
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Dryer Sheet Pansy

Dryer Sheet Pansy
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
If you own Judith Montano's "Floral Stitches" book, you'll probably recognize this pansy pattern. Judith did hers out of velvet.

I wanted to do something cool with my painted dryer sheets so I used Heat & Bond and applied them to pastel solid colored cotton fabric. Once I had everything bonded together, I used some iron-on interfacing on the back of the pansies.

I drew up the leaves myself but they're not attached at this point.

I used 3 strands of DMC embroidery floss for the blanket stitching and I think I'm going to do some tatted rings for the centers with beads. Then I'll embroider the black lines in and some veins on the leaves.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Teacup Bird

Teacup Bird
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I mentioned earlier this week, that I wanted to do some simple embroidery before starting on another crazy quilt block.

This little bird with a teacup is I believe, a Superior Transfer pattern. Can't remember for sure though as I traced it out awhile back. I'll make it into a pillow eventually.

I'm still working away at getting the finishing done on some projects. I got behind on alot of things and am now trying to catch up.

The Moonlit Peacock quilt is completely done now. I added my quilt label yesterday.

I'm off to try to finish up a few more projects.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

More Fun With Dryer Sheets

Dryer Sheets 3
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
As promised, here are scans of the dryer sheets I did yesterday. They're not nearly as dark as they look here. They're very pastel and really just have a hint of metallic sparkle to them from the paint.

I dyed these first with Jacquard dyes. Once dry, I brushed just a bit of the Jacquard Lumier paint on them. This produced a different effect than what I did the day before.

As for what to do with them, I plan to use them in my Crazy Quilts. They can be torn to produce a soft, ragged edge or cut with scissors in various shapes such as leaves and flowers. They can be layered over other fabrics and since they're not stiff from the paint, embroidering on them should be rather easy as long as there's a foundation fabric underneath them.

As soon as I get some more of my finishing done, I'd like to play with them a bit and see what I come up with.

Thanks to everyone who emailed me and offered to send me some. I think I'm good to go for awhile now!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Autumn Peacock Block Complete

I just finished adding a few more beads and leaves to this block and now it's complete. It certainly has the look of Autumn with all those falling leaves! And it works fine with the other 2 in the series. Now to figure out a fabric combination for the Winter block.

The one thing I have to do tomorrow is to get my quilt label on my large peacock block. And I still have to do the finishing on the Shamrock block that I did awhile back. Maybe later this week.

I'll have more painted dryer sheets to share with you in the morning. I have some cool ideas for those too!

Dryer Sheets

Over the weekend, I picked up the Summer 2006 issue of "Cloth, Paper, Scissors" magazine. Published by the same company as "Quilting Arts" magazine, this one appeals to the mixed media artist more than the art quilter but on occasion I buy a copy for inspiration. After all, Crazy Quilting is simply a form of collage art.

Well, there's an article in this issue by Denise Warner called, Fibertastic Adventure and what caught my eye was her suggestion for using dryer sheets in fiber art or paper collage.

Now, I don't use dryer sheets, I use liquid fabric softener so I mooched a few dryer sheets from my mom (actually a whole box) because I just had to try this!

Dryer Sheets 2

This set was done by actually running the sheets through my washing machine and then my dryer with a load of clothes. Then using a big fat stencil brush, I worked Jacquard Lumiere Paints (available at Michael's) into the dryer sheets.

Dryer Sheets 1

This set was done by soaking the dryer sheets in my kitchen sink until the fabric softener was out of them and then I put them in the dryer with a couple of towels. Once dry, I stretched them out a bit and then painted them. As you can see, they're a little more sheer than the first set I did.

To see larger photos, click on the pictures.

I have another set drying on my countertop in the kitchen at the moment. And yet another set in my dryer. Will share those tomorrow.

The scanner really doesn't do these justice. They're sheer and natural looking and can be torn or cut for a ton of different uses. I'll share some of my ideas when I post the next couple of batches. For now, I have to get some x stitch design work done.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Rosebud Trim And Finishing News

Rosebud Trim
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I've been busy as a bee here, trying to get some things in order and some projects finished up. Life has been a bit crazy and unpredictable for quite some time now but it appears that all may be settling down now.

I was in WalMart this morning, and found these pretty rosebud trims on the clearance shelf in the craft dept. I think the yellow one might work nicely on the Easter block!

I completed the finishing on the large peacock quilt yesterday. All that's left to do is to add my quilt label. I don't know if I'll be able to get that done tonight or not. I have several other things to finish up as well.

I don't mind doing finishing, but it isn't all that exciting so I tend to wait until I have several things that need to be finished and then do them all at once.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Sneak Preview

Easter Block
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I didn't stitch on the Autumn Peacock block yesterday. Instead, I did some finishing on my sewing machine and then sewed up 2 more blocks.

This one will be an Easter themed block with a chick done in punchneedle.

The other block is a Strawberry theme but I'll wait to post that one until I start on it.

I would like to do some simple iron-on transfer embroidery before I start on this block and I do have to finish up the Autumn Peacock too.

I was going to do the Winter Peacock block yesterday as well but I just couldn't get a fabric combination that I was happy with. If I have some time, I may try again today.

I plan to do the finishing on my large peacock block today. I have to layer it and then bind it. No border on that one, just black binding. I'll get a photo of the full quilt up here as soon as I can.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Autumn Peacock Block Day 8

Autumn Peacock Block Day 8
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Almost done! I added my signature yesterday along with some more beads and several leaves scattered here and there.

I may add another leaf or two and a few more beads and then I think that should be about it. I'm trying to keep this consistent with the other 2 blocks in this series so I'm avoiding the urge to "embellish like crazy" on this!

The last in the series will be the Winter block. I'm thinking it should be be in greys, blues and maybe some light mint green. I'll have to get my fabrics out and see what works. I'd like the peacock to be white so he'll need to be on a fabric color that he'll show up on.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Autumn Peacock Block Day 7

Autumn Peacock Block Day 7
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Not alot of stitching to show for yesterday but some. I added the glass flower beads to the trim at the bottom, added the seam treatment to the feather patch and then the little fan stitches along the lace trim.

I want to do some more beading on the green trim and add some beads to those fan stitches. I still have to add my signature as well. I hope to have more to share tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Textile Work

Just found Muriel's work at Flickr. Wow! Take a peep if you have time!

Satin Stitch Maple Leaf Border

I received several emails asking about the maple leaf seam border that I used on the Autumn Peacock block. I charted it out for those of you who would like to use it.

Pin a piece of 8.5 count waste canvas along your seam line. Stitch the design according to the chart and then carefully pull the waste canvas out. I added beads once I had the WC pulled.

I didn't have time over the weekend to work on the Autumn Peacock block but I'm hoping to have a few hours later today. If I do, I'll post my progress tomorrow.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Peacock Feather Pattern

Peacock Feather
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
One of my readers asked me how I do the feathers on my peacock blocks. I thought I'd go ahead and post this pattern again for those who missed it a couple of weeks ago.

I trace it onto tissue paper, pin it in place on the block and embroider it using 2 strands of cotton floss and 1 strand of Kreinik Blending Filament.

Too keep the tissue paper from shredding as I stitch, I try to use a beading needle but it can be challenging to thread with 3 strands. Just try to use the smallest needle possible.

When stitching is complete, carefully tear away the tissue paper from under the stitches. I usually have to use a pin to get some of it out.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Autumn Peacock Block Day 6

Autumn Peacock Block Day 6
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
This block is coming along nicely, although I'm a bit undecided on what to do with the seam where the feather is. I think it needs something simple.

I use alot of 8.5 count waste canvas when doing my seam embroidery. It gives me the ability to do perfectly spaced stitches, something I'm not good at when doing it freehand.

I'm really eager to do a more heavily embellished block but I'm trying to stay within the same style as the first two in this series.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Autumn Peacock Block Day 5

Autumn Peacock Block Day 5
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I finished stitching the feather yesterday. Based on the scan, it appears to look just fine running off the block.

I added the fan stitch border under the peacock and then with waste canvas, satin stitched some maple leaves on. I've posted the charted pattern in case anyone would like to use these. Just click on the photo and that will take you to my Flickr page where you can download the pattern.

I haven't pulled the waste canvas out yet. I'd like to add a border along the edge of the leaves.

Satin Stitch Maple Leaf

Satin Stitch Maple Leaf
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
This little charted leaf can also be used as a Shamrock.

I used 8.5 count waste canvas and 1 strand of 3 ply Watercolor thread from The Caron Collection.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Autumn Peacock Block Day 4

Autumn Peacock Block Day 4
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
As you can see, I did some more fill in on the peacock, added the tail and an autumn leaf pin that I found at a flea market last Summer. I also started the peacock feather which is going to be "off the block" a bit because I need to leave room for some sort of seam treatment.

I'm trying to stay consistent on this one with the Spring and Summer block since this will part of a four block bellpull. I didn't like the idea of running the feather off the block but I think it'll look ok when it's complete.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Autumn Peacock Block Day 3

Autumn Peacock Block Day 3
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Yesterday afternoon, I added some braid to the ribbon across the top and then started to embroider the peacock. I still have some fill-in to do on the peacock and I need to define the wings some more. Once that's done, I can do the tail and add the leaf pin.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Autumn Peacock 2

Autumn Peacock 2
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I did get around to starting this block on Sunday. I added some trim and embroidered one seam. Hopefully I'll be able to sit still and work on it more later today.

I have a pretty Autumn leaf pin that I'll use for the peacock's tail. The peacock will go in the large orange patch and I think the feather will have to be in the brown patch above it. I don't think there's room anywhere else for it but I'll try a few different things first before I actually embroider them on.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Four Season Peacock Bellpull

You may remember these 2 blocks that I did last Summer:

Spring Peacock

Summer Peacock

I decided to work these into a 4 Seasons Peacock Bellpull. The Autumn block is ready for stitching now:

Autumn Peacock

I may be starting on this later today if I have time. I'm a bit restless at the moment, can't seem to sit still but I'm hoping by the time my Cubs Baseball game starts, that I'll be settled enough to stitch. I'll share the progress as usual.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Valentine Ornament 6 Complete

I've completed the last of the Valentine ornaments. I really love this one, the colors, the composition. The light blue fabric almost looks like snowflakes.

I have another small peacock block ready to stitch. You may remember the 2 I did last Summer. I'll repost the photos when I start the next one. My intention for them is to do a 4 seasons peacock bellpull.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Valentine Ornament 6 With Embroidery Day 2

As you can see, I had some time yesterday to work on this. I added the lazy daisy leaves and some beads and then of course, the button cluster to the top right. I'd like to add a few more buttons on the left and of course, some more beads. I also have to add a little applique to my signature.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Valentine Ornament 6 With Embroidery

Here's the last of my Valentine ornaments. I started work on this the other day and hope to have some time later to add more to it.

After this one, I think I have one more block that I can stitch on and then I'll have to piece a couple of blocks.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Valentine Ornament 5 Complete

I actually stitched this from start to finish yesterday! I've suddenly had a new found interest in using my buttons on my quilts. And thank goodness because I have enough for this lifetime and my next!

I have one more Valentine ornament to stitch and I may be starting that shortly, after I fold a load of laundry and finish up my Kitty & Me paperwork for the week.