
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Christmas Tree Purse

Just a few more do-dads and this will be done:

Christmas Tree Purse

The colors in my update yesterday are a bit more true. I used the scanner today.

It really needed all the red poinsettias to move the eye around the block. I wish you could all see it in person. It's so glittery!

I expect to finish this up later today so stop by tomorrow to see the final stitched piece.

Monday, October 29, 2007

A Couple Of Finishes

As I mentioned yesterday, I did finally get to a bit of sewing. Starting with my 2 most recent Comfort Cat Dolls:

2 Comfort Cat Dolls

I promised these 2 to Jo in NZ for shelters in her area so I'll package them up today and mail them to Jo on Wednesday when I go to the Post Office.

I also did the finishing on my little Christmas Lady ornament:

Christmas Lady Ornament

And I pieced a couple of cat doll blocks and I dyed some silk ribbons! Loads of stuff done yesterday!

I finally sat down yesterday afternoon and stitched some more on my Christmas Tree purse:

Christmas Tree Purse

The little sequin poinsettia to the right might not stay. I haven't decided yet. It's just laying there now so I can kind of look at it.

Anyway, I'll stitch on this some more later today.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

More Stitching On The Christmas Tree Purse

I never did get to any sewing yesterday. I did a few chores and then did a few more and before I knew it, I really just felt like stitching. So I stitched on my Christmas purse:

Christmas Tree Purse

When I painted the appliqué, the red and green sort of bled together making a purply pink color in some areas. After I beaded the leaves, I decided that I didn't like the way that looked so I pulled out my Lumier Paints from Jaquard and touched it up a bit. It looks much better to me now. Later today, I'll stitch on this some more.

For now, I am sewing. I've already sewn up the 2 most recent cat dolls that I stitched and now I'll do my 2 recent ornaments. I also want to piece some more cat dolls.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Christmas Tree Purse Update

I started stitching on my Christmas purse yesterday:

Christmas Tree Purse

I know the red flower appliqué looks a bit obnoxious at the moment. Trust me, by the time I'm done beading it, it'll look great!

I'm off to run my sewing machine now.

Don't forget, there's still plenty of time to join in on the Counted Cross Stitch Christmas Mystery Stitch-Along Project. you can find more information here.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Christmas Ornament & New Purse

I finished up the little Christmas Lady ornament last night:

Christmas Lady Ornament

The silver branch to the left of the image is from a glittered floral arrangement pick. I bought a whole bunch of them last year on sale at Michaels. If I can sew it on, I will sew it on!

So, this will be my next project:

Christmas Tree Purse

Christmas is not my favorite holiday. I actually enjoy Thanksgiving a lot more but I thought it would be nice to have a pretty holiday purse. I bought the vintage tree pin at a recent flea market.

I've decided that this weekend will be a sewing weekend for me. I have 5 projects that need finishing so I'll work on those tomorrow and hopefully can spend Sunday sewing up some new blocks. I like to have a whole pile of things ready to stitch on so that's my plan!

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I finished up this little cat doll yesterday:

Sea Green Comfort Cat

As soon as I can get in some sewing time, I'll assemble this and the pink one and get them ready to send to Jo in NZ for the Comfort Doll Project.

I'm off to wash my floors for now. Have a great weekend! I'll see ya on Monday.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Almost Done....

I started on this yesterday but didn't quite get it finished:

Sea Green Comfort Cat

I'm sure I'll have time later today to finish it up and I'll post a photo for you tomorrow.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

More Comfort Cats

I stitched up the brown comfort cat yesterday:

Brown Comfort Cat

These really do stitch up quite quickly. A couple of hours and bam! A pretty little cat doll!
I'm going to stitch one more up and send both of these to Jo in NZ:

Sea Green Comfort Cat

This one kind of screams "under the sea" but I'm not sure that's what I'll do with it. I think it's just the colors. Stop by tomorrow to see where it goes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Model A Block Completed!

I finished up the stitching on this last night:

Car Block

I was at a loss for what to do with the 2 blue patches (see yesterday's post). Janet suggested that I embroider the Ford logo on one of them and I loved the idea but when I traced it out on tissue paper and pinned it to the block, I had a feeling that the Ford logo would distract from the photo of the car. I think it would have been too specific. So thank you very much Janet, for taking the time to email your idea to me. I really liked that idea but I decided to go with simple SRE embroidery instead. I kept the colors muted so they kind of blend into the block and I think I accomplished my mission, which was for the car photo to stand out. Too bad my father in law's car isn't a different color, like red! I really only had brown, blue, green and cream to work with. Kind of boring for me since I tend to like brighter colors, or at least something I use purple on! Thankfully, this worked and I think it's quite lovely! I'll add a top and bottom border and make it into a totebag the next time I have a sewing day.

So on to my next project:

Brown Comfort Cat

Yes, another Comfort Cat Doll. Jo in NZ mentioned to me that she would love to see one of these in person. I decided to make a couple to send to Jo for the shelters on her side of the world. I'll start on this one later today so stop by tomorrow to see where it goes!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Update On Car Block

Car Block

This almost done but I'll admit, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do with those 2 empty patches. I'm trying to keep the embellishments simple and toned down so as not to distract from the car photo.

I have some small tatted flowers that I may used in one of the patches. I'll have to dig around in my stash and see what I have that I can use in the other one.

I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Some Finished Projects

I did some finishing over the weekend starting with my Pansy Purse:

Pansy Purse

I already used this one yesterday when we went to the Flea Market. Unfortunately, I didn't find a single thing! But we had fun looking at all the great junk so that's what's important. And we saw the whole market before it started raining!

My next little finish is this cellphone pouch that I made for Scott's step-mom for her birthday:

Basket Cellphone Pouch

I still have to put the chain on it but I'll do that later today.

I also finished up this Comfort Cat Doll:

Olive Green Comfort Cat

I still have 3 all sewn up and ready to stitch but next time I have a sewing day, I'm going to sew up another pile of them.

Last but not least for finishes, you may remember my little embroidered mermaid that I stitched from my vintage transfer collection:


I was going to work this into a whimsical CQ purse but the design was just too big for the 9 inch blocks that I like to do so I decided to sew it into a little doorknocker and send it to Pat for the Comfort Doll project. I'll package this up along with the green cat doll and mail them to Pat later this week.

Finally, I had some time to stitch a bit more on the Model A block:

Car Block

This theme is a bit challenging so I'm focusing more on color than anything else. I'm planning on doing some more SRE on it later today.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Ford Model CQ Block Under Way

I started stitching on this yesterday:

Car Block

Margaret, my mother in law, loves sunflowers and I was going to do some on here but yellow just didn't work so instead, I'll stick with creams, blues, greens and browns. As I mentioned yesterday, this is a Christmas gift for Margaret. I thought she would enjoy taking it to all the car shows that they go to. I don't think she has time to read my blog. At least I hope not!

I'm doing some Fall cleaning today and have to run this afternoon for my Flu Shot and then I'll get back to stitching on this.

Autumn Blackwork Cat Counted Cross Stitch Chart

I had intended on retiring all of my past freebie designs but I've had some requests for some of them lately and I just can't say no to anyone! I've decided to add all past freebies to my Flickr site as I have time.

Here is my Autumn Blackwork Cat from 1999:

Autumn Blackwork Cat Image & Key

Autumn Blackwork Cat Chart

Click on either image to go to my Flickr site where you can download the large version of the chart & key.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

A New Block

I stitched up the little green comfort cat doll the other day and now it's ready for finishing:

Olive Green Comfort Cat

I was asked which line I sew on. The sewing line is the inside line, the basting stitch. I have a tendency to push the envelope with beads so I hand-baste the sewing line and then I know I can't go any further with beads. The outside line is the cutting line. I top-stitch that with my machine to hold the fabrics in place.

So this one will be my next project:

Car Block

I know a car is a funny theme for a CQ. That's my father in law's antique Model A. This is a gift for Scott's step-mom for Christmas. I'll be making it into a totebag. I thought it would be nice for her to take to all the car shows that they go to.

Anyway, Margaret likes sunflowers so I'll be doing this with yellows, creams and browns. I plan to start on it later today so stay tuned for progress reports.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Pansy Purse Completed & New Comfort Cat

Just a quickie for today. Scott took a couple of vacation days so we've been out and about!

I finished the stitching on my Pansy Purse:

Pansy Purse

I'm glad I listened to ya'll and changed that piece of lace to what's there now. It looks much better and doesn't distract from the pansy pin.

I'm way behind on laundry so I told Scott I need some "home" time later today. I'll start on another little comfort cat in between loads:

Olive Green Comfort Cat

I think this one will be pretty embellished in violet and lavender.

More tomorrow.....

Friday, October 05, 2007

Pansy Basket Purse

A few more do-dads and this will be complete:

Pansy Purse

I'll be away from my computer this weekend so I'll have a photo of the final piece for you on Monday.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Closing Etsy Shop

As I mentioned last week, I'll be closing my Etsy shop shortly. Everything is now on sale so please see if there's something that you would like. Think Christmas gifts!

I'm sure some of you are wondering why I'm doing this. It's really time consuming. Not just in making things to offer there but the photography, listings and uploading photos take so much time. And I really want the room in my guest room dresser to store my personal collection of purses.

I have a lot of things that I would like to make for myself too so I'm looking for more time to do that. I do feel a little bad as it was fun while it lasted. And I put a ton of time into the things I made to sell but sometimes, a person just has to know when to call it quits.

I haven't chosen a date for closing it yet. I'd like to clear out as many things as I can. If anyone wants to make me an offer on any of the wall quilts, I'm more than willing to consider them.

Pansy Purse Continued

Thank you to everyone who took the time to give me their opinion on that lace piece. I too felt it was too pastel so I painted a different piece and I think this is more suitable:

Pansy Purse

I have some pink MOP flower buttons that I can use by the leaves. I think that'll look nice. I'll stitch on this more later today and have another update for you tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Opinions Wanted

I pulled the colors out of the pin for the SRE and they look a little bright to me. I like it and I'm sure not pulling all that out:

Pansy Purse

The painted lace looks a bit muted to me and it's not a problem to change it to something else since I haven't sewn it down yet. What do you all think? Does this work or should I paint another piece of lace in brighter colors? Please let me know your opinion!

On the baseball front, I'd like to thank everyone who sent me "happy wishes" for my Cubbies! It's been a long time for them. Game one is tonight but it starts a bit past my bedtime. It's a 9:00 game and I usually go to bed around 8:30. I'll lay down this afternoon for an hour in hopes of being able to stay awake through a few innings!

At the moment, I'm still trying to stay detached from the outcome. That's a bit challenging and I would just be in heaven if they went to the World Series and I'll admit, I'd be out of my mind if they won! But one thing at a time! First, the Playoffs!

Once baseball is completely over, I have no idea what to watch on television. I guess my DVD player will be going non-stop until April. Really, the only other thing I watch besides baseball and movies is The Food Channel. Which anyone who knows me thinks that's hysterical since I don't cook! No, I do not! But I love to watch other people cook. As long as it's not in my kitchen and I don't have a mess to clean up. I'd always rather be stitching!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Pansy Purse

I started stitching on this project yesterday afternoon:

Pansy Purse

Ok, so I didn't get real far but it's a start. It took me awhile to decide on what lace to use. I kind of spent more time playing in my lace dresser than actually deciding on something to use! I love to sit and piece by piece, refold all of my lace, look at my collection of appliqués and just plain organize it all. I just find it calming and peaceful to play with my stash and just appreciate having it!

Anyway, I'll have more stitching time later today so this piece should start getting a little more interesting.

New DMC Perle Cottons

Several years ago, DMC came out with a set of shaded embroidery threads which they called, "Color Variations". I loved them! Many times while stitching with them I thought to myself, these would be great in Perle #5! DMC must have been reading my mind because they've recently released these threads in Perles:


Aren't these just yummy?!!! Oooof! I wanted to share a photo of them with you before I started using them.

I don't see them listed on DMC's website yet but they are available from Herrshnerr's. Here's the direct link to the thread listing.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Flea Market Finds & New Purse

We went the last flea market of the season up in Elkhorn, WI yesterday. This one is my favorite. It's huge and the prices are really great! They only do this one 4 times per season so I felt a little sad when we left. Thankfully, there are others that run each month all year so as long as it isn't too cold or snowy, I do get a bit of antiquing through the Winter months. And we do have several nice antique malls that we go to when the weather is bad but I just love the outside fair grounds atmosphere!

Anyway, I found some nice things yesterday. First a great pile of vintage embroidery transfers to add to my collection which is quite extensive now!

Flea Market 3

I'm always thrilled when I find some that I don't have!

Next, some really nice old lace:

Flea Market 2

Vintage lace is great because it takes dye very well! There isn't any poly in it!

I also bought a couple of vintage rhinestone pins:

Flea Market 1

The tree is for a Christmas purse for myself. Now, I know you know that Christmas is not my favorite holiday but I thought a pretty Christmas purse would be fun!

The other piece is for a purse for my sister. She isn't huge on crazy quilting but she loves my peacocks with the fancy yarn tails and asked me if I could do one on a purse for her but not with CQ. I thought I'd use a beautiful fabric background, do the peacock and then add some SRE and some crystals. Yes, she does like glitter too! Anyway, I'll make that for her birthday which isn't until March.

So those are my flea market finds from yesterday! Fun stuff!!!

Something I've been looking for but haven't exactly found yet is an antique Singer Sewing machine in mint condition and perfect running order. We saw a lot of them yesterday but all needed work. Either the cabinet needed to be refinished or the treadle was missing or something else was missing. I'm sure I'll find one eventually. I love old things and I thought it would be fun to have one and do my piecing on it and then do my finishing on my regular machine. Which is also rather old as it was my grandmothers. It's one of those really good Singers from the 50's. I know I've put way more miles on it than my grandmother ever did. Anyway, an antique Singer treadle machine is something that I've got my eyes open for now. Don't you just love the thrill of the hunt?!!!

On the stitching front, I finished stitching up this little white cellphone pouch for Scott's step mom:

White Pouch

This is a gift for her birthday which isn't until December but I'll get it assembled as soon as I get another sewing day.

Since I only have 2 more gifts to make and a couple of ornaments, I'm going stitch up another purse for myself next:

Pansy Purse

I pieced this block back in July. The pansy pin came from the last flea market that we went to a few weeks back. It really pops against the black background! The painted lace was a gift from my friend Lula. I've been saving it for something very Victorian looking. Anyway, I plan to do this with lots of purples and plums. I may paint a piece of that lace that I bought yesterday and I want a lot of SRE on this. I plan to start stitching on this later this afternoon so stop back tomorrow to see where it goes!