
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Silk Ribbon Embroidery

I've been in and out of my car constantly for the past few days. I haven't had the energy yet to start on my mom's new cellphone pouch. Maybe later today.

In the meantime, I used the term "SRE" in my last post and was asked what that meant. It stands for Silk Ribbon Embroidery. You can see some on this cellphone pouch:

Painted Lady Pouch

And also on this purse:

Pansy Purse

I made both of these projects last Summer. In fact, the black pansy purse is the one I'm using at the moment!

With Silk Ribbon, you can make 3-Dimensional flowers that look quite realistic!

Click on the images to go to my Flickr site where you can see a larger version.

On a final note for today, I still have 2 packs of cross stitch fabric from my mom's stash in my Etsy shop. These are nice fabrics, Evenweaves & Linens. I just dropped the price to get them out of my way. If you're a cross stitcher, please take a look.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Next Project

As I mentioned in my post for yesterday, my mom asked me for another cellphone pouch. She would like something more simple to wear around the house. My mom is visually impaired and my father, as you know, recently broke his hip so Scott & I insist that mom has her cellphone on her at all times.

This piece is ready for stitching:

Cellphone Pouch For Mom

Now most of you know that simple is not my style! So this will be a challenge for me. This is the last cellphone pouch that I made for mom:

Orange Seascape Pouch

I'll be in and out of my car most of today so I don't know if I'll have the energy to start on this later or not. I am eager to stitch on this one so I am may at least pull some lace and trim out for it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Button Block #24 Completed!

I had yesterday to myself but have been working on really cleaning out closets, drawers and cupboards when I have time. I did manage a wee bit of stitching time yesterday afternoon and completed button block #24:

Button Block 24

The large button is a Victorian hand-painted button that Scott's mom sent to me a few years back.

If you would like to see this one along with the others I've done, click here.

My mom asked me if I would make her a "plain" cellphone pouch. She would like something a little more simple for at home. I told her I don't do "plain" and she laughed! She asked me to try. I'll see what I can do! I'm thinking something with SRE and some buttons. I have a pink one that I sewed up a few months ago so I'll pull that out later and get it set up.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Red Hat Society Lady

Janet recently sent me this photo of her aunt:

Janets Aunt

Janet had ordered the Red Hat Lady purse that I made as a gift for her aunt. Janet graciously gave me her permission to post this photo on my blog. Thanks Janet!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Vintage Iron-On Embroidery Transfers

My in-laws have been here this weekend so we've spent the past 2 days poking around flea markets and antique malls. As you know, I collect vintage iron-on embroidery transfers and although my collection is quite large, every now and then I do find one that I don't have:

Vogart 1

This one came from an all-night flea market that we went to Saturday night. No, we weren't there all night! We went after dinner and we were back by 8:00.

Anyway, I thought I'd share one of the patterns with you:

Vogart 2

If you would like to stitch this sweet little design, just click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can download the large version.

I just split my collection up between two plastic containers. I had them all in one box but I couldn't lift it anymore to get it off the shelf! Anyway, my husband got it down for me so now my transfer collection is easier to get to and I might actually spend a little more time stitching them. I've also used some of them to make cards.

Enjoy the pattern and have a safe holiday!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Update On Button Block #24

As you've probably noticed, I'm a little behind on blogging. I've spent a lot of time helping out my parents and I'm also in the process of really cleaning out my closets and cupboards.

My dad is doing very well but it'll be a few more weeks before he can drive again. He's walking with a cane now and only uses the walker at night when he gets tired so he's progressing very well!

I did get in a little stitching time earlier this week:

Button Block 24

I expect to complete this one soon.

I bought a few fancy Czech glass buttons from Ebay so I need to get in some treadling time too. I want to piece some blocks that will really make those fancy buttons pop! My mom also asked me for another cellphone pouch. She wants something more plain for everyday. Something with some buttons on it. Because she's visually impaired and my father is momentarily handicapped, I insist that mom keeps her cellphone on her at all times.

I'm going to try to keep my posts a little more consistent. It's not like me to not blog every day. I'm doing the best I can here so please hang in here with me.

Don't forget, for my cross stitch readers, I have some gorgeous cross stitch fabric packs from mom's stash in my Etsy shop:

10 Pieces Of 14 Count Aida

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May Take It Further Challenge Completed!

I must say, I was really starting to feel like I've been stitching on this forever! I've just had a lot on my plate this month but I finished it up last night just before the ballgame:

Take It Further May Completed!

Sharon's concept for the May Take It Further Challenge was "How Do You Define Yourself As An Artist?"

As I explained in my first post on the May Challenge, I prefer not to define myself by any labels. To me, that's "ego stuff". Instead, I consider myself to be a channel through which the creativity of the Universal Mind flows.

So instead of working with a focal point theme as I have on the previous challenges, I chose to let this block just go where ever it decided to go. As you can see, it's rather abstract with some feminine qualities. And I must say, it works quite nicely with the other challenge blocks that I've done. If you would like to see them all together, you can find them here.

If you're new to my blog and wondering what I plan to do with my challenge blocks, I decided in the beginning that when the challenge was over, I would sew all of my blocks into a nice wall quilt. My blocks are all 9 inches square so I'm thinking of 3 rows across and 4 rows down.

The rhinestone pin in the top left-hand corner is vintage. Ironically, I just bought that at an antique mall about 2 months ago. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it but when I saw the palette for this month, I knew that pin would work perfectly!

All of the buttons are vintage glass buttons. The large one is a Lacy Glass Button and several are Moonglows.

And speaking of buttons, a serious weakness of mine! I'm going to go back now to my Button Quilt! At least I'll do a block or two. I'm wanting a new purse for Summer too! But I thought I'd do another button block. This will be block #24:

Button Block 24

I'm going to clean out a closet now and then I'll just relax and stitch for awhile. If you would like to see the button blocks that I've done so far, click here.

Monday, May 19, 2008

More Cross Stitch Fabric Packs

I've added some more Cross Stitch Variety Fabric Packs to my Etsy shop:

Cross Stitch Fabric Packs

These include some 14 count Aida, some evenweaves and linens. Help me get this stuff out of my room! Please!!!

I'm almost done with my TIF block for May. I expect to have an update for you tomorrow.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

May Take It Further Challenge - Day 4

I did some more beading on this yesterday:

Take It Further May

I'm not sure where to go with now. I'm thinking of a fan in the bottom left-hand corner and maybe some SRE and some buttons.

For my cross stitch readers, don't forget, I still have a couple of cross stitch fabric packs available in my Etsy shop:

Evenweave Grab Bag

These are from my mom's stash.

Friday, May 16, 2008

May Take It Further Challenge - Day 3

I started the beading on my May Take It Further Challenge block:

Take It Further May

I have some errands to run for my parents this morning and then I'd really like to just park myself in front of my television and stitch the rest of the day.

I made a few more cards the other day too. This one is my favorite:

Crinoline Lady Card

The Crinoline Lady is one of my vintage iron-on embroidery transfer designs. I printed her up on card stock and colored her with colored pencils. Once I cut her out, I added some lace, ribbon and a ribbon flower. And of course, glitter!

I'm off to get ready to run those errands. I hope to have an update on my TIF block tomorrow. My dad is doing very well but it'll be awhile yet before he can drive. I made him some oatmeal cookies yesterday. Yes, I have been baking. Don't fall off your chairs! You'll never catch me cooking!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Handmade Fish Under The Sea Cards

I didn't get to doing any stitching yesterday but I thought you would enjoy seeing a couple of cards that I made over the weekend:

Fish Cards

The top one is for Scott's grandma and the bottom one is for my aunt.

I really enjoy making cards. It's play time for me. If they don't come out perfect, it's no big deal.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May Take It Further Challenge - Day 2

The seams are stitched now so next I can start on some beading:

Take It Further May

I also decided to go with the vintage crystal pin that I mentioned last week. I haven't sewn it down yet, just in case I decide to move it. I always wait until I'm almost done before sewing jewelry down.

Anyway, I should be able to stitch on this a little more later.

I also thought you would enjoy seeing the little cat doll that I made for my friend Kim:

Kims Cat

I always send Kim a little something around Mother's Day.

And speaking of Mother's Day, this is one of the Mother's Day cards that I made:

Mothers Day Card

I made 6 of these. The pansies are one of my vintage iron-on transfer designs. I printed them in B/W and then colored them with colored pencils. And of course you know, I had to add glitter! The leaves are paper leaves that I bought somewhere awhile back. They're for scrapbooking and cards.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Cross Stitch Fabric Grab Bags

My mom has cleared some more things out of her sewing room again. She asked me to sell some of her cross stitch fabric for her:

Cross Stitch Fabric Grab Bag 18 count fabric in Neutral colors

Evenweave Cross Stitch Fabric Grab Bag

These grab bags and more can be found in my Etsy shop.

May Take It Further Challenge - Day 1

After visiting with my mom for awhile yesterday, we came home and I had some free time! I started stitching the borders on my May Take It Further block:

Take It Further May

I'm home today and trying to get caught up on some cleaning and email! I do expect to have some stitching time later today.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I've quite busy helping my parents out and just haven't had time to start on my TIF block for May. I hope to get underway on it this week and I'm eager to make myself a new purse or two as well.

Anyway, I just wanted to take a moment to wish all the mom's out there a Happy Mother's Day.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Take It Further May - Block

I finished up my 23rd button block the other day:

Button Block 23

I still have a long way to go on this project as I want it to be quite large. I'm still thinking I'll need between 80 - 100 blocks.

I'll take a break from it for a bit and do my Take It Further block for May. I did a bit of treadling the other day and this is now ready to stitch on:

Take It Further May

My Take It Further blocks will also be sewn into a quilt at the end of the year. As I mentioned in my last post, I don't like to define myself in any way but as a channel through which the creativity of the Universal Mind flows. This block won't have a predetermined theme but instead, will go where ever it goes. I do have a beautiful vintage crystal pin that matches that periwinkle blue fabric perfectly. I'm not sure yet if I'll be using it but it is in the back of my mind.

Monday, May 05, 2008

May Take It Further Challenge

I didn't get around to stitching yesterday so I thought I would talk a little about my Take It Further block for May.

Sharon's concept is: "How Do You Describe Yourself As An Artist?" Be sure to read Sharon's post on this. You can find it here.

I've always defined myself as a designer. Thinking about it though, that's really just a label describing what I do. In all honesty, I prefer not to put myself in any catagory. I see myself simply as a "channel" through which the creativity of the Universal Mind flows. I take that creativity and based on whatever medium I'm working with at the time, I interpret the idea and apply it to the canvas using the skills and techiniques that I have & know.

After much thought, I have decided to let the block develope on it's own and speak for itself. As always, I will work with the color palette that Sharon chose (she graciously accommodated my request for some pink!) I will see where the block goes and what theme presents itself as I stitch on it.

When I read Sharon's post on this, the first thing I thought of was the "silence between the notes" in music. Or the "empty spaces" between written words. Without the silence or the empty spaces, all there would be is chaos. Truthfully, how would we describe the creativity of the Universal Mind? It just is.

I'm hoping to sew up my block today and start my stitching on it tomorrow. I want to finish up my button block with the cat button first.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Button Block #23

I sewed this block specifically for the Czech glass cat button. I found it on Ebay:

Button Block 23

We're going to head out for breakfast in a little while and then run some errands for my mom & dad. I expect to stitch on this some more later.

I was asked about the accuracy of the DMC matchups for the May Take It Further Challenge palette. They are accurate based on the color settings of my monitor and my printer. All hardware is different so I can only go by what the colors look like on my monitor and my printout. I use a DMC Color Card and I matched them in natural sunlight.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Button Block #22 Complete

I finished up on this block the other day:

Button Block 22

Be sure to click on the image so you can see that Bird Of Paradise button up close. It's really pretty! I found it on Ebay.

Thanks to everyone who commented about my book. As soon as I have a few free hours, I'll move it over to a Print On Demand service. That's probably what I should have done with it in the first place but I didn't know much about those services then and I'm no computer whiz! I'd much rather be stitching than sitting here researching things. Anyway, when I have things ready, I'll let you know.

In the meantime, Sharon B. has posted the Take It Further Challenge concept for May along with the color palette. And she graciously accommodated my request for some pink! I'll talk more about my theme in the next couple of days. I'm planning on sewing up my block either on Monday or Tuesday. For those of you who enjoy using the DMC Floss Color matchups, here they are:

TIFC May Palette

I'm off to bake some cookies for my dad.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Button Block #21 Complete

I finished up the peacock button block:

Button Block 21

I think I did justice to the beautiful peacock that Allie sent to me!

I then started on this block:

Button Block 22

I have a beautiful green glass Bird Of Paradise button for this block that I bought on Ebay 2 weeks ago. Yes, I know the point of this project was to use the buttons that I have here and not be buying more but I couldn't help myself! I have a cat button that I bought on Ebay too! Nothing wrong with a few special buttons on this quilt!

In other news, in regards to my "Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments" book, I've been considering moving it to a "Print On Demand" service. I'm wondering if it's just too much of a pain for stitchers to have to print it up themselves. It's not something that bothers me but I'm wondering if I have readers who would prefer to receive a hard copy in the mail? If anyone would, could you please leave me a comment and let me know?

I'd still like to offer a second volume of border designs (the borders are already to go) and I could do both at one time.

Please let me know your thoughts everyone! Thanks!!!