
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Pink Purse - Stitching Complete

I'm running a bit late today everyone! Been on the go since early this morning but finally had a few minutes to blog.

I only had a short time to stitch on this yesterday, but it was enough to complete the embroidery and embellishments. When I get to the finishing end of it, this will be a purse.

I'm off to do a few chores and then to start on something else!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Kitty & Me Designs Etsy Shop

Most of you know by now that, I opened an Etsy shop several months back. I wanted to share with you some of my recent finishes which I've added to my shop:

First is this pretty little Baby Room Doorhanger that my mom made. She crayon tinted the design and added a few beads and charms for sparkle:

Baby 1

Next are 2 little Autumn Doorhangers that I made. I hand-dyed the fabric myself and crayon tinted the designs. The Jack-O-Lantern is from my vintage embroidery transfer collection and then, you may remember the pumpkin design as one of mine from the 100 Days project:

Jack O Lantern Doorknocker 1

Pumpkin doorknocker 1

Last but not least, is my Autumn Rose Shoulder Bag. Oh, I just love this one! And it's a new style that I've been doing:

Autumn BAG 1

If you'd like to see more photos, hop over to my Etsy shop. Oh, and I now accept PayPal!!

More Work On The Pink Purse

Pink Purse
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I had some stitching time yesterday and did a lot of embellishing on this. I still have a bit more to do and expect to complete it later today.

I'd like to take a moment to say thank you to every one who left me comments and messages on the 100 Details In 100 Days project. I'm so happy to know that the designs and patterns that I offered you for your crazyquilt projects have and are being enjoyed. I'll admit, I'm a bit sad that it's over! But Sharon's "Take A Stitch" project starts on January 2, 2007 and I'll be contributing to that with more patterns. Sharon suggested that I "take a stitch" and design things based on a particular stitch. Thank you Sharon! That sounds very doable!

I've also decided, since I enjoy blogging every day, on days when I don't have any stitching or other interesting things to share, I might give you fractal or pattern of some type to use in your projects. It certainly won't be everyday since I do usually have stitching time on a daily basis but you never know what might show up here on occasion between now and January so please stop by when you have time!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 100

Well, we've reached the end of Sharon's 100 Details In 100 Days Project. What an amazing series this has been. I'm still blown away by how Sharon's idea for bringing some new life to her blog awakened so many of us and inspired us to add more interest to our blogs.

I've had a wonderful time thinking of designs and patterns to share with you for your crazyquilt projects.

So, for the Grand Finale, I've decided to offer you 3 Fractal designs, bringing those patterns to an even 20. You can find the entire set on my Flickr site. Just click on one of the photos:

Fractal 18

Fractal 19

Fractal 20

Last but certainly not least, I've worked up a new peacock design for you:

Motif Pams Outline Peacock

Stitch this on fabric and then sew into your crazyquilt foundation. You can do outline/stem stitch embroidery or you can bead this. Try crayon tinting or filling the body in with sequins. Lot's of options again!

Sharon's next project will start on January 2nd, 2007. Hop over to Sharon's In A Minute Ago blog to read about it. Sharon has titled the project, "Take A Stitch". Being that I'm a designer, I will be contributing to this project again by offering you patterns of one type or another. It doesn't exactly go with Sharon's theme, but this is what I would like to do.

So everyone, I hope you've enjoyed these patterns as much as I've enjoyed creating them.

Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Pink Purse - More Beading

Pink Purse
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I had a few free hours yesterday to stitch on this project and as you can see, I did some more beading. The plan for later today is to embellish the vine. I also need to add my signature cat. I think I'll stitch him in the bottom right patch.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 99

Motif Christmas Bell
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I guess Christmas is on my mind again! Today's detail is a pattern for Christmas Bell. I would stitch the bell in blue or silver, the holly leaves in green and the berries in red. Of course, you can also do the entire design in Redwork or the colors of your choice.

This project sure went fast, didn't it? I can't believe tomorrow is the last day. I'll see what I can do about coming up with something special for tomorrow's detail.

In the meantime, hop over to Sharon B's In A Minute Ago blog and read about the plan for her to come to the US to teach. Oh, would it be cool to take an "in person" class with Sharon!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Pink Purse Continued

Pink Purse
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I've been so busy doing the finishing on some things, that I haven't had alot of time for this project. But my finishing is done for the moment, so I should be able to focus on this project now.

I did manage a little time to start beading this and hopefully, will be able to work on it again later today.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 98

Motif Teapot
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Today's detail is for a teapot pattern. This will go with yesterday's teacup.

Again, you'll probably want to size this down a bit for a crazyquilt motif or stitch it as is and work it into your foundation as a focal point.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Clover Block Fringe Rework

Clover Block Fringe Rework
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Well, after seeing this on the computer this morning, I did not like the way the beaded fringe looked. So I took it off and hand-beaded it this way. Much better! And quite a bit heavier!

I had no idea what I was doing since I've never done hand-beaded fringe before. It was a "make it up as I go along thing". Which is how I got into designing needlework over 10 years ago. I couldn't find a pattern to suit my needs so I designed one myself. Little did I know where I'd find myself all these years later.

Anyway, this is much prettier and by the way, it took me 5 hours to do this beading! Yikes!

Clover Purse

Clover Block
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I completed the finishing on this yesterday. The trim that I used around the outside is a bit thick so it was rather challenging to handsew on but I got it and does this bag sparkle! My husband, who generally doesn't care for crazyquilting, told me that this is one of the prettiest ones I've made so far.

I added a vintage rhinestone button a the top with a loop for closure. The beads at the bottom are a predone beaded fringe. I think in the future, I'll hand bead the bottom of my bags once the trim is on. I wanted to hand bead this one but my Michaels store was out of green bugle beads so I decided to use something from my excessive stash instead. Yes, if I sold my stash, I could pay off the national debt! But what fun would that be?!!!

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 97

Motif Teacup
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Today's detail is a design for a teacup. You may want to size it down a bit for an embroidered crazyquilt motif but it would make for a lovely themed block. You could also use an applique method and then embroider the details to that.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 96

Fractal 17
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I'm blogging quite early today. We're heading out to a flea market this morning, if the weather holds out, so I thought I'd get this posted early for everyone to enjoy.

Another of my fractal designs for use in your crazyquilts, scrapbooking, fabric postcards or altered art.

Click on any photo to go to my Flickr site where you can download a larger version. Print on an inkjet fabric sheet and enjoy!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Pink Purse Continued

Pink Purse
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
While trying to decide on where to go with this yesterday, I remembered that beautiful vintage pin that I bought at a flea market last Summer so I tried it, and fit the space perfectly! I really liked the way the blue rhinestones looked with the pink fabric so as you can see, I decided on blue to embellish this block.

I'll have time to stitch on this later today so I should have another update on it tomorrow.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 95

Fractal 16
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
It's busy, but it's bright! Yes, another cloudy, dreary day here in northern Illinois!

Print this on an inkjet fabric sheet and use in your quilts, fabric postcards, scrapbooking and altered art.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Pink Purse - Next Project

Pink Purse
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
This will be my next crazyquilt project. A pink purse with piecing done in velveteen, silk, cotton with metallic and a pink chiffon or organza with foil.

I wanted you to see how I do this so I made sure some of the edge shows in the photo. I allow 1/2 inch seams on my blocks which I trim down once the sewing is complete and I mark the sewing line with hand basting. Once the stitching is complete, I pull the basting thread out, trim on the outside line and then sew where the basting line was.

This is a new style for me. It has a point at the bottom and I'd like to add a fancy tassel to it when it's done.

I'm off to put some miles on my sewing machine. I plan to finish my Clover block into a purse, sew up a custom CQ block, finish 2 doorknockers and sew up a CQ block for a Christmas gift. And if all goes well, have some time to start stitching on this purse today! Do I cram too much into my day?

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 94

Fractal 15
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
It's a dark, dreary, rainy day here on the Illinois/Wisconsin border! So, for today's detail, I thought a bright, cheerful yellow fractal would be the perfect design to add some light to the day. At least for me, anyway!

Print this on an inkjet fabric sheet and work into your quilts, scrapbooks, altered art or fabric postcards.


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Clover Block Completed!

Clover Block
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I finished this project yesterday afternoon and as always, feel a bit sad that it's complete. I enjoyed stitching on this one so much!

I add the spider web and a little green spider done in glass beads. I beaded the crocheted shamrock, added the pink flower pin at the top left and the tiny pink butterfly in the bottom right patch. Oh! And I added the gold ladybug charm to the clover leaf.

If all goes as planned tomorrow, I'll be finishing it into a handbag.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 93

Basic Tree
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Today's detail is a pattern for a basic tree. You can stitch this as is and it would be a Winter tree, or add flowers and a few light green leaves for Spring. Fill it with dark green leaves for Summer. Do orange and yellow leaves for Autumn or add green leaves and large red beads for an apple tree.

Lots of options here for this one!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Clover Block Continued

Clover Block
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I had several hours yesterday to work on this. I did alot of beading on it. Honesly, I think I love beading as much as embroidering!

I plan to add a spider and web to the gold brocade on the bottom left. As you know, spiders are considered good luck which goes with the theme of this block. Besides that fact, I just love doing spider webs on my quilts!

Ladybugs are often shown with clovers and I think I have a little gold ladybug charm so I may add that to one of the leaves.

I still want to bead the crocheted shamrock and I see two corners that need something. I leave no patch un-embellished!

My little cat is a bit obscure on this one. One of these days, I'm going to pull out my polyclay and try to make a mold for making my cat into a button that I can just sew on. He sometimes gets lost and I do prefer that he stands out a bit more.

Anyway, I'll be keeping this one for myself and making it into a handbag.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 92

Weeping Willow
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Weeping Willows were a popular motif for the Victorians. They were used quite often in Mourning Samplers as well as on their Crazyquilts.

So, today's detail is for a Weeping Willow tree. Stem stitch the trunk in a brown thread and then stem stitch vines and leaves (lazy daisy stitches) with green. This would look cool worked with those gorgeous varigated or overdyed threads!

Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I Got It!

Clover Block
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Well, look at what I finally got the hang of! Those Cast-on stitches no longer elude me. I think my biggest problem was that I'm used to doing needle tatting and working directly on the fabric, just felt confining. But I was determined to get the hang of it and finally I did! Now I can do some of the grapes I've been wanting to do!

I had wanted them to be green clovers but green just didn't pop out on this so I used a pink DMC varigated #8 Perle Cotton. I'd like to add some vines to connect them but have to decide yet on what color to use. Maybe a light metallic gold thread would show up.

I also did some beading and added some sequins. I expect to finish my work up early today so maybe I'll have a little extra stitching time this afternoon.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 91

Grape Vine
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Today's detail is a pattern for a grapevine. Stem stitch the vine, satin stitch the leaves and then for the grapes, you can do French Knots with #3 Perle Cotton or try using beads (which is what I would do).


Monday, September 18, 2006

Ready To Stitch Crazy Quilt Blocks

As I mentioned earlier today, I put some serious miles on my sewing machine these past few days!

While I had my sewing things out, I put together several "ready to stitch" crazy quilt blocks and have listed them in my Etsy shop:

Blue Block

Gold Block

Purple Block

My work is done for the day soI'm off now to tackle that Cast-on stitch! Hopefully, I'll be able to share my success with you tomorrow!

Clover Block

I didn't have alot of stitching time over the past few days. I've put some serious mileage on my sewing machine! But I did manage to hand-paint the clover applique, the lily-of-the-valley lace and the crocheted shamrock that my mom did for me. I've also sewn them onto the block now so I'm ready to do some more stitching.

Clover Block

I mentioned the Cast-On stitch in my Day 90 post. I've been struggling with it since Sharon shared that detail with us. I've been studying her tutorial on it and I'm bound and determined to get the hang of it! I want to do some shamrock's with it on this block so I am going to try again. Yes, I could just do tatted clovers or shamrocks but why should I let a stitch elude me? Wish me luck! No pun intended! Ha, ha, ha!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 89

Floral Curly Vine
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I've received alot of compliments on the curly vines that I use on my crazyquilt blocks so I thought I would draw up a basic pattern for you to use. I just freehand mine if you've never done that or afraid to try it, this pattern should help.

You'll have to improvise a bit to get this to work on your own blocks. This is just a rough pattern to work from.

Trace this onto tissue paper, pin to the quilt and stitch the design using stem stitch and lazy daisy (detached chain) stitches. Then carefully, pull the tissue paper out and add your embellishments.

You can fill the lazy daisy leaves with seed beads and you can replace the flowers with larger beads or buttons if you like. There's alot of options open for using this design.

A quick note on stitching through tissue, it helps to use the tiniest needle possible. I use a beading needle. A larger needle will tear the tissue which gets frustrating. Thread 1 strand of DMC floss through the needle and then put the 2 ends together so that you're stitching with 2 strands.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 88

Fractal 14
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Isn't this one pretty? I've always loved pink and green together and I'm very fond of mint green!

Print this on an inkjet fabric sheet and work into your projects.

Visit Sharon's blog to read about what she has decided to do as far as the next project goes. Sharon has an incredible knack for "getting the ball rolling" and bringing people together. It's truly a gift that she has.

As I mentioned yesterday, what i would like to do to contribute to the next project, is to offer patterns for crazyquilt embellishments. I have some really cool ideas for this! Does that sound like something everyone would enjoy? Please let me know. These patterns would be for things that would be made and then sewn onto a crazyquilt. Share your thoughts with me.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Kathys Stitched Peacock

Kathys Peacock
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I've been meaning to share this with my readers here all week but I kept forgetting! My brain has been in sewing-mode!

Anyway, Kathy sent me this JPEG and graciously gave me permission to post the photo here. She stitched this little peacock design up and is planning to work it into a crazyquilt.

She did a beautiful job on it and even added some metallic thread!

Thank you Kathy, for allowing me share this photo with my readers.

If anyone would like to stitch this design, you can find the pattern here.

Fish Under The Sea Handbag

Fish Under The Sea Finished
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I've mentioned it before, yes I'm a handbag junkie! I love them. Anything small and unusual, embellished and sparkly!

I've spent the past 2 days doing the finishing on 4 handbags. This one is complete now and I'm just itching to do another Fish Under The Sea block!

I'll be sewing up some new blocks today, as soon as I finish cleaning my house. Yes, every now and then (unfortunately) we have to put our needles down and actually clean something! Ha, ha, ha!!! So if all goes well, I'll have a new fish block ready to stitch soon!

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 87

Fractal 13
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I call this, "Butterfly In A Snowstorm"! Another of my fractal designs from several years back. I hope you can use it in your crazyquilts, scrapbooking or altered art projects. Print this design on a commercial inkjet fabric sheet and work into your projects.

On a bit of a discouraging note, it's come to my attention that there are several complaints floating around out there regarding my fractal designs and why I'm not offering charted motifs at the moment.

I'd like to say that the complimentary patterns that I've been offering here throughout the 100 Days project have had nothing to do with free designs nor have they had anything to do with counted cross stitch.

My intention for offering charted borders and motifs as well as outline embroidery patterns and fractal designs have been my way of contributing to the 100 Days project for the purpose of sharing my abilities and ideas with crazyquilters. And the purpose of this blog has never been for the sole sake of promoting my work as a charted designer. It's purpose from the very beginning was to share my love of various forms of needlework with other stitchers and that will remain the focus of this blog.

I have truly enjoyed the 100 Details In 100 Days project. I'd like to say thank you so much to Sharon B for bringing us all together with such a wonderful and fun project focusing on crazyquilt details. I have seen some truly magnificent crazyquilt work come from this project.

When Sharon decides what the next project will be and when it starts, I've decided to contribute by sharing patterns for making your own crazyquilt embellishments. I have loads of really neat ideas including a tutorial on making "Dryer Sheet Flowers".

In the meantime, for the last few days of the 100 Details In 100 Days project, I will not be doing any more charted motifs. My focus will be on these beautiful fractal designs, charted seam treatments and outline embroidery.

Last but not least, I'd like to say that I've put alot of thought, effort and work into these patterns and designs. On average, it has taken at least an hour of my time each day to do the majority of these designs and post them here. I planned well in advance for my trips, making sure that I had a pattern posted for each day of my absense and then to hear the complaints that I mentioned in the beginning of this post saddens me greatly. I'd like to remind everyone that a little bit of gratitude goes a long way!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Butterfly Mini Purse

Butterfly Mini Purse
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I just sewed up this little butterfly purse. It's so sparkly! I've added this to my Etsy shop.

If you like the butterfly design and would like to stitch this pattern, you can find it here.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 86

Fractal 12
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I call this one "Butterfly On A Watermelon". Isn't this one pretty? This one was done on an older version of my Fractal software which I just loved. The new Win XP version isn't nearly as good and requires alot more time to produce images like this one.

Anyway, you can use this to make your own fabric sheets for your crazyquilts, scrapbooks, greeting cards, mixed media or altered art.

Hop over to Sharon's blog today to read about her ideas for new projects when the 100 Days project is over. I keep thinking about this too and haven't come up with anything all that interesting yet but I'm sure if we all put our heads together, we can decide on something fun to do.

I keep thinking about Sharon's Bag's Of Fun project from last year. I wasn't able to participate in that due to my work schedule but maybe something similiar to that would interesting.

Share your ideas with Sharon or I. Remember, anyone can post comments to my blog now.

On another note, I'm planning to sign up for Sharon's Online Crazyquilt Class over at Joggles. I wanted to take it last time but my work got in the way. Leave to work huh? If you're interested, here's the link.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Clover Block

Clover Block
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
This is my next or rather, current project. I started on it last night. I haven't sewn the lace and trims down yet. I want to handpaint the clover applique, the crocheted shamrock and the lily of the valley lace. I"ll do that today (I hope). I'll be making this into a handbag for myself. You know I love shamrocks! I'd like to do beaded fringe on the bottom but I'll worry about that when I get that far.

I have some finishing to do today on my sewing machine so I'm off to start on that now.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 85

Fractal 11
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I hope some of you can use these beautiful Butterfly & Fractal designs. I've really tried throughout this 100 Days project to give you different things and ideas to use in your quilts. I can see this in the center of a quilt with embellished crazypatch around it.

This is another of my fractals from a few years back. It's suitable for quilting, greeting cards, scrapbooking and altered art.

Sharon B is wondering what to do next when the 100 Days project is over. I've been thinking about this too. I've enjoyed it alot but I will admit, it's been alot of work for me. Designing patterns in cross stitch and outline embroidery as well as the new fractals that I've done is time consuming. I do so hope that some of you have used and enjoyed these patterns.

Crazyquilting has really attracted some renewed interest and I do hope I've contributed to this in some way. I would certainly like to continue on in helping to attract more interest in this beautiful artform. So hop over to Sharon's blog and read her post for today and if you have any ideas on what we can do next or what you would like to see, please drop one of us a comment or note.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Autumn Rose Block Complete!

Autumn Rose Block
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I finished this project last night. The only other thing I might add is a satin ribbon bow to the rose stem.

I plan to do some finishing later this week. I want to finish this, my peacock handbag and a few other things.

My husband took this off the frame last night for me and told me that it didn't meet the weight requirement! Ha, ha, ha! He's too funny sometimes!

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 84

Fractal 10
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Of all the fractal designs I've done over the years, this one has always been my favorite. I was looking through some things on my computer yesterday and remembered that I have several from a few years back that I use quite often for greeting cards.

I'm sure with a little imagination, you can work this into a gorgeous quilt!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Autumn Rose Block

It rained here all day yesterday. As you can see, I had alot of time to focus on stitching!

Autumn Rose Block

I've been working with my Carol Samples book and trying to do some different stitches rather than relying on the old faithfuls that I always use. Instead of my traditional feather stitch, I did the maidenhair stitch. And being that it has a floral theme, I of course had to add a spider web. I really like doing them.

I've also been using 10 count waste canvas on this piece rather than my usual 8.5 count. It makes the stitches a bit smaller.

When I complete this, I'll be making it into a handbag for my Esty Boutique.

And speaking of my shop, I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in some ready-to-stitch pieced blocks? I imagine I have some readers who would love to try crazyquilting but are without a sewing machine or maybe you don't know how to do the foundation piecing.

Please give me some feedback on this. If anyone is interested in something like that, I can sew up a few and post them in my shop.

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 83

Pams Cardinal Bird
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Today's detail is a cardinal bird. Crayon tint him or stitch him as is. And you can certaily leave the holly off you like. I thought it would be a nice addition for a Christmas themed crazyquilt.

Happy Stitching!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 82

Fractal 9
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Today's detail is another Fractal design that you can use to make your own fabric sheets using either commercial inkjet fabric or another method of transfering images to fabric.

This is suitable for crazyquilting, greeting cards, scrapbooking or altered art.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

100 Details In 100 Days - Day 81

Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Today's crazyquilt detail is an alphabet for personalizing your crazyquilt projects. The lower case letters are a cursive alphabet. The bottom row shows how the letters connect to each other.


Friday, September 08, 2006

A Wee Bit O' Me Plunder!

As promised, I thought I'd share a few photos of the fun things I found in Galena. First are some beautiful yarns that I bought in the yarn shop. They had a whole basket full of these little 3 yard skeins for textile artists:

Fibers and Beads

The beads came from a shop called, The Bead Bar. These black beads also came from The Bead Bar:

Black Beads

One of my prize finds was this highly sought after book by Carol Samples, The Treasury Of Crazy Quilt Stitches. I found this in a fabric store called Phat 1/4's :

CQ Stitches

And as you can see by this block which I started on last night, I'm already putting my new book to good use:

Autumn Rose Block

When I complete this project, I'll most likely finish it into a handbag for my Etsy Boutique.

I bought some other things too including a gorgeous beaded Victorian style handbag. I'll post a photo of that tomorrow.