
Friday, January 20, 2006


I just wanted to let you all know that I'm a little backed up with work right now and it will probably be a few days before I can get back to posting.

If you're having withdrawals, please check the sidebar for a list of links to my favorite blogs.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Valentine Ornament 3 Complete

I finished up this little ornament last night. Had a terrible time getting my little cat to look nice on the green velvet.

I started Ornament #4 and will work on that one more later today.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Valentine Ornament 2 Complete

I completed this one last night and started on #3. They really go along pretty quickly. My husband actually likes this one. Maybe it's the colors.

Lacy Glass Buttons

Lacy Glass Buttons
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I thought my crazy quilting friends would enjoy seeing these beautiful buttons that I received from my dear friend Chris for Christmas.

These are vintage Lacy Glass Backpainted Buttons. They are so beautiful! They're like little gems!

No, I won't be using these on any of my projects. I'm going to ask my dad if he can make a frame for them so they're safe and so that I can hang them on the wall.

I wish I was better with the camera. They are so sparkly in person!

I finished Valentine #2 last night so I'll scan that sometime today and post it later.

Another Beautiful Gift - Garden Jewels

Garden Jewels
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I received this beautiful framed x stitch piece from my dear friend and model stitcher Kim for Christmas. This is "Garden Jewels" and it's one of my designs. I did it as a mystery project last Summer. Kim and I share a great love of hummingbirds and it just means so much to me to have Kim's beautiful and perfect stitching hanging in my home.

I currently have this piece hanging in my Living Room but I'll be moving it into my computer room here shortly. I just have to take 2 other framed pieces down and fill one of the little nail holes. I think it'll look great in here. My walls are sponge painted a light green and I have wisteria stenciled over the door and window corners. I'll take another pic when I have it hanging in here.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Mom's First Attempt At Crazy Quilting

CQ Doorknocker
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
This is my mom's first attempt at Crazy Quilting. It's a small heart shaped doorknocker. I have it hanging on the corner of the mirror on my antique dresser. Not bad at all for a first attempt! This was for my birthday as well.

I have a few more gifts to share with you and I'll do that tomorrow.

Also, I've almost completed the Valentine Ornament #2. I expect to have the ready later today so I'll share that tomorrow as well.


Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
One can never have too many totebags! Especially when you're a stitcher!

Mom made this for me for my birthday.

Basket Pillow

Basket Pillow
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
My mom made this beautiful crayon tinted pillow to go with the quilt that she made for me for Christmas.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Redwork Snowman Pillow

Snowman Pillow
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Thought I would share one more photo with you today. This wasn't a gift. I made this redwork pillow about 3 years ago. I found the picture on one of my clip art CD's and it looked old fashioned so I decided to stitch it. The fabric border came from Keepsake Quilting. I had the fabric first so I just matched the DMC thread color up to that.

Embroidered Pillowcases

I didn't stitch last night. I sat down to stitch and suddenly ran out of steam. So today, I'll share the 3 sets of pillowcases that my mom made for me for Christmas:

Pillowcase 3

Pillowcase 2


Again, if you click on the pictures, you'll go to my Flickr page where you can see larger versions of them.

I believe these were all prestamped kits that my mom bought. The last one is my favorite. I love those big fat yellow bumblebees!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

My 1930's Style Quilt

I just transferred all the photos from my digi onto a CD. So, now I can start sharing them here.

It will take me awhile to write up the directions for making a doorknocker so I won't do that today. Instead, I'll start sharing something of the beautiful gifts I received for Christmas and my birthday.

I'll start with this wonderful 1930's style quilt that my mom made for me for Christmas. She used reproduction fabrics and machine quilted it.

30s Quilt 3

30s Quilt 2

30s Quilt 1

To see larger photos, just click on the pictures and they should take you to my Flickr page.

I've already had to wash this thanks to one of my cats!

More tomorrow!

Valentine Ornament 2 With Embroidery

I've completed the embroidery on the seams for this block so next I can start to embellish it. I have to do some x stitch design work on my computer today but I do expect to stitch on this some more this afternoon.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Valentine Ornament 1 Complete

I just completed this. I thought I would have some troubles working on a small scale but as it turns out, I didn't. I actually love the fact that it went so quickly! Nice to have some instant gratification sometimes!

I also sewed the borders on my large Valentine block that I was working on back at Christmas. Next I'll have to pull out some lace to frame the block and hand sew that on.

And, I sewed up that little doorknocker. The one with the animated kitchen things. I took photos of the process and as soon as I make time to get the photos from the camera to here, I'll post the finishing directions.

Now I'll start on Valentine ornament #2!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Valentine Ornament 1 With Embroidery

I have the seams covered on this little block now so next I'll be adding some beads and other little embellishments. It didn't take very long to do the seams on this.

Linda was wondering if I'm using a hoop. Yes, I cut my foundation fabric about 11 inches square and I have it my 7 inch hoop. The stitching area fits perfectly so I won't have to move the hoop at all.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Valentine Ornaments

I was so taken with Linda's little angel Christmas ornaments using one of her Dover books that I decided to put one of my Dover books to good use!

Dover Book

I scanned 6 of the little Victorian pictures, gave them a pastel clouded background and printed all 6 on a sheet of printer fabric. I cut them apart and worked them into 5 inch blocks. After re-reading Linda's post today, she made hers 4 inches square. Oh well, 5 inches isn't that much bigger!

Valentine Ornament 1

Valentine Ornament 2

Valentine Ornament 3

Valentine Ornament 4

Valentine Ornament 5

Valentine Ornament 6

I can't imagine that these will take any too long to stitch up. I found it difficult to work on such a small scale when foundation piecing so I wonder if I'll run into the same issue when stitching on them. I guess I'll find out soon. I plan to start on one later today. I'll post my progress as usual.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Good Luck Block Day 5

Good Luck Block Day 5
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
More progress on the Good Luck block. As I mentioned earlier, I wanted to keep the seam treatments light and airy. The crocheted shamrock that will go in the center is delicate and I didn't want to over power that with heavy seam embellishments.

I added the spider web in the upper left hand corner. The Victorians believed that spiders were good luck so I felt it appropriote for this block. I did the web with a sparkly pearl thread by The Caron Collection and then added the pink spider.

My signature is in the bottom left hand corner and I found a pretty key pin in my junk jewelry from my flea market trips.

I don't feel I can go any further on this block until my mom has time to crochet the little shamrock for me. She said she would do it this week sometime. Once I have that on, I can figure out what else it needs or doesn't need.

I really wish you could all see these in person. They are so sparkly! And the sparkles just don't show up on the scanner.

Anyway, I'll figure out what else I want to work on in the meantime. And I still want to share some of the beautiful handmade gifts I received for Christmas. Maybe I'll get the little computer out later and transfer photos from the digi.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Good Luck Block Day 4

Good Luck Block Day 4
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
My Good Luck block is coming along nicely. I added flowers and beads to the curly vine and then did some lazy daisy stitches for leaves filling the inside of them with tiny gold seed beads.

I also covered the seam at the top right with fan stitches and beads. I used waste canvas to keep my stitches perfectly spaced. I do my feather stitches that way too.

I can see that the top left needs some white as does the bottom right. I also need to decide where to put my signature.

I'm keeping this one on the light and airy side as the crocheted shamrock will be more delicate than the applique I did on the valentine block. I don't want to overpower the shamrock with heavy seam treatments but I do like alot of embellishments on my blocks.

Stay tuned for further updates.

Curly Q Vines

Curly Q Vines
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
I've recently received alot of compliments on my curly q vines and I've been asked how I do them.

I just freehand them. I choose a starting point and begin stitching. I've always used alot of curly q's in my x stitch designs so that's probably why I'm comfortable just freehanding them.

But for those of you who aren't comfortable with that, I drew out a pattern for you. If you click on the image, it should take you to my Flickr page where you can download the pattern to your computer. If you open it in a graphic program, you should be able to adjust the size of the pattern as desired.

Once downloaded, simply trace the vines onto a piece of tissue paper, then pin or baste it to where you want it on your quilt and stem stitch.

Once your stitching is complete, carefully tear away the tissue paper. Then you can add flowers, beads, lazy daisy stitches for leaves or anything else you'd like.


Thursday, January 05, 2006

Good Luck Block Day 3

Good Luck Block Day 3
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Well, this block really seems to need both pink and purples!

I did some curly q vines yesterday and then the feather stitch with some beaded lazy daisy petals.

I'm off to figure out what it needs next!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Good Luck Block Day 2

Good Luck Block Day 2
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Again, not a whole to show but sewing beads and trim on takes time.

I mentioned in an earlier post that I asked my mom to crochet another shamrock for me like the one on the hat of my Lucky quilt. She hasn't had time yet so for placement purposes, I printed out the one in the photo of my Lucky quilt and pinned it on. It's a twinge larger than the actual size but that's ok.

I think this is going to need some pink too. But now for some of my signature curly q vines!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Good Luck Block Day 1

Good Luck Block Day 1
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
Ok, it's not much yet, but it's a start!

I'm trying to decide on what main color to use. I always associate violets with shamrocks so maybe shades of purple would work well.

I know some of you are wondering, based on my post yesterday if I'm going to continue on with Cross Stitch design. The answer is yes, I am not giving up charted design work. I just spend my personal stitching time doing other things now. So not worry.

I'm off to work on this some more now so I should have another update for you tomorrow.

Monday, January 02, 2006


First, I would like to say thank you to Sharon at In A Minute Ago and Linda at Chloe's Place for their very lovely compliments on my work. It was afterall, Sharon's beautiful Unicorn block, which appeared on page 57 of the Winter 2002 issue of Quilting Arts magazine which inspired me to to try my hand at Crazy Quilting. And then it was Linda's blog and her incredible stitching which inspired me to start blogging.

My first crazy quilt project is far from what I do now. I didn't have any books on crazy quilting so I pretty much did my first project from a "blind" perspective.


Although my work has evolved greatly since I did this pillow 2 years ago, it's still very pretty and makes a lovely addition to my mother's sitting room.

I think what attracted to me to crazy quilting was that in some way, it reminded me of fractals, a computer generated version of chaos.

I discovered fractals years ago. I was digging around in the filters and special effects in my graphic program and I found that my software included a fractal generator. Combined with other special effects, I came up with some really beautiful abstract artwork!


From this design, I created this art quilt:

Purple Art Quilt

I printed my fractal design on printer fabric, did the crazy patch around the outside and then embellished it. I can't say I want to do a ton of these but this was a fun project. I finished this about a year ago.

So why crazy quilting and not cross stitch anymore? As I mentioned earlier, I've evolved dramatically over the past few years. I've moved beyond just wanting to copy patterns from paper to fabric. Cross stitch, although I still love to look at it and I enjoy designing it, it's become too flat and linear for me. It's the same stitch over and over. I found myself rushing through a project to get to the next and then rushing through that one to get to the next, never truly being able to enjoy what I was working on. There was really no longer any thought or challenge in it. It became very mechanical.

I've always been good with color and composition and I've always enjoyed a variety of needlework techniques. Crazy quilting is an outlet for my abilities.

Sharon mentioned in her post today, that she's wondering if blogging assists in my stitching output. To be honest, the answer is no. I've always stitched alot. I remember when I was little, my maternal grandmother would tell me that "idle hands are the devil's workshop". Ha, ha, ha! I think after hearing that for the first 12 years of my life, it embedded itself into my subconscious mind and I now feel that my hands must always be doing something productive to keep me out of trouble!

So why do I blog? When I started blogging, I was hoping to show my cross stitch followers that cross stitch is only one needlework technique and that there is a whole world of wonderful things that can be done with needle and thread. And I've only skimmed the surface! There are still a ton of techniques that I haven't tried yet. But they're on my list!

My blog intentions have since changed slightly. I blog now simply to share my work with my readers. Every morning, I get online and visit my favorite blogs while drinking my coffee, hoping for eye candy from Linda, Sharon, Gina and Vicki. From crazy quilting to outline embroidery, vintage linens and cozy, handmade crafts, these ladies never let me down. I hope my readers enjoy the eye candy here on my blog as much as I enjoy visits to my favorite blogs.

Today's offering is this fun little animated design from one of my vintage Vogart transfers. I stitched this up last night while watching television:

Animated Vogart

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year And Good Luck Block

Good Luck Block
Originally uploaded by Kitty And Me.
First, I'd like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year!

I thought I'd start out the new year by sharing my next block with you. This one will be titled "Good Luck".

Some of these fabrics were left over from my "Lucky" quilt and I still have some left over! But I love the St. Patrick's Day theme so I'm sure I'll find a place to use them again.

I'm not sure when I'll start on this but it will probably be sometime this week.