
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Blue Santa Ornament - Stitching Complete!

I finished up this little ornament yesterday afternoon:

Blue Santa Ornament

This one is already spoken for so I'll get it sewn up as soon as I get back from vacation.

And speaking of vacation, we'll be leaving first thing tomorrow morning for Kentucky. We're going to the Streetrod Nationals in Louisville. So this will be my last post until Tuesday the 7th.

And guess what? I'm going to get to meet Karen South! As you know if you read Karen's blog, she lives in Louisville. I ordered some fabric packs from Karen last week and mentioned to her that we would be in her neck of the woods and she offered to take me to a big fabric warehouse store and a bead store! Oh, and she asked if I would like to see the antique crazy quilt at the Louisville airport! How cool is that? So Thursday is my fun shopping day with Karen.

We'll be at the fairgrounds for the car show all day on Friday and then on Saturday, Scott and I are going to visit Bardstown which is just south of Louisville. Bardstown is a pretty little historical town with buildings dating to the 1700's if I remember correctly. They have lots of little shops and ya'll know I love looking in little shops!

We'll spend Sunday morning back at the car show and then head home around noon. I'll need Monday to get my brains back in my head! I just get so "all over the map" right before and right after a trip. We'll have to get groceries and do laundry and all that stuff so I'll be back to posting on Tuesday.

Until then everyone, have a great week!

Another Vintage Pattern For Embroidered Doily

This is another antique pattern from my collection. It's from a newspaper dated May 18, 1913:

Embroidered Doily Pattern 2

As you can see, it barely fit on the scanner. Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can download the larger version.

I'm not sure I'd want to stitch all of those French Knots but you can substitute seed beads for them.

If anyone stitches this pattern, I would love to see a photo.


Monday, July 30, 2007

New Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments

I didn't get any stitching in yesterday. My sweet husband took me to see Harry Potter. I loved it! I just can't wait for it to come out on DVD!

Anyway, I'll have time to finish up the blue santa ornament later today. I'm starting to get things together for our trip to Kentucky on Wednesday but the majority of packing will be tomorrow.

I worked up these seam treatments quite awhile ago and have been saving them for right before our trip thinking it'll give you something play with while I'm away:

Garland Border

Scalloped Fan Border

Lazy Daisy Garland Border

I've used all of these on my projects and they are lovely! I use 8.5 count waste canvas and #5 perle cotton.

Click on any of the images to go to my Flickr site where you can download the large versions of the patterns. If you're new to my blog, I have a whole album filled with charted seam treatments. Look for it on the right hand side of my Flickr site.

I'm off to get some more things together but please stop by tomorrow to see my finished santa ornament!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Some Finishing

I did the finishing on a few things yesterday. I like to wait until I have 3 or 4 projects to finish and then do them all at once.

Anyway, my first finish is on these little Comfort Cat Dolls for Pats Comfort Doll Project:

Comfort Cats

I absolutely love making these! So there will be more. My first one came out to be about 7 inches high and Pat asked for dolls that were 6 inches. I just shortened my pattern a bit and they're the right size now. Can't you just see a whole basket of these little kitties?

The next finish is my little embroidered squirrel:


I made him into a doorhanger for my aunt for her birthday. This design is from my vintage transfer collection.

I also had time to stitch a bit on my Blue Santa Ornament:

Blue Santa Ornament

All that I have left to do is to add my little kitty and few more little snowflakes and this will be ready to sew together.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Antique Pattern - Embroidered Doily

This pattern is from an old newspaper dated May, 1913:

Embroidered Doily Pattern

Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where can download the larger version.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

New Designs by Kitty & Me

This is my latest leaflet from Imaginating Inc.:


Check with your local needlework shop for availablity.

Vintage Crochet & Tatted Edgings

This is another of the vintage patterns from my collection. It appears to be a complimentary sheet from The American Thread Company:

Edgings 1

Edgings 2

It isn't dated, but I'll ballpark it from the 50's.

Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can download the large version.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Santa Ornament

I started stitching on this little project yesterday afternoon:

Blue Santa Ornament

Yes, I did do a similar ornament last Summer. Anyway, this is what it looks like now:

Blue Santa Ornament 2

We'll be going on vacation next week so for now, I'm focusing on small projects. Today, I would like to trace out a few of my vintage transfer designs. Things I can work into crazy quilts at a later date. When we get back, I'll see if Scott can make me a frame for my peacock quilt. I'm itching to start on that!

Filet Collar And Cuff In Rose Design

This is an antique pattern dated February, 1915. It's from Modern Priscilla:

Filet Crochet Collar

I scanned this at 200 dpi so hopefully, it's readable. Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can download the large version.

If you don't care to use it for Filet Crochet, you can do the rose motifs in counted cross stitch.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Comfort Kitty Dolls & New Autism Design

I finished the stitching on both the green & the pink Comfort Kitty Dolls yesterday:

Green Comfort Kitty

Pink Comfort Kitty

I should be able to sew these up over the weekend and get them ready to send to Pat.

I also wanted to let you know that I've added a new Autism Awareness design to my Etsy shop:

Autism Awareness

All proceeds will be donated to Our Children's Circle.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Green Comfort Kitty

I have loads to share with you today! First, I thought you'd like to see this photo of one of our sunflowers:

Our Sunflower

Scott took this photo on Friday. It grew from seeds dropped by the birds. Actually, we have a ton of them and they're so pretty, we decided to let them just grow! I would like to use this photo on a purse one of these days. I've always loved sunflowers. They're so bright and cheerful!

As planned for yesterday, I finished the hand-sewing on my latest little seascape cellphone pouch:

Under The Sea Cellphone Pouch

This is a gift for Scott's step mom. I'll be seeing her the first week of August and I like to have something to give to her. She loves the cellphone pouches that I've made her so I thought it was time for a new one!

I also worked on Maxine's quilt during the ballgame yesterday. I'll have some highlights for you later this week. When I got tired of working on that, I started stitching on the green comfort kitty doll:

Green Comfort Kitty

If I finish this one today, and I expect I will, I'll start on the pink one next:

Pink Comfort Kitty

I'm not exactly thrilled with how the pink one sewed up but I know I can work with it.

Last but not least for today, I sewed up the side panels for my peacock quilt:


I'm not thrilled with that bright blue in there. It matches the shading in the peacock's body but it looks a little bold to me. I think I can soften it with some ecru colored lace. I don't have any stitching frames that these will fit on so I'll have to ask Scott to make me something. It'll be a little while before I can start on these but I thought you'd like to see the pieced blocks.

Finally for today, I thought my cross stitch readers might like to check out a new blog. Felicia blogs about her stitching at Felicity In Cyberspace. If you have a free moment, please drop by and say hello to her!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sewing & Stitching

I sewed for hours yesterday! I have a lot of new blocks to stitch on as well as a 2 new Comfort Kitty Dolls to work on for Pat's project:

Green Comfort Kitty

I plan to stitch on this later today. The other Comfort Kitty is pink. I shortened my pattern just a bit so when finished, they should be just about 6 inches high. The purple one that I did came out to be 7 inches.

I also did the machine work on my latest Seascape. All I have left on that is the little bit of handwork. I'll complete that today and have a photo for you tomorrow.

I also finished the stitching on my little Squirrel:


I absolutely have to do more with my vintage transfer collection. I love stitching these designs. They're just so charming! This one will be a doorknocker. It's a gift for my aunt for her birthday in October.

So yes, I pretty much played all day yesterday and I plan to do much of the same today. I'll finish up that cellphone pouch, I'll stitch on Maxine's quilt for awhile and I'll start on the green Comfort Kitty.

Please consider doing a Comfort Doll for Pat's charity. They're really fun to make and it feels so good to stitch something special for someone in need of cheer and comfort.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cubs Win!

Finally, I get to see the Cubs win in person! That was such a great game and they beat the Diamondbacks 6-2! I have to say though, 9 innings sure goes by a lot faster at the ballpark than it does on television. It seems like no sooner do we sit down, have a hotdog and then it's over. It was so wonderful and I'm still on cloud 9 over that win!

I did a bit of stitching Thursday night:


As you can see, my little guy has a tail now! I'll stitch on this some more later. Probably during the Cubs game at noon!

For now, I'm sewing. And have been since 7 am! I've pieced 2 more Comfort Cat dolls, an ornament and now I'm getting ready to do the side panels for my peacock quilt. After that, I'd like to sew up a block for my mom for Christmas.

Friday, July 20, 2007

A Beautiful Day For Baseball!

Just a quickie post today everyone. Scott and I will be heading out to Wrigley Field today to see our Chicago Cubbies play!

It's a gorgeous day today! Sunny & 78 degrees. Every time I've been to the ballpark, it's been hotter than Billy Blue Blazes outside! Today should be wonderful! Keep your fingers crossed that the Cubs win today! They've lost the last 3 games that I've been to!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Embroidered Squirrel

I worked on Maxine's quilt for awhile yesterday but I must admit, I kind of started to feel bored. So I pulled out my vintage transfers and chose this little guy to stitch on:


I think he's a Laura Wheeler design. He's on a sheet with all different woodland animals. Anyway, I thought I'd stitch him with yellow & orange flowers. That would give this design an Autumn feel. Not that I'm in any hurry for Autumn!

I also decided that this coming weekend, I will be doing the foundation piecing on my peacock quilt:


I picked up 2 yards of muslin at WalMart today for this. Instead of doing a wholecloth quilt, I'll do the side panels and then the top & bottom borders separately. When I have everything stitched, I'll put it together. I think the side panels will fit on the 15 inch frame that Scott made for me a few years back and the top & bottom borders will have to be worked in my scroll frame. I really don't like the scroll frame but I don't know how else to do it. I dislike stitching in hand so that's probably my best bet.

For now, I'm heading up to Richmond where my showcase is to let the store owner know that I've decided to bring my things home. I'll go up there next week and get them. I'll also drop off the Tarot Card bags.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Another Seascape Stitching Completed

I finished the stitching on this little project yesterday:

Under The Sea Cellphone Pouch

The colors are a bit muted because I used the scanner today rather than the camera. I'll have another photo for you when I get it sewn up.

I also worked on Maxine's quilt yesterday and will have another photo of that soon. I'm not sure what I'll work on next. As soon as I figure it out, I'll let you know!

Teneriffe Lace

This article on Teneriffe Lace is from a women's magazine called "The Designer". The article is circa. 1904:

Teneriffe Lace 1

Teneriffe Lace 2

Unfortunately, there isn't a pattern here to try. According to the article there was one in this issue but it isn't here in this stack of antique articles & patterns that I bought. I'm posting this for reference purposes and because I thought you might find it interesting. The examples are quite lovely.

Click on either of the images to go to my Flickr site where you can download the larger images.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Lots Of Finishes!

Well, I did a lot of finishing on Saturday. The first thing I finished was my Breast Cancer Awareness purse:

Breast Cancer Awareness Purse

One of these days, I'll get better at taking photos! I can't seem to get my things lined up right so they're straight in the picture.

Anyway, this is ready for it's new owner. I'll be doing another one down the road a ways. Kim was kind enough to stitch the ribbon again for me.

Next, I finished my little Patriotic Cellphone Pouch:

Patriotic Cellphone Pouch 2

I have to run into town and when I get back, I'll list it in my Etsy shop.

Speaking of my Etsy shop, I've decided to drop my showcase in Richmond. It's costing me more than I'm making so I'll be bringing my things home at the end of the month and I'll list everything over at Etsy when I have time.

Last but not least, I finished up my kitty for Pat's Comfort Doll project:

Comfort Kitty

I will be making more of these! I love how this came out. I also have an idea for an angel doll and a butterfly!

Also, my mom made 2 dolls for Pats project:

Moms Bunny Comfort Dolls

Aren't these cute? Mom always packages her things up so nicely! I'll get a box out and get everything ready to send to Pat in the next day or so.

In the meantime, I still have to do the finishing on my Tarot card bags. That's my plan for today. And perhaps, I might be able to squeeze in some time to sew up another cat!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Comfort Kitty - Stitching Complete!

I finished the stitching on this little kitty yesterday:

Comfort Kitty

I have a huge stack of pieces that are ready for finishing so I'll be running my sewing machine most of this weekend.

Today's finishing will include this kitty, the B/C Awareness purse and my "better late than never" Patriotic Cellphone pouch!

Stop by tomorrow to see how they all come out!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Comfort Kitty Doll

I spent yesterday afternoon and evening stitching on my comfort doll for Pats Charity:

Comfort Kitty

I'll probably finish this up today. If so, I hope to get it sewn up over the weekend and ready to send to Pat.

After that, I'd like to get to some more stitching on Maxine's quilt. I'm going to set myself up with a few small embroidery patterns to work on here and there. These may be things that I'll stitch and then applique onto Maxine's quilt later. I think it would be easier to embroidery them off-site and then sew them onto the quilt with some trim or lace around the outside.

Antique Embroidery Patterns

I've just scanned and uploaded 4 antique embroidery patterns from my collection. These are from a magazine but there's nothing on these sheets that indicate which one. Nor are they dated. Judging by the pictures in the advertisements on the back, I would say they are circa. 1900.

Antique Embroidery Pattern 1

Antique Embroidery Pattern 2

Antique Embroidery Pattern 3

Antique Embroidery Pattern 4

These patterns are by the Richardson Art Embroidery Club, 220-224 Adams Street, Chicago Illinois.

Click on one of the images to go to my Flickr site where you can download the large versions.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

2nd 1916 Tatting Booklet Uploaded

I just finished scanning and uploading the 2nd of my 1916 Tatting Booklets:

Antique Tatting Booklet  2- Copyright 1916 - Page 3

Old And New Designs In Tatting by
Sophie T. La Croix
Copyright 1916

Click on the image to go to my Flickr site where you can find the booklet (what I have of it) in it's own album.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Breast Cancer Awareness Purse - Stitching Complete!

I completed the stitching on this project last night:

Breast Cancer Awareness Purse

There was a lot of "empty" space to the right of the pink ribbon. I guess I wasn't paying attention to that when I pieced it! Anyway, buttons are a wonderful way to fill in voids like that. These buttons are vintage plastic from circa 1940's.

All I left to do now is to assemble it. When I go into town later this week, I'll pick up some handles for it and can hopefully put it together over the weekend. I still have my little Patriotic cellphone pouch to assemble too. Guess I'm a bit late on that one!

For today, I'm going to sew up a comfort doll for Pat's Comfort Doll project. Mine will be a kitty. I mentioned Pat's project to my mom yesterday and she is planning to make one too!

I'm not sure I'll be able to start stitching on mine right away as I still have some commitments that I have to contend with but at least it will be ready to go.

1916 Tatting Booklet

I've scanned and uploaded one of my antique tatting booklets. This booklet is copyrighted 1916. It's titled Tatting Designs with instructions Book No. Five by Adeline Cordet.

Antique Tatting Booklet - Copyright 1916 - Cover

The back cover is missing from my booklet but you can find the rest on my Flickr site.

The directions are obviously for shuttle tatting but so far, I've found that needle tatting can be worked from vintage and antique patterns.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Treasure Trove Of Vintage & Antique Patterns

I mentioned in my post on Saturday that we had planned on going to the flea market on Sunday morning and that we did!

I went with an open mind, not looking for anything in particular, just going for sake of being there, looking at all the great junk and spending a nice morning with my husband.

My open mindedness payed off! I literally found piles of patterns:

Patterns 1

Patterns 2

Patterns 3

Those 1st 3 photos were one bagful that I paid only $2.00 for! All patterns are complete and uncut! There are only a couple of duplicates to what I already have so I'll share my extras with my mom.

Next I found these:

Patterns 4

2 old Simplicity patterns for stuffed toys. These are so cute! At first I didn't think I'd ever make them. I bought them because I just love old patterns. After thinking about it, wouldn't these make cute CQ dolls? Maybe for Pat's Comfort Doll Charity!

The 2 patterns in the plain envelopes are floral transfers for pillowcases. I have to check my collection and see if I already have those. If I do, again, I'll share the extras with my mom.

My next treasure trove of patterns are these:

Patterns 5

Piles and piles of old crochet, tatting, embroidery & quilting patterns. There are even some here for tennerif lace (did I spell that right?) and some for hardanger. These patterns are from old newspapers and magazines. Some were manufacturer give aways and some were send aways. Some of the things here are just ads in newspatterns for patterns that could be sent away for. They date from the late 1800's through the early 40's. There may be one or 2 from the 50's but most are quite antique and vintage!

The first thing I want to do with them is to pick up a notebook and some clear sleeves so that I can store them safely. I plan to somehow organize them, probably by type. Then, I am going to one by one, scan them and share them here. This is a wonderful collection and I'm sure some of you will enjoy working the patterns. Also, they will be great for research. I will include as much information as I can find on each sheet. Many have dates although some do not. They'll be permanently stored in an album on my Flickr site. I just need a bit of time to get them organized.

So those are my flea market finds from yesterday. All for under $20.00! Is that amazing or what?

One more thing that I would like to mention today is a couple of "give aways" that I have. These were in with that last batch of loose patterns.

First, if I have any collage artists or scrapbookers who read my blog, I have a couple of old hand written letters along with their envelopes. They're from the early 1900's. I will gladly send these off to the first person who emails me with a request for them. I think one of them is dated 1915!

Give Aways

Also, if anyone collects vintage needlecases, I have one that I will gladly send to the first person who emails me with the request. Please, US Residents only! (pamkellogg at kittyandme dot com)

Speaking of old patterns, you may remember the 1919 tatting booklets that I found at another flea market a couple of weeks back. I'm going to be scanning those one by one and sharing those patterns as well. Again, they will be in an album on my Flickr site.

So I have alot that I'm going to be sharing with you very soon. I just need to organize things a bit here first.