads in but they really didn't quite fit.  I decided to use my Garfield's basket to keep my threads in since my little kitties don't use it.  I don't know why.  Garfield's been gone 2 1/2 years now so I would have thought one of them would have taken it over but they didn't. 

Garfield was a big boy.  18 pounds at his healthiest!  So we had a good size basket for him.  Anyway, it's my thread basket now and it makes me think of him.  I like that.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Purple Cat

Don't you just love waking up at 1 in the morning?  You get so much extra stitching time!

Here's an update on my Purple Crazy Quilt Cat Doll:

I'll probably finish this one today.  I also plan to sew up my 4 little cellphone pouches so I can do the hand finishing during the week and I have to get some clutter out of here.  I don't know where it comes from but it makes me insane!  Actually, it's really just my little computer room that needs straightening up.  That's where I store my supplies and it tends to get cluttered easily.   And I admit, I've had enough of looking at bright orange pumpkins now so I'll be taking those outside today and putting my Fall stuff away.  I really just want my soft pink, everyday things out.  And of course, there's always laundry!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Large Purple Cat Doll

Scott suggested, that since I love making my little crazy quilt cat dolls so much, that it might be nice if I made a few larger cat dolls.  He said they would be pretty sitting on a bed by a pretty embroidered pillow.  I took his advice and sewed up 3 of them.  One in purple, one in blue and one in pink and green.  I started stitching on the purple cat doll yesterday:

These will be approx 10 inches high X 6 inches wide.  I want them to have a very Victorian feel to them. 

In the meantime, I have another bout of Zoloft withdrawals setting in.  I really can't take too much more of this.  I'm down to only 12 1/2 milligrams now.  The withdrawals should be done by January 8th. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Winter Lady Purse Finished

All that's left to do on this is to sew the snaps on:

Yesterday morning, I hand sewed the braid around the design, added the lace and the trim to the bottom.  I'll do the snaps tonight while I watch Gold Rush.

If all goes as planned, I'll sew up my cellphone pouches over the weekend and then I can do the hand finishing on those.

In the meantime, I'm starting to stitch on a new set of projects.  Stay tuned!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Purple Cellphone Pouch

When one wakes up at 2 in the morning, one finds themselves with a lot of stitching time!  I completed the stitching on my purple cellphone pouch yesterday morning:

And here are closeups of the seam embroidery:

If all goes according to plan, I will sew these up and do the hand finishing over the weekend.  In the meantime, I'm working on the finishing on my Winter Lady Purse:

Be sure to stop back to see it!  It's very foo-foo-y!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pink Rose Cellphone Pouch Stitching Complete

I finished up on my Pink Rose Cellphone Pouch yesterday:

Look closely at the lace appliques.  I didn't want the leaves to cover my seam treatment on the right so I gave it a 3 dimensional look by bending that leaf on the right in a downward position.

I loved the way it looked so did something similar with the other 2 leaves and then beaded it all.  I also left the edges of the pink flowers floppy meaning, I didn't tack them down a the tips of the petals.  They're only tacked in the middle and then further supported with the bead work.  It's a little hard to see in the photo but it's quite 3 dimensional and a very interesting technique which I plan to do again on future projects.

Click on the photos to see larger versions.

And here is the seam embroidery for this pouch:

Both of these seam treatments are worked using waste canvas.

I have more 1 cellphone pouch that to stitch and then hopefully, over the weekend, I can assemble them and do the hand finishing:

The colors on this one feel a little odd to me but I know I can work with it.  Let's see where this one goes!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pink Rose Cellphone Pouch

Just a quick update for now on my Pink Rose Cellphone Pouch.  I've hand painted the lace appliques, stitched the seams and started embellishing:

I really like this color combo!  I'm off to do some more beading on this!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Crazy Quilt Snowman Pillow

Mom has out-done herself this time!  Here's the newest in mom's crazy quilt pieces:

Is this gorgeous or what?!!!  This beautiful Crazy Quilt Snowman Pillow is available for purchase in our Boutique.

Treasures from the Flea Market in Grayslake Illinois

I had a lovely morning with my husband today.  We went to the Antique and Collectable Flea Market in Grayslake, Illinois.  One of my favorite Flea Markets in northern Illinois!  A perfect "something to do" the 2nd weekend of every month.  Especially in the cold months because it's all inside!

I found some nice treasure there today!  First, a couple of vintage rhinestone brooches.  Well, one is a brooch and the other little bee pin:

Next, I found some pretty vintage buttons in pink, green and purple:

Some of my prize flea market and antique shop finds are vintage handkerchiefs.  I found quite a few today.  First some Christmas ones:

And then some everyday hankies with pretty flowers:

Something I've been collecting for many years are little vintage cat figurines. Are you surprised?  LOL!!! I have quite a few but they have to have a certain look to them.  They don't have be really old but they have to have that old look.  I found this little one today:

 Last but not least, the piece de resistance.  I found this gorgeous old hat box:

And you'll never guess what it was filled with!!!!!

And can you believe, I only paid $15.00 for the box and all the old lace?  Talk about a Crazy Quilter's dream day!!!!