
Friday, June 30, 2006

Finished Things

I mentioned earlier this week, that I got alot of finishing done this past weekend. I've added these items to my Etsy Boutique:

Good Luck

I thought this was finished a few weeks back, but when I saw it on the monitor, it needed something else. So I added the rosebud trim and then hand-painted the lace butterflies and added them. It's really pretty in person.

Poodle Bag 1

This is my Perky Poodle Handbag. The design is from one of my vintage Vogart transfers.


My Bird & Teacup handbag is from another of my vintage transfers.

Moms Cellphone Bag 1

Last but not least, the prettiest little cellphone pouch I've ever seen! Crocheted and beaded by my mom!

I've really got to get better at taking pictures. Photography is not my medium!

Strawberry Block Day 7

Strawberry Block Day 7
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
As I mentioned yesterday, I wanted more strawberry beads for this project. Smaller ones. So got out my little box of poly clay and made some myself.. They 're really cute and worked out quite well on the feather stitch to the right. I also added sequins to the lace at the bottom. I know some crazy quilters don't care for using sequins but I love sparkle and they certainly add that!

100 Details For 100 Days - Day 10

Today's seam treats are based on a lattice-work theme. I worked a basic design which you can customize or do as is. Then I worked another 2 borders for you which are a bit more detailed.

I hope you enjoy them. If you would like to see some of these designs in action, visit Sharon's In A Minute Ago blog to see her fabric postcard. Sharon used several of the borders to do a band sampler and then she made it into a really cool postcard for her journel. Notice that Sharon customized some of the borders too! Which is what I hope other stitcher's will do. Add your own ideas to them!

Lattice Work Basic

3/4 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Lattice Work

1 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Lattice Work 2

1 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Strawberry Block Day 6

Strawberry Block Day 6
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I started adding beads to this block yesterday. I filled in the lazy daisy flowers and leaves with seed beads, added some Czech glass beads and seed beads to my charted circle border at the top, attached my glass strawberry beads, which I've been saving for this project, to the vine on the left of the big strawberry. I wish I had some smaller strawberry beads. Since I don't, I think I'll get out my Poly Clay stash and see if I can make some!

More tomorrow!

Seam Treats For Thursday

Today's offerings are for the simple little box stitch. Perfect for waste canvas! I've worked a basic box stitch chart which you can use as is or add your own embellishing ideas to it along with 2 more variations:

Box Basic

1/2 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Box Variation 1

1 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Box Variation 2

1 1/4 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Ready To Stitch

As I mentioned yesterday, I ran my sewing machine all weekend. I can't believe how much stuff I got done! I did alot of finishing and I sewed up 7 more crazy quilt blocks:


I also did some crayon tinting on the iron-on transfer designs I traced last week:


Now to finish my work for the day so I can get to stitching!

Wednesday's Seam Treats

Straight Stitch Flower Border

1 1/4 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Fan Stitch Flower Border

3/4 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas


1 1/4 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Remember, you can click on any photo to go to my Flickr page where you can download a larger version of these patterns.

If anyone uses these designs, please let me know where I can see a photo of them!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Strawberry Block Day 5

Strawberry Block Day 5
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
A quick update on my Strawberry block. I added the pink buttonhole wheels which was inspired by Sharon's Day 2 seam treatment. It's a bit of a variation.

I also added the satin stitched leaves (from my charted maple leaf border) and then the buttonhole fans at the bottom. I'm going to start adding beads and other do-dads now and we'll see where this goes.

More tomorrow.

Basket Kitten 2 Handbag

Basket Kitten 2 Handbag
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I spent the last 3 days running my sewing machine. I got so many things finished! I also sewed up some new CQ blocks. But I'll start with this little Basket Kitten Handbag. Is this just too cute or what! I love making these. I'll share more of my finishing over the next few days.

The Feather Stitch for Tuesday's Seam Treats

One of the girls at the Hand Embroidery Yahoo Group pointed out to me that if I do 3 seam treatments a day for 100 days, that would be 300 designs! Somehow, that sounded really cool to me so that's what I'm shooting for! Since I only offered my readers 2 yesterday, I'm giving you 4 for today!

Sharon set the theme for today's seam treats by discussing the Feather Stitch on her In A Minute Ago blog. I love the feather stitch. Not only is it a beautiful stitch but it's so much fun to do! So I've charted the basic feather stitch for you and then am offering 3 different embellished versions.

If you need help with how to do the Feather Stitch, click here.


Feather Basic

1/4 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Feather 1

1 1/8 inches wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Feather 2

7/8 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Feather 3

1 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Monday, June 26, 2006

Seam Treats for Monday

Herringbone And Fan

1 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Algerian Eye Variation 1

7/8 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

If you need help with specialty stitches, be sure to visit Sharon's Stitch Dictionary. Sharon has diagrams and descriptions for every special stitch imaginable!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Seam Treats for Sunday

Yes, I'll just refer to them as "Seam Treats" now. Kind of has a nice ring to it!


1 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas


1 1/8 inches wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Floral Border

7/8 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Click on any photo to download a larger photo from my Flickr site.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Basket Kitten 3 Handbag

Basket Kitten 3 Handbag
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Last post for today! I just finished sewing up the Vogart Poodle and Basket Kitten #3. I'll share the Poodle tomorrow maybe but thought I'd post this since I have a few minutes before the dryer shuts off!

It didn't quite fit on the scanner but I think you can see it well enough. The beaded fringe at the bottom are little leaves. I used satin cording for the little handles.

Tomorrow, I plan to do some more finishing! I'm on a roll!

Vogart Poodle

Vogart Poodle
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Why or why aren't there more hours in the day to stitch?!! I only had enough stitching time yesterday to complete this little Vogart Poodle design. Once I rince the tracing lines out, I'll be sewing on a little satin bow to the top of his head instead of stitching the bow on.

Since I must embellish, I replaced the french knots with seed beads. I'm off to attempt to do some finishing on my sewing machine, this little design included!

Saturday's Chart Seam Treatments

Here are today's seam treats. Sharon mentioned to me that these could be used on little band samplers too. Geez, why didn't I think of that? My brain is in crazyquilting mode and can't think of much else! Be sure to stop by Sharon's In A Minute Ago Blog to see her embellishment series "100 details in a 100 days".

Fan Stitch Rosebud

1/2 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Star Flower

7/8 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Daisy Border

1 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Friday, June 23, 2006

Vogart Poodle

Vogart Poodle
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Besides crazyquilting, I've been wanting to play with my extensive collection of vintage iron-on transfers. So I spent 2 hours yesterday afternoon tracing a few of my small patterns. As I mentioned the other day, I'm really into cool little handbags so I want to make a few and thought it would be a neat use my transfers.

This is a Vogart design.

Strawberry Block Day 4

Strawberry Block Day 4
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I only did one seam on this yesterday. I used the "Circle" design that I posted below. At the moment, it greatly competes with the strawberry print, but once I bead it, it will really pop out! It looks really cool in person! I plan to add some large beads to the center of the cirlces and then of course, seed beads to the fans.

Friday Seam Treatments


1 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Fan Variation 2

7/8 inches wide on 8.5 count waste canvas


1 1/8 inches wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Strawberry Block Day 3

Strawberry Block Day 3
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I decided to go back to this project since I haven't had time for sewing. I like to stitch in the evening while I watch a little television. Anyway, I added some vintage lace (Gina do you recognize the piece at the top?) and then I did some embroidery on two seams.

I'm really into unique handbags lately so I think I'll make this into a handbag rather than a wallquilt which was my original intention.

I expect to have more stitching time later today so hopefully, I'll have an update for you tomorrow.

3 More Charted Seam Treatments

Leaves And Berries

1 1/4 inches wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Fancy Box

1 inch wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Fan Variation 1

7/8 inches wide on 8.5 count waste canvas

Click on any photo for a larger version at my Flickr page.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Satin Stitch Maple Leaf Seam Treatment

Satin Stitch Maple Leaf
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Ok, one more for today. I did this one awhile back but just updated it.

On 8.5 count waste canvas, the width is 3/4 of an inch.


Charted Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments

Again, I couldn't squeeze in any stitching time yesterday. I will be stitching today! But I had this cool idea to chart out some seam treatments for crazy quilts. After all, I'm a professional charted pattern designer and I have the software!

Then this morning, I was reading Sharon's In A Minute Ago blog and she's decided to do a series of posts regarding seam treatments, 1 each day for 100 days. What a cool idea! Be sure to check out her blog!

I can't say that I can promise a new seam treatment everyday for the next 100 days. But I do think it would be fun to do a couple a week, esp. on days when I don't have any stitching to share.

So here are my first 2 charted seam treatments:

Lazy Daisy Flower Seam Treatment

Finished width on 8.5 count waste canvas will be approx. 1 3/8 inches.

Fan Seam Treatment

Finished width on 8.5 count waste canvas will be approx. 3/4 inches.

I usually pin my waste canvas to my block, running one of the blue lines in the waste canvas along the seam. You can repeat the pattern as many times as needed to cover the seam. When completed, pull the waste canvas out one thread at a time.

I also usually use #5 Perle Cotton but feel free to use whatever threads you have.

Click on the photos to go to my Flickr album where you can download a large version.

Feel free to embellish like crazy! And I would love to see photos if you use these patterns!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

New Stitcher's Blog

I don't have any stitching to share today. I had wanted to sew up some more 5 inch blocks but didn't get to it yesterday. I had to wanted to stitch on the Strawberry block but didn't manage to make time for that either.

So today, I'll point you in the direction of Lillian's blog, Crazyseoulsister. Lillian lives in Korea and has shared some beautiful photos of her area along with some of her stitching. In fact, she just started a new crazy quilt project so please hop over to check out her blog.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Basket Kitten 3 Stitching Complete!

Basket Kitten 3
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I finished this up last night. These small blocks do work up kind of quickly if you can sit still long enough to work on them!

I had wanted to sew up a few more 5 inch blocks today but I don't know if I'll have time. Still have some yard work to do and that always and forever pile of laundry!

Guess I'll go back to the Strawberry block for the time being.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Basket Kitten 3

Basket Kitten 3
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I started this the other night but forgot to scan it first. It's the 3rd in a series of 3 Basket Kitten designs. I'll make this into a small handbag for myself. I'm very fond of pink!

I'm surprised how much I enjoy doing these little 5 inch blocks. With the larger blocks, I can use wider lace and bigger do-dads but the little ones are so much fun and I really can squeeze alot of stuff on them!

In case anyone is wondering, my Cubbies lost the other day when I was at the game. They're really having a bad season and I think most of us Cub fans already know that the World Series won't be happening for us this year, again! But hey, at least I got to see them lose in person! Wrigley Field is such a beautiful ballpark and although it was quite warm, there was a nice breeze blowing. And on that breeze, the wonderful smell of hotdogs! Mmmm.....

Friday, June 16, 2006

Basket Kitten 2 Complete

Basket Kitten 2 Complete
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I finished this one last night. As you can see, I added the buttons, the butterfly and the leaf charms. I embellished my signature and added some more beads.

I actually started on Basket Kitten #3 too but I forgot to scan it first. I'll save that to share with you tomorrow.

Today, I'm off to Wrigley Field to see my Chicago Cubs. They're doing really bad this year so I know they won't be going anywhere! But it'll be nice to see Wrigley Field again. I haven't been there since 1987 so I'm sure it'll be fun. I actually prefer to watch Baseball on TV. I never know where the ball is when I'm at the ballpark!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Basket Kitten 2 Beading

Basket Kitten 2
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I did alot of beading on this yesterday. Sure wish the scanner would pick up on the sparkles! I'll be adding buttons to this later today and might even be able to complete it.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Basket Kitten 2

Basket Kitten 2
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I started this over the weekend and will be finishing it into a small hangbag. I really like handbags and thought that would be a nice way to finish some crazyquilt pieces. Hope to have time to work on this later today. If I do, I'll post an update on my progress tomorrow. In the meantime, I have to do some pattern work.